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[书法美术] 第九届PHE国际中小学生幼儿书画大赛征稿通知

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-16 22:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PHE国际青少年书画大会在国内外师生的广泛参与及世界各界人士的支持下,已走过了八年的光辉历程,迄今已发展成为一个国内外最受广大青少年儿童欢迎的美育品牌。2009年,正值伟大的中华人民共和国成立六十周年、澳门回归十周年之际,为了展示广大青少年儿童积极向上、追求美好生活的时代精神,弘扬PHE国际青少年书画大会“和平、健康、环保”的主题,贯彻大会“提高儿童艺术素养,塑造儿童完美人格”的宗旨,更进一步体现广大青少年儿童的爱国主义情怀,中国艺术教育促进会决定举办“第九届PHE国际青少年书画大会”,现将有关事项通知如下:- j' V4 d, Q( A/ D4 t$ y
2 C( _+ l6 \' W) z) Q5 A; o
一、征稿细则+ v2 Q# Q! b1 j! T, u+ E9 K
: y8 `' b. D" v; s5 ?3 H7 [6 a2、主题:(1)祖国万岁(2)其它健康向上的内容均可。
; H& m, B0 d, C' {7 F3、画种及规格要求:画种不限,包括书法。中国画和书法最大不超过四尺整纸(63×138厘米),雕塑和手工制作可以照片参赛(7寸以上,需清晰并有辅导教师签字证明),摄影作品7寸以上,电脑绘画打印成B5或A4、A3纸。其余作品不得超过整纸四开(54×38厘米),提倡小尺寸作品,以八开或十六开尺寸的作品为宜。
$ t6 q7 Y2 c: _: E1 M: f4、投稿地址及联络办法:5 X) U& q4 [0 l
投稿地址:北京市海淀区北洼西里颐安嘉园17号楼PHE办公室! v7 I8 s1 E& Z# G  C8 }: M
收件人:黄芬  邮编:100089
" V* M# ?( m$ y" ^  O" G& S电话:010-68461392  小学组转11,幼儿组转12,中学组转13,校外培训机构转16: b; G( |2 K3 ?4 I" r
传真:010-88510578  PHE工作QQ:332563181+ F+ A. Q! d$ W2 F/ m0 j7 `
网址:www.phe.org.cn    邮箱:phe2001@126.com1 S2 \3 Y5 `9 A2 \
) c  \! _; L/ T% v注意:邮寄后请将凭证保留好,以便后期查询。
, S  B" I$ f9 f' [- y二、个性画册工本费
1 r" B; C, ?" D' n所有参赛者无论是否获奖,都将获得首页为自己作品的个性画册一本(16开彩色精印)。组委会将按下列标准收取工本费:
9 B2 y0 S. j! b1、中国大陆每件参赛作品收取人民币30元;1 F! ~2 i! w! b5 K5 L
2、港澳台地区每件参赛作品收取港币或人民币50元;6 C' u/ s: h7 O. `1 c. Y3 |
7 A% F2 ], h* @$ V5 Z6 i) \——工本费一律通过邮局按投稿地址汇款,请勿放于作品中邮寄。汇款后要保留好存根,以便后期查询。
9 Q: k/ Q$ w* |6 N/ e三、评委会1 V' B" e( N" N% g$ D
) d: I8 p& d* j3 W5 v四、奖项设置和评奖办法(更多详情请登陆PHE官方网站www.phe.org.cn
3 }3 ^! K% t" ^8 d1、奖项设置:
' E/ p0 {6 d3 q, o" ^# Z) L学生奖:每一万件作品中评出特等奖10名、一等奖100名、二等奖200名、三等奖400名,优秀奖在复评中评出,纪念奖为除上述奖项外的参赛者。
% {( X  {+ p4 U! H9 s- k教师辅导奖和单位集体奖:特等奖、一等奖、二等奖、三等奖和优秀奖。
- Z. ^1 t. a0 y2、评审原则:公平、公正、导向
7 ~: i% h+ Z7 a. {$ o) z3、分组评审:幼儿组、小学组、中学组/ _2 [# V  t# h, f8 X. F
4、评审程序:初评、复评、终审+ D; K$ D# Y) m. [, k" v! k
/ t* w9 o$ C, W6 ^# b( ?' c2 Z! M学生奖:综合参考年龄、艺术水平、技能技巧、地域以及品相等因素。教师辅导奖和单位集体奖根据积分并归入相应等级。/ u6 ]% ?5 S6 t- d$ q( `" |
五、奖励办法( T! p  p' G2 {# _
1、学生奖:根据获奖等级可获得证书、奖章、精美个性画册、相应奖品及权威媒体公布并送样刊等奖励。, p5 q5 \. ?3 q7 W
2、 教师辅导奖:积分达到要求可获得精美证书、相应奖品及权威媒体公布并送样刊等奖励;
: o! v* ]% y5 X+ E! A3、集体奖:积分达到要求可获得精美大奖牌、精美证书等奖励。
% m8 q' `/ V" T0 s; Q+ R. M! a六、其它参赛回报/ d1 C  U2 ]* s! c4 l8 X
1、获得特等奖、一等奖的作品将有机会推荐到联合国纽约总部作为联合国儿童基金会年度贺卡设计方案和赴国内外展出,组委会将及时在官方网站(www.phe.org.cn)上公布相关情况。! X/ j9 U& X' P6 j
2、组委会拟定于2009年8月份在北京及相关旅游景区举办颁奖大会(包括颁奖典礼及一系列主题活动),届时将邀请各级教育部门领导、获奖学校领导、师生赴会参加活动,同时邀请相关媒体跟踪报道,制作专题。详细情况以组委会后期的通知或大美教育网发布的信息为准。: N8 e$ u" x7 {: n. t% W
3、为答谢多年来一直参与本活动的广大辅导教师,也鼓励更大范围的组织学生参加这一有益活动,组委会决定继续在辅导教师奖中专设美术教育成就大奖。并设有有免费赠阅《中国美术教育》、《美术报》、《中国中小学美术》一年;在大美教育网站名师风采专栏介绍;颁发美术教育成就大奖证书;推选为国际艺术教育与人生发展学会常务理事,并颁发聘书等奖项。& k8 X- Y2 t* K, A0 q
/ ]* D1 `( c# n6 z5 l7 Q5 n  \" U1、组委会还将在《美术报》、新浪网少儿频道、大美教育网等媒体发布相关信息,敬请关注。
: I# ]1 a( ^0 d' f2、组委会拥有活动的最终解释权。* O: ~3 j( v+ _; p1 M5 q

# ]5 H* L# v2 _! ^& N5 ?                                              PHE国际中小学生幼儿美术书法大赛组委会5 I3 |% }. D5 {) c' h  @
; Q% ^" z) Q5 J+ v6 S
0 {, G5 y& i0 B- f5 XContribution Wanted for% t; M! F& d$ L1 e, t
The IX PHE International Youth Calligraphy and Painting Competition: b' v3 h3 U7 [6 v9 s0 m! l8 \. C
# D) ]  v. w6 N! R, V+ W8 ^
The PHE International Youth Calligraphy and Painting Conference has successfully achieved a glorious history in the past eight years since its birth. It has become a widely recognized and global popular art education brand in the youth group. In the year 2009 at the 60th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and also the 10th anniversary of the Return of Macau, whilst pursuing the objective to demonstrating the positive and optimistic spirits of the Youth group, carrying on the theme of our event: “Peace, Health, and Environmental Protection” and our aim to “Improve the art accomplishment and characters of the Youth”, the Society of Art and Education Promotion of China decides to hold the “Ninth International Youth Calligraphy and Painting Conference”:
/ ^3 e, _1 m0 A6 ]5 R- J$ f; tI. Contribution regulations
* n; F1 ?& Q8 n1. Target group
" o& K% M' s$ {0 t# FYouth aged from 3-18 from middle schools, primary schools, youth clubs, cultural house, art house, vocational school, and all other training institute.
7 k6 H7 Y" n/ @" H2. Theme: (1) Long live my home country; (2) Other themes with positive attitude and life philosophy.
8 [/ J. N8 b. W/ J% _/ I6 A3. Style and specification of the contribution: No style limit, including Chinese character calligraphy. The dimension of Chinese painting and calligraphy should not exceed a 63×138cm sized paper. For sculpture and hand works, photo contributions are accepted (larger than 7 inch and with clear signature of the instructor. Photographic work contribution should be larger than 7 inch, and computer art should be printed on B5, A4 or A3 paper.  Other works should not be larger than a quarto layout (54×38cm). We recommend that the contributions be presented in small dimensions such as octavo or sixteenmo layout.+ o, C+ ?2 C% [
4. Address and contact for contribution  O8 C7 w2 W* J8 i$ p/ \% v
Address: PHE Office, Building 17, Yianjia Garden, Beiwaxili, Haidian District, Beijing.
$ j" {6 d# ~, S4 hRecipient: Huang Fen   Post code: 100089) S7 K% J& h" N
Phone:010-68461392  Primary 11,Kindergarten 12,Middle school 13,Institution 16% `, G5 \) G$ i" y" U7 e  o
Fax:010-88510578  PHE QQ:332563181( z# D) d/ S% u( P/ D+ s
Website:www.phe.org.cn    E-mail:phe2001@126.com" V& d0 @1 Y4 z- @
5. Closing date: June 10th, 2009 (by local postmark)' M' @  d/ a! D4 x: [4 s
Note: Please keep your post receipt for later inquiry.
* |) Y6 k: g6 r" `' N8 _II. Customized gallery fee) }- }( a6 [# s
All the contributors, whether win a reward or not, will be given a book of customized personal gallery (color printed in sixteenmo). Thus we charge a basic cost fee to each contribution work according to following standard: - M' c! U# O. t+ u, c/ [; E
1. China mainland contributors: 30RMB for each contribution piece
. u5 X$ J$ R& @2. Contributors from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Districts: 50 Hong Kong Dollars or RMB
2 Z5 A: r8 T: o. r5 ?, ^3. Other regions: 15 dollar per contribution piece
/ Y8 Y- m/ Q3 r# R% M——The fee should be transferred through local post office to the contribution delivery address. Please do not put money in the contribution work package. Keep the remittance receipt for later inquiry.) S4 }; e% J' z# N3 M
III. Committee of the Conference5 N4 [, p6 m; P# I
Experts and senior teachers in art and art education sector
" L- j; s. o& \  o6 E5 wIV. Prize and bonus distribution and evaluation (for more details please visit the official website of PHE: www.phe.org.cn)
7 _- m9 O' ~5 c, k2 K1 ~) b5 M1. Prize distribution
& J% x! I1 D: `. m) v6 M% I3 |Prizes in student group: for every 10 thousand contributions, we give 10 top class prizes, 100 first class prizes, 200 second class prizes, 400 third class prizes. In contribution reviews, we also give out excellent prizes. Other contributors who did not get any of above prizes will be awarded with memorial prize./ m. J( O" i. T/ c
Prizes for the teachers and institutions: top class prize, first prize, second prize, third prize and excellent prize.
5 m+ y* J. y! F+ S; t4 [: f2. Principles of evaluation: Fair, equal and leading
) D- _7 w: N5 V& T3. Prize groups: Child group, Pupil group, Middle school group
+ R7 |6 k# [: o# |( |4. Procedures of evaluation: Initial evaluation, review, and final evaluation+ R: O% ^, I5 i. R
5. Evaluation basis9 F; L4 h8 `" ]
Student prizes: the contribution works will be evaluated comprehensively by factors such as age, artistic performance, skills, regions and work performance, etc. The instructor and institution prize will be categorized by scores and rankings.
9 Z. |1 v* P5 J4 B% q" kV. Awards: x2 S0 Z  G& z
1. Student prizes: certificate, medals, customized personal gallery book, prizes and published on professional media (offer publication samples)( P" F5 m3 d" Q, H+ p
2. Instructor prizes: certificate, prize, announced on professional media (offer publication samples)/ `. X8 \5 ^1 P8 w$ d  O. C$ w4 I
3. Group prize: medals and certificates at certain score ranking. l, U  s$ |- }+ J
VI. Other awards  i. x) p; a$ |. G1 B
1. Contribution works winning top class and first class prize will be awarded with the opportunity to be recommended as candidate UNICEF annual greeting card design and attend exhibitions held in and out of China. The organizing committee will make announcements on the official website (www.phe.org.cn).' D; _: L% D' r: F
2. The organizing committee is proposed to hold an award party in Beijing in August 2009 (including the ceremony and several theme events). In the ceremony, we will invite officials from education authorities, the executives of the prize-wining schools, teachers and students to join the event. Meanwhile, we will also invite some media to report the ceremony and formulate special topics on the publications. Specific details of the event will depend on the information released through notices of the committee and the information on Damei Education Network.
5 g2 M! A- g5 n* x( x( y3. To show our gratitude to the loyal supporter of the conference, and also to encourage more students and organizations to join us, the organizing committee will continue to fund the special award of art education achievement for the instructors of art students, offering the award winner with: one year free magazine of China Art Education, China Art Weekly, China Middle School Art; a special column on the Damei education network to introduce the winner; art education achievement prize certificate; nominate as the standing director of Society of International Art Education and Life Development with employment letter and other award certificates.
$ N' |  n8 @( J% j7 DVII. Other affairs5 g  q& \; p! f2 q4 k3 i
1. The organizing committee will also release information on China Art Weekly, Children channel on SINA.com.
% A. K8 l. E4 M7 A# J0 S2. The organizing committee reserves the final rights of interpretation of this event.3 _4 f9 j* b6 }5 l
8 y) V% V9 r( _0 i: i
Organizing Committee of PHE International Youth Calligraphy and Painting Competition8 y: _& I* T& D
January 29, 2009


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-23 18:52 | 显示全部楼层


1997年:* y. E1 Y0 L: p2 D4 L' B# v
1、筹备首届全国中小学生美术书法大赛。7 q/ R) J1 `: P6 b
5 G5 k3 K9 v8 ~. Y# W1998年:/ F6 L$ L" g' Y0 Q+ A0 g, q
, U1 N+ d' B+ j2、全国中小学美术书法大赛中有近百幅优秀作品被中国美术馆收藏。. d; D6 A9 h  M/ n
3、出版大型画册《世纪之花》及获奖作品光盘。: v) I  x, q; ]3 Q
1999年:5 N. g  q) {4 @* V5 P( F9 z+ F/ M
6 [- Z: U9 }, j! w. }" {: V3 V3 h2、大赛获奖书画作品展在首都师范大学美术展览厅举行。
. ^4 w$ V  z! L; y/ d/ d5 w3、出版大型画册《世纪礼赞》。
2 r1 S' }: U5 z0 S5 U# c2000年:
0 w; K/ J2 ^7 U; t: F) q. @1、国际中小学生幼儿美术书法大赛举办。6 n7 U' p. m# t4 R/ x$ Q6 b
: B3 `( t: b7 l) C! Q2 ~5 U3、世界各国首脑、联合国教科文组织及各国使节共同声援并签名支持“和平颂”活动。
/ L& F. N& Q- p" P( h7 z4、首届小画家村写生营在蓬莱开营。% j  K% T2 K( ^6 i1 v9 M
5、出版大型画册《走进新时代》。$ X( I1 i5 ?) Y8 U! Y
2001年:3 i: n5 h8 F4 h9 G. S  `0 \9 @
1、“PHE 国际青少年书画大会”创立,并确定了品牌化发展的方向。7 k9 y! t+ v0 x$ `8 g# i" ?
2、PHE 大学生知识竞赛在蓬莱举办,吸引了包括中国人民大学在内的全国十八所著名高校参加。# o% @% ~' D" p/ }0 q$ q" v/ B
3、举办首届全国教师美术作品展。' n2 ?0 t. {. E' L; ]. k  h2 Y; k
4、出版首届PHE 个性画册《国际中小学生幼儿美术书法大赛作品集》。8 t2 _4 D' B2 M: C, f
5、出版《中国当代书画名家小品集成》。* |! k4 `2 q. H$ K( T( b
2002年:  q( U  r" ?( t; p, q5 {' U) K
1、举办第二届PHE国际中小学生幼儿美术书法大赛。& ~7 _4 c( N( D) I
6 p; o6 T, O+ z" C( t0 `3、举办规模宏大的小画家村写生营活动。3 i% ~9 U& F  l# }' q
4、举办中国美术馆藏儿童美术作品全国大巡展首展。+ W' f& _/ a" D7 t2 ~. c
5、邀请著名书法家倪为公在长城举办PHE主题创作活动。+ W* S- Q8 N/ Q
6、首次出版个性化邮票、首日封、明信片。; X2 |9 x5 Q9 _/ ^
2003年:) B+ `' \$ P% Z0 P; [
1、与中国教育电视台、中国美术出版总社联合主办第三届PHE国际中小学生幼儿美术书法大赛。# T/ T& p8 y5 t* H0 m
2、在蓬莱、栖霞、沾化和北京设立四个分会场分别举行隆重颁奖典礼,并设立 “蓬莱和平艺术奖”、“沾化冬枣健康奖”和“栖霞苹果生态奖”等奖项。
- e; R0 R) Y$ {: u3、在中华世纪坛举办PHE世界儿童美术精品大展,全国人大常委副委员长王光英、全国政协副主席王文元等出席开幕式。
# `( l# M# e. i4 p0 b4、出版《中国美术教育优秀论文•书画作品集》。  A. X- n" \0 ?! U2 \" c
! a+ Z+ n8 H, v$ B2004年:
# q9 }3 K# }! t! ~) D1、与中国美术出版总社共同主办第四届PHE国际中小学生幼儿美术书法大赛。
1 d5 ~4 t8 n+ F- l* d" ^- S2、第四届PHE国际青少年书画大会在人民大会堂隆重举行,全国人大常委副委员长王光英等领导出席。) g6 `3 z1 W) i
3、在北京京丰宾馆美术馆举行名家精品展和PHE世界儿童美术精品展。# s$ u: k( J# W5 g9 ?  @# ?
4、PHE部分优秀作品被联合国儿童基金会印制成贺卡面向全球发行。7 W3 C" f# f' w$ m; E8 [
5、在天津基辅号航空母舰上举行“放飞和平”主题活动,并展示大家集体创作的百米长卷。/ u  U' B5 o5 d. @+ G
. [$ }5 [& N, I1 ^! ?2 a2005年:" }- [+ P7 S, u* I' p: P) a
1、举办第五届PHE国际中小学生幼儿美术书法大赛。9 p7 {3 d. n7 f$ Q+ b' d
2、规模宏大的颁奖典礼在中华世纪坛举行,中国文联原副主席高运甲等嘉宾出席颁奖典礼。+ [! F' [- H" E9 Q
3、在抗日战争纪念馆举办纪念抗日战争胜利六十周年主题活动。9 v' f* ^) V- F8 q$ o3 Y' n
4、出版《名家点评精粹儿童书画作品集》。, J% j7 x, z2 U* \9 ^2 }2 ]6 z
2 L- Q' P  @6 @" s' _) b' _- L' x1、与多个省市教育厅、教委联合主办第六届PHE 国际中小学生幼儿美术书法大赛。
* @; }- |* E3 g1 G, Y8 F2、在人民大会堂举行第六届PHE 国际青少年书画大会颁奖典礼,教育部体卫艺司司长杨贵仁等部委领导出席。
8 L8 c/ c, s. N- [8 {+ q2007年:7 P8 Q$ j3 F- b7 U) _8 u
1、举办第七届PHE国际中小学生幼儿美术书法大赛。" Y8 \1 @. U1 P5 k$ A
2、在人民大会堂举办第七届PHE国际青少年书画大会颁奖典礼,教育部原副部长周远清、教育部体卫艺司艺术处处长万丽君等出席。$ {, p) W( F1 c0 A3 G- L  I
2008年:8 y9 h3 T$ ^2 _( e
1、与《北京奥运特刊》联合主办第八届PHE国际青少年书画大会暨全球青少年儿童笔墨丹青迎奥运活动。& d7 Q4 O- W0 H7 w6 [( B2 l4 R
2、PHE 组委会多次向边远山区、四川灾区等地捐赠价值数十万元的款、物。
+ v+ o+ i& f$ i3、出版第八本PHE个性画册《大美•PHE》。
6 k$ E+ h% \' y! w8 _      PHE大赛以“关怀到每一个人、滋润到每一颗心”的个性化服务为宗旨,惠及上百万的青少年儿童,已成为海内外广大师生最受欢迎的国际青少年儿童书画赛事,被誉为“导向正确、运作规范、规模宏大、影响深远”的大型国际艺术教育活动。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-14 23:36 | 显示全部楼层
PHE国际青少年书画大会% ~# }; w2 r6 i2 t
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