埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-16 17:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 O4 H7 u/ j# ?* c( j6 L7 e
4 Q. c, b7 q- i
关于TELUS的服务质量早有耳闻,若非亲历,殊不知如此糟糕。本打算在主流文化环境中倾诉,故写成英文,鉴于表达能力有限,不妥之处请指教为盼。5 b% h' i% ^, j2 @3 H2 ~& _9 M

' U9 m% c+ a1 |6 r6 o9 t* ^A  Telusaur Makes an Ant in Trouble
) A$ L$ b$ o# o/ z9 B) {; ?1 Y! E& @) x) u. L8 T
Sounds odd? Don’t be suspicious. Here is a true story for you.; y7 a4 k- c. v9 S3 h0 a% Z

1 H* _7 u1 N# @" h0 O: |I was a loyal user of Telus for its residential phone and internet services more than a decade, and used Telus’ mobile service for two contracts in 6 years as. However, with a current nightmare by Telus’ phone service, I lost all my faith to Telus finally. ' a! h+ N+ G- i& f, |+ e& X
( v3 C5 N4 h9 }% L* d% B9 N
I am preparing moving out of Alberta currently. I need terminate phone service from July. Called Telus on June 30, told that it needs 30 days advance notice for proceeding. So, I have to stay and pay for July. All right, I do. $ D; e( M) O7 K. w. J: z
1 r! }0 l; p3 x9 r' ^) L
On next day, Canada’s National Day, early morning, I found my phone was dead. Called Telus’ 310-2255, this is a mere access enables one reaches Telus. After a long period waiting, followed a bunch of questions for verifying identifications, I got a chance to explain the problem that forwarded and noted by several departments, and politely informed that my phone would be back in 24 hours. On July 2nd, the phone stayed same as yesterday. I repeated the same process and was advised waiting for another 24 or 72 hours. My patience was tested ultimately for another three days, and you know the result. I was trapped with this situation and could not help to check it every day. Heard always short beeps or a voice message ‘the number you have called is not …’ when I used other phone called my number.  Today is July 14th, 336 hours passed, the phone is still very quiet.
9 }; O% ^4 P, b9 o8 G) {6 p# |  b, H
Blames spread among my friends and colleagues due to my ‘French leave’:  the phone was stopped suddenly and without a good-bye message. I was isolated with bank for finalizing mortgage, Insurance agent and lawyer was wondering why the customer disappeared without any foreshadow. You can imagine my trouble and how difficult without a regular communication in this Information-based society. I was also comforted by people who learnt Telus’ lessons: ‘Telus’ service is worst. I have no words about it. You’d better simply step away. Don’t involve with Telus any more’. ‘Oh, I am not surprise. Why you still use Telus. There are many choices. Its services are notorious’ … I lost my courage to invoke Telus’ customer representatives to get my phone back. However, thinking of many users are yet paying for Telus’ services, I should step out. I am seeking a way to communicate with Telus’ Responsible Person. And want a legal assistance to protect customer’s interests. 7 x2 m; \9 c5 ^8 O
Recently, a great number of new technologies are developed and applied in telecommunication industry. The competition has been ever white-hot. Telus’ market share is being eaten down by emerging competitors. Big body is no longer guaranteeing longevity. Nortel faded from people’s memory quickly. GM’s future is not optimistic. Fortunately Telus is not such bad, but its negative reputation is eroding the imperial mansion. Kids know how dinosaurs had become fossils. Does Telusaur aware what's midst itself?$ q4 x+ i3 |, E$ B, A( C# L

% F! ]& l2 W9 j: X* ]" FSteven Cheng, an Edmonton resident
鲜花(1583) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2009-7-16 18:00 | 显示全部楼层
国企就是这样 虽然私有化了 还是没啥改变 6 P+ u8 r% B2 n! G+ z

+ k1 `& P2 k" |7 n. a' z* C3 D! ?" [" n还有公会撑腰 做事更是不想后果 6 y1 `. H  v) o* J0 q
  W+ Y  U$ V( J9 n) c
就这企业每年还大笔大笔的花钱搞建设# H! X" Y4 I& Z3 f; C
维护好眼前的忠实客户才是真道理  就算你的网络世界超一流 没用户不还是白搭6 ~" H, q& G) e+ b8 ^) y! H
, l) L6 p$ b% f4 f3 l/ B* T. ?9 D  J9 l9 G
我英文不好 连写都不敢写 * W- z6 t$ p# v7 T$ Z( V$ w
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-16 18:44 | 显示全部楼层
我明天搬家, 今天接到TELUS的电话, 说明天在我现在的住址安装他们的服务。 弄的我一头雾水, 我都搬走了, 还安装什么服务? 那个客服直接就指责我, 说我把地址弄反了  我直接告诉她, 我不想同你啰嗦了, 找你经理就完了。 据说是一个经理的人接了电话, 可能看我非常不客气, 态度还可以。 服务可就连专业的边都靠不上了。 先是告诉我, 安装服务是在新地址, 没问题。 但是电视的安装是在大下个星期。 我问她“你确定吗, 你的客服可是告诉我是同一天”, 她转口就变成“那就同一天吧”。 我问几点钟, 我好在家等他们的安装人员, 她居然告诉我不知道。 让我在电话中小小的同他UPSET了一下。 现在我仍然担心他们会把本来很简单的事情弄的一团糟。。。 同情楼主一下。。
鲜花(78) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-16 19:31 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-16 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1583) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2009-7-16 20:50 | 显示全部楼层
& Q! I" B2 w$ {7 I; h: P沧海月明 发表于 2009-7-16 21:45

0 }1 n$ a2 B1 B  l6 H8 h$ b1 C固定电话还是相当好的;6 n7 e7 T4 Q3 L2 H1 e7 R+ z# L
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-16 20:54 | 显示全部楼层
固定电话还是相当好的;7 R' {$ j. L& K0 {2 W' \
其它就需要比较了。9 C, x2 u8 K  d' d/ z8 Q# J9 V
redrunner 发表于 2009-7-16 21:50

- f7 j' I. _/ @) v啊?!但是SHAW的太贵了,用了帖子上学来的招数,说要CANCEL人家也无动于衷,于是就转TELUS了,看来这是才出虎穴,又入狼窝啦?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-17 17:09 | 显示全部楼层

RE: 越忙越不顺,“婆婆”在过问“媳妇”怎么把“小姑子”得罪了。

“婆婆”在过问“媳妇”怎么把“小姑子”得罪了。8 V( P9 G4 O1 k4 {. X* q4 x- z

5 f9 p3 `( @: d! H4 {不妨告诉各位,我这TELUS电话至今也没通。从INDUSTRY CANADA 了解到有个机构,叫做Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (CCTS),可以受理电信行业投诉。我于是乎一纸状子递了上去,很快得到回复,寻问我希望怎样解决。我忍了忍,要求赔我3年DSL的免费服务,一是为了让TELUS交点学费,学会怎样把客户照顾舒服,不要把自己的市场份额让其他小媳妇挖走了。二者也得补偿我这段时间由于电话不通所造成的诸多麻烦。并告知TELUS我将保留通过法律程序和公共舆论的手段来维护消费者的利益。现静候回音。5 Z: z' s# r: F0 c+ C6 T- y9 Z! u
' G3 i3 t- h4 q3 B: K7 G
+ p) I+ i, O" A- p3 X4 ?+ G
0 k. A+ S9 U- B8 a( H3 Z! m向宇
鲜花(667) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-17 19:32 | 显示全部楼层
8# Xiangyu
% m8 M7 J& H- p% d3 z7 B: E! }
) J# A0 p9 s/ A8 S, I1 h( D5 H8 t9 P
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