埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-8-3 23:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
加国生活数年,时遇些令我困惑之事,特摘取一二,与各位分享。- A9 d& `0 P0 E% x0 z

9 j: ^0 L; W1 |- Z6 f 4 K8 h2 B! x  K4 K5 c; d* O+ }
; m8 J9 z) M3 O, ]3 g6 B  ^4 \  }
My new house was done by a reputable ‘master builder’ after a year hard work. I especially upgraded a hood fan over the oven as Sichuan food is most fatness and spicy. The worse is my wife loves cooking!  On the first week since we moved in, my wife found strong wind were blew down from the fan. I guessed might because the fan was running too fast. However when I checked the outlet ventilation, there was no a thread of air was blown out!  $ I; b* V" b0 Y7 u6 Z# ?8 \$ H
+ ^9 \4 @* o* E% B
Called the builder…
& q# v3 B/ @) c& Y6 O5 ~1 F' ?7 O/ T  ~9 n  o9 G+ p5 L5 j# ^
‘You can check if there are something in the pipe, as during construction, sometimes the hole should be blocked in case…’ Builder’s supervisor instructed.; z0 \( i5 R# B5 s( u7 C! r

# y: M9 {4 I, k% ]: a‘Oh, I see. Thanks!’ He was just a saver to us.
1 W4 _+ I0 V1 [% K9 a7 R# l5 \0 ~) @
Saw a waste stand that was left in my backyard after construction, put it on a table as the outlet hole is about 8 feet above the ground.  Climbed up with jittery, reached the little window, took off the blind cover, inserted my arm to the deep.
3 P" t% @2 o+ H6 ^5 P8 \* K: d% i7 O2 ?9 x
‘Oh, really something here. Thanks to this experienced supervisor’. Grateful in my heart.  
, V/ I, a8 }+ r; p' [1 _: f9 s
1 j9 Z3 }6 U3 L- O5 Q3 hI pawed out a bale of plastic film. My wife did praised me a lot.
0 K! U) m; }; M$ @% f
2 P& t* f* ]/ E‘When a bulb is blown, a housewife is aware needs a man in family’. I was hug myself to this greatest contribution. * p: y4 S( R4 m$ h

( T% q$ y% B% P! f0 s( OTurned on the fan, started cooking. ; T8 _  u" R8 }" q; q# g& j% e
( i3 M2 U( }5 h7 [% j( R
‘Hey, Xiang, wind still blowing down!’ 7 h8 M6 N) p# \5 Y3 b* x' L1 c

$ Y3 C; k7 L+ c. i% xWife looked at me with whole wondering.& R3 w) S2 r  J! V  I

- m. e, k0 k1 S# N, j‘Weird! Could be something still there? I thought. ‘Is my arm too short to reach the deep inside’?
; l  `* a* ~( K2 y9 t" j0 r2 C7 Y) [6 c6 P. \4 }! y
Climbed up again … nothing there. I convinced myself.  ’So, I need check from inside…’  
! w; P# M% y: v  H4 y% ]: T! @7 i1 c
Knocked off a cover box that hides ventilation pipe in the cabinet, I was so surprised: the pipe was idle aside, there was no a hole on the board. The hood was simply screwed under the cabinet!  The scene was like a play on the stage, just let audiences look as true.
+ [9 H, [* E# n. ]6 O% b" K4 y$ |+ Q
1 R* n$ k: C- N& _Called the builder again. Couple days after a young electrician came.
5 t6 }7 Z& f0 q! U, r% m7 r1 O$ O1 @* t6 L
‘I know the problem’. Said electrician calmly. ‘As there is no hole on the cabinet, so, I could not install the pipe with the fan’. $ X  a! k$ D1 B' k

, D" q  R) o' A( \8 E- h$ y‘Well, how did you cover the box and left this problem behind, and not tell it to anybody’? , ], t( i6 X6 L* U" }
% [) ^- z. W! ?
I was totally confused. 2 Y; m6 r% e$ ?( t0 {
7 o' h6 I% B# h: _+ {! M
‘Oh, well, I have to finish MY job, you know. My job is just to install the fan. That’s it.’
5 A7 ~/ O( ^; k4 ^9 n: M# a8 ]# k, p# z; W! T7 ~
I was still lost. The young man looked at me.
2 n8 y7 k  }' Z3 g1 t5 a1 e( W- w; S1 Q; i! Q1 z
‘You know, I am not a carpenter, I could not do anything to cut a hole there. You know, I AM an electrician.‘  G7 v; X# t9 A2 j

. }) o; W2 A. p: Z# W‘Oh. I got it’. The employee is really disciplined. The Job Description is clear, so, the employee is responsible to his own duty. 5 V7 G, h, b& W+ {9 d4 J
; E4 q5 G% P: r' z7 ^
I had no more courage to try a carpenter again. I was once an engineer, and been a mechanic in plant for years.  I fixed it in a couple of hours on a weekend.
! F9 Z' m  d% `* F" l* s
9 l& U* G, r% w' B( ~# I, fThe fan has been working excellent! I feel so rewarded for chose a right stuff. And not doubt that the builder hired right staff too.
% r- c2 l+ C. G1 m  R5 G" a# I9 x
现在这房子也卖了,盖房时的许多经历仍历历在目。7 I- p/ ]! K- M" \( m
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-8-9 14:56 | 显示全部楼层
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