埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-3 01:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, o8 C+ @# _8 l有没有好心人,可以给我一份详细的资料,
1 v( J9 W1 f3 ~' M
9 @; E+ i4 Y# V" H电子邮箱,电话,信件地址.5 p" K& t; W* F. @$ h  Q2 U
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-7-3 14:15 | 显示全部楼层
Contact EPS. v8 o" `* ?$ \6 o, X
$ W4 v! k$ e2 Z% H1 e6 e+ G- s. l% n: X7 w2 w3 H$ Z+ P5 }7 a
DIAL 9 – 1 – 1 for all life threatening situations & crimes in progress 0 o9 o$ m% m# M" j2 w" O

$ F: E" p7 H4 h9 p5 P3 U
+ T, H0 A" w" J; iIn all cases of an emergency involving a life threatening situation, or a crime in progress, dial 911 immediately. Your call will be answered by an Operator who will direct your call to Police, Fire or Ambulance.
# q  q! R4 ?' [" _. V& i2 j
7 I& b* j+ X: ^1 Y3 o4 f: p
! g+ x" A2 r8 K$ N9 f; M9 U0 QIt is very important to state your emergency clearly, and to verify the location that you are calling from.
3 ?% a; F6 f4 p0 A* I) G* X8 B# p. a) f
/ x( R0 {# I- j2 n9 N5 bDIAL 780-423-4567 * Z( U% m/ a( `/ U1 V4 _
1 |. O  M* y  \+ V& m
If you require the attendance of a police officer at your location
8 _, @6 |4 c1 @/ K# I( ?! jIf you require advice on how to proceed with a criminal report
! Q' @) k- }/ v3 W& I$ IIf you require the attendance of a police officer to your location, but this is NOT a crime in progress, call 780-423-4567, Police Complaint Line. The Police Evaluator who takes your call will assess the appropriate service for your needs. This will range from a police unit being dispatched to your location to advice being given on how to respond to a Police Station to file a report.
( i& C, x% G8 X) F3 C' \1 |4 X  T0 h) X

. L/ b5 t4 {' L, `5 J6 f
" w* w' _! c! c/ L6 BTO CONTACT EPS DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS' ?* c. w  a. I/ q6 i* t6 G
Police Headquarters
6 q, N( `/ H2 W. x9620 - 103A Avenue
0 c- k. t$ g: G; R) a; t  ZEdmonton, AB. Canada/ j  s( ^3 U" y5 q2 s
T5H 0H7) ^3 _/ ?1 ?1 q, t

$ V0 B& h0 S8 N3 xMonday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
( v' t2 F0 D6 S) h  m3 U. d. d$ c* M7 F. n
Telephone: 780-421-3333
* C: b8 M3 g, n( o# dFax: 780-421-2187
1 {9 h. W. [1 F3 n+ j" A, w+ c& b1 S! K" o% I- A
Email: eps@edmontonpolice.ca
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