埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(151) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-2 16:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Justing 于 2011-1-2 16:34 编辑 3 z3 k% K/ J( o1 R/ c, N/ W
2 r, f2 g/ {$ ~9 H, J
井忘川3 v( E3 r4 F& m9 j2 g% q! A* Y
4 W- [/ ]' H+ w6 d
我尊贵的邻居8 P$ J' \* f3 f) S4 W# R
是我们小区  几十户
% W$ J6 d. m" [0 ?; p" g* P: ]唯一的元老4 Z6 C; {& i" p
9 \: m5 a2 C2 G7 N5 S" U. R6 Q, p/ r8 S' |
邻居八十多了  却身轻如燕
( l8 Q4 D) j6 D; U' {白发红颜  不见皱纹
/ Z9 y. J  _4 Y开车铲雪  挖土栽花9 H9 n1 v- t7 a9 A3 T8 V
似不识  岁月为何物
3 i& w' I% Q, c. @$ J. w0 O% a
6 V( H% q- r* f% M) h头顶英国文学硕士的光环
3 V0 V- d9 }! }! d- @邻居气宇轩昂4 H" A( e, q3 {0 C: ^& }+ s
如同女面朱熔基( B, Y. h6 ~- p8 v3 j- _5 i
% F% H( B% r6 u则遒劲似  老树裹枯藤! u7 p4 M6 m- P7 A& _; ?
3 |1 s( r& i' W& {/ d. \
, Y# I( \: K# e  Y2 J; |, I说她属土龙# b( T8 C( z7 L* g$ v, w) S
( W9 n8 y7 n0 n: V5 Y1 c% D那是从隔壁传来的% r% ]; y  h# b* \/ K) ?3 s; ~
& D! R! p* t2 U1 D- ~那不知名的曲调) r$ q4 w! I# F* `9 _! s$ B: w
反复颂扬着  生命的壮美与灿烂
鲜花(151) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-2 17:13 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(473) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2011-1-2 17:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(151) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-2 20:03 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
身轻如燕 与 不见皱纹 位置互换
鲜花(151) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-2 22:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Justing 于 2011-1-2 22:30 编辑
0 Y; n- O; w0 ?/ E! G$ C7 o/ L7 w6 q" P+ v! s, @
1 O& d6 A! R' q( ?9 F; U/ u2 w2 m0 p! h; T+ Q' Z9 i+ p  e
Living here for more than thirty years,6 f; M2 M+ k! ~2 b9 ?
my prestigous neighbour
. n. D! ^* h! K( o$ b4 f6 Jis the only first owner of the unit properties
9 k! x- I) l" bin our community --- , T) n6 I, H% q: j
tens of townhouse condos.
- G: S1 M7 s4 z& q/ s& Y" s4 J
6 p! ?% {( F- d, H5 H/ CNeighbour is more than eighty years old,
' ^/ B3 x/ [, vmagically, without wrinkles into your eyes.3 L) h/ Y" V1 m. N) J
She has white hairs and red faces.  ?, J& z( _3 Y  A- D9 n+ `, |' o& F
Her light-footed movement
1 ~+ C5 t# b# u3 D" Xis just like a flying swallow.
7 J, B! w+ Y! P; q7 U2 m/ {3 O2 `) T* i* }# a: k# m1 W
She shovels the snow on her door lane
) r4 m4 s' L+ x# b; z: O# o$ Abefore driving her own car;
% i' c0 `0 r! u: pshe digs her back yard
3 b, v4 @" W: ^' A- k! Jto plant flowers ---
  e5 i/ S& t, c  y2 o) das if she did not know what years mean.
- t- b+ H4 J/ H! U5 U9 z
$ r! F- Y) j* ]7 s2 {5 ]. Z0 o4 lWith the glory of the Master's Degree in English literature,
7 o( ~  @# D0 K) E8 ^; W' v8 vneighbour has a dignified appearance ---
: R1 R4 m9 ]) E- {% i0 }. zas if she were the female twin of Chinese Premier Rongji Zhu.+ F$ [& ^# @+ V7 [
Neighbour's handwriting! L7 Q7 Y' a. h; ]+ N5 D2 B0 y
is so vigorous as to be the old trees
& ?+ g# F2 J4 ^* v: E8 binterwined by dry vines.1 D# F8 C+ j, ^# V

8 X% ]! E8 J$ f! m1 p$ p' }Neighbour loves Chinese culture deeply.
5 }5 u7 p( L9 FShe said she belongs to the Earth Dragon.% X. l1 D4 \7 I
Well, her fluting is very melodious ---, i3 p" C$ f9 i
that is the sole sound going into my ears# `+ z; y: T. g0 L, \5 P8 n
from the next side of my wall;% G$ p" Y$ F+ N, Y. i; E  I
the unknown tune is extolling- E' S! E4 p7 ]6 |
the magnificence and brilliance of the life,. b  \! l6 [5 t
again and again.
鲜花(151) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-2 22:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Justing 于 2011-1-2 23:13 编辑
5 E. e1 o" f+ f' [# V* Z: u2 ~+ X/ Z* U2 \1 o9 F; w
鲜花(151) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-2 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Justing 于 2011-1-3 00:01 编辑 4 g; X2 q4 M+ g* t; i
身轻如燕 与 不见皱纹 位置互换# h. K9 W8 T4 h) ]+ \9 D
Justing 发表于 2011-1-2 20:03

0 d, C0 ]; A4 X4 N! b/ Q; P( p从音韵角度考虑,还是不换为宜。我写新诗,仿照古诗平仄的要求,比较注意语句缓(相当于平声)急(相当于仄声)的交错搭配,这是我的独到之处。. C# Q$ f) h; u2 }* o& R9 m
另外,翻译改动一处:; W. h, I0 s$ y! X2 o, |( P5 d
Her light-footed movement/ @' o% \  S6 V" L
is just like a flying swallow.4 G( L+ O& r+ x6 ^
修改为:* h, T  N% l5 t0 z2 q
Her light-footed movement4 A" E# Y1 l. `
is just like a swallow flying.
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-4 23:35 | 显示全部楼层
6# Justing 7 |4 O. C/ s: z8 i
6 ?( z& x- p( N: P! c2 N7 b7 t
  e7 A- \# f, G7 I2 L0 E! e
鲜花(151) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-4 23:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Justing 于 2011-1-4 23:40 编辑 8 p" `0 j2 E+ r+ l
6# Justing 7 j( Y# U- _' r1 d* ?7 |: s# I
真的是太像朱镕基了!$ ^. D* m) P# o0 P( a: l
hm86888 发表于 2011-1-4 23:35

! V3 v0 R9 Z6 k1 Q; ?& S/ u我贴的就是朱熔基啊,邻居还不敢照。这个 镕 字我词库里居然没有。
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