埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-3-13 15:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 C  Y1 e9 v3 `% |* k
' x" W+ \. z9 x# p- Lclick here to listen5 g" o; r% e8 R0 {) j
& U% [: q5 ~! Z7 S- f( \; q, @6 \
Insensitive (Jann Arden)" M8 @& o9 B9 i% W6 Z+ E+ R1 P
6 t4 z; S0 ?1 b# ^! G
How do you cool your lips after a summer's kiss?  A) Y$ j+ C$ I
How do you rid the sweat after the body bliss?4 {: f9 A% F5 [  V; `3 E
How do you turn your eyes from the romantic glare?) `  L- M5 ?; Q4 r0 p0 P8 U* y
How do you block the sound of a voice you'd know anywhere?" ?  D) A" ?8 r
Oh I really should have known by the time you drove me home,
6 F& E- P* P) \2 _/ V' jBy the vagueness in your eyes, your casual good-byes.7 N/ |8 {. d& X
By the chill in your embrace and the expression on your face,
9 J: w' w1 H! nThat told me you might have some advice to give ...1 F3 m& t8 e7 B/ R6 D. _: N
On how to be...$ n- E5 Y9 h: C9 w$ @6 x
Insensitive.; L4 ~2 r; u4 v( \: C; X0 z

- j' Q* _  Y( y) x4 V7 iHow do you numb your skin after the warmest touch?
$ z1 T5 T5 \9 a5 Y  MHow do you slow your blood after the body rush?2 Q! S, t8 Z; M# n4 S+ c
How do you free your soul after you've found a friend?9 G: d& ~1 {! ^- T0 q, w
How do you teach your heart it's a crime to fall in love again?: Q9 E+ ~6 W1 P$ F
Oh you probably won't remember me, it's probably ancient history,, K  W# Z" T6 i
I'm one of the chosen few who went ahead and fell for you.
% d2 Y( V8 h! V; Y* @7 oI'm out of vogue, I'm out of touch, I fell too fast, I feel too much.
* I( H# Y% d9 y3 @I thought that you might have some advice to give ...
8 q: a* `1 L% L! cOn how to be ...
% g' \  a% n$ I3 ^! ?Insensitive.
4 F* c2 E: L$ x) m& W) n
) r1 c& \& s5 z) [% s
[ 本帖最后由 markqiu 于 2006-3-13 14:14 编辑 ]
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-3-14 00:08 | 显示全部楼层
你给大伙唱唱呗~~7 P. J' n* ~( k/ J4 d
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-14 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 大棒骨 于 2006-3-13 23:08 发表
/ M6 U7 [* d2 n# t: N你给大伙唱唱呗~~
3 R8 D4 |7 B+ D% @& V来一个~~~

# W9 T: g2 I' p" z0 u
* _. @# X) m  z: d8 X呵呵,俺这五音不全的免了吧,等会儿把狼都招来了!
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-3-14 11:41 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
原帖由 markqiu 于 2006-3-14 09:17 发表
8 E5 ]# z& e1 W( Y
5 o( H* y  o# {* ~  U5 u; a$ v' t; z( j, U+ K, }

( A* F/ i& d3 ^  {7 p0 O- K# H2 P" [% T1 M! I! J- U( u- M

4 p' D& G) Q  S9 `+ e' O没事,wolfgan在福马芮呢,离你还远着嘛5 l0 E. C  i" t

9 n, [& u1 T3 O$ C* \我最近一看英文就头疼,只好绕开假装没有看见哈
2 L, L& {/ `, U  R0 |
% t1 D5 N9 f1 x/ m  u1 o! ]1 c2 }后面的快来翻译!!!
鲜花(1539) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-3-14 17:50 | 显示全部楼层
早上开车时碰巧也听了一首Jann Arden的歌.是她的一首新歌. 挺带劲儿的.有时可能生活太平静,反而有一种叛逆的情绪,正如歌中所唱,收拾好现在生活,去一个没人认识自己的地方...
6 [% K0 S: H' R$ l& s6 u% v/ L9 H. }- g; ?$ d$ k3 p
可惜没找到全歌的连接,只有一个PLAY SAMPLE而已.
0 J! `8 C. p% V
7 q" O2 B: Y' \1 i- Shttp://www.pandora.com/music/song/99bb504091d97d5a+ N# M, Q1 J4 p3 Y

$ X$ n' q6 r+ e" d2 O9 y8 J( d% c# v4 S2 M* E1 f

: @/ Y7 ?* q! H1 p) EGot my suitcase
$ i% ?) [# k0 u- Q1 a; z# EGot my dog
+ |3 Q/ W: `4 Y" {2 M$ ~I'm packing up my life so far5 Y4 n7 O# e- s+ M, r2 q1 l/ v
9 L, T9 {$ {9 M. G; f* m
Got my pictures* }8 g% d+ M6 b" d/ \( c2 k
Got some cash
* J) ?9 p$ |' c* l' E8 ]I'm getting out of here at last
/ |: F# M$ Y+ M2 X8 ?9 N) L  x9 P0 z# e
Got my hands on the wheel, got my foot on the pedal
% Q" S+ [- y$ [2 C+ D3 W5 l2 fGonna drive til I drop, til the tires turn to metal
6 H+ \6 G" V" i' }% Y* ?Gonna sleep when I'm dead, gonna laugh like the devil4 H5 L  ]8 M- p+ f2 p4 w
Gonna find some place where no one knows me+ \! j9 J. W" c& D, o* `! F7 H

0 s8 c1 L3 F- SGonna stop when the last drop of gas turns to vapor
% Q) ~  n: C+ nGonna ride til I can't even seem to remember% u% ]- l" {' B% z" n& o
Who I was when I left and it don't even matter5 v9 {3 w8 c5 T/ ~+ K; e+ M
Gonna find some place where no one knows me1 S0 g; _/ O- F  Z& R* w5 k% d
2 y, k$ n2 g; ?* w; D

0 Z+ g2 V6 g: G* n, J4 \9 T3 SFeel the sunburn on my skin
+ O) _- i. z$ e2 A* L7 a; t9 ZI feel the wind whip through my grin) F7 A0 k9 V- ^

$ {7 e' ~0 T! O. XTook the rear-view mirror down
9 p- U9 p' {4 D' S, X: r+ rI wrapped it in my wedding gown
: S, s* h5 U$ ?2 V* H4 O! G! r% ^7 s8 c) T+ Q8 w$ Z' K) K. ?
Got my hands on the wheel, got my foot on the pedal
' ?+ [; U: U: q: v- E5 ~Gonna drive til I drop, til the tires turn to metal
1 k* K8 v$ i  n- M6 AGonna sleep when I'm dead, gonna laugh like the devil
" Y. _2 r& K  J. _1 O4 QGonna find some place where no one knows me
4 W3 {  j9 a! e, H. h5 {1 Y  s. _: B  ~2 N- z, M
Gonna stop when the last drop of gas turns to vapor' m/ C4 J, p7 P0 z: h1 j% y' r  {
Gonna ride til I can't even seem to remember9 h/ y/ \/ }9 P  f) d; g+ _: _
Who I was when I left and it don't even matter
2 [' x  u, J9 S, u& u& \! k; gGonna find some place where no one knows me
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