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<亚文化>(Z)2012年 各星座详解

鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-27 21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Q版007 于 2012-2-29 23:28 编辑 ' C& e2 C4 y- \& a( [) A/ ^

$ O  x3 s, B2 d2 v% ?4 EScorpio Horoscope 2012
* t$ t) L0 Z% Z(Oct21-Nov20)4 q% F- O2 E* x! v

& n' F6 l& n: L. i) F. m! f/ h4 T$ V) ~2 a2 N+ J! ^  m* k5 c
Its good news for the Scorpions who have been undergoing a period of regularity both in the personal life and family. “Release of old ideas” and “involvement with new projects” is the Scorpio Horoscope 2012. It could come to you in the form of new work opportunity, a visit to a pilgrimage, cultivating a new hobby and the like.
) b( e4 S5 N& v, p. B) S* P/ |) n5 [0 ~0 @2 K
The negative impacts of last year would wash away. New hopes and beginnings in terms of relationships and work would take their course. Your health would improve too, giving you the energy and zest to strive ahead with ambitious plans.
6 L/ P9 _& H- \) d9 j* s. ]: f9 T7 H$ Q1 y' B, L8 }" b
This is also a year to be make new friends, but we advise that you choose them well.
" t( {# }0 ?% x# E* {0 h% ?5 l5 D. T$ P- O
Scorpio Horoscope 2012 spells out an overall transformation in other fields as well.
% H8 E; P3 r7 g: ]- f( L- r
/ e, g1 u# @5 _, NScorpio Work Horoscope 2012 6 T/ i; F9 J5 @2 r9 Z
You work area would have challenging situations for you to deal. Things just won’t be served smoothly on a platter. You can expect few conflicts with fellow workers. The obvious reactions that you would tend to exhibit are that of impatience and combative aggression. Either of them is not preferable. Practicing patience and maintaining your cool would sooth matters for you. You will be able to strategize well keeping in mind your long – term plans. If you have been job hunting for a while now you will knock the right doors now. You would be appreciated and recognized in your field of expertise. If you are given a new project, use all your innovation and managerial skills to execute them well. Chances are that you would do excellent once you keep your focus strong. & s+ [) k3 e& l& Q$ i' V
( O- l) b! C. J& J4 c# k
Scorpio Money Horoscope 2012
! G  S4 ~( x) ]% @4 [Scorpion’s ends up saving all at one go, and then spend in the same manner. The Scorpio financial forecast 2012, suggests that you need to follow a balanced policy both for saving as well as spending. Mutual funds and bonds are good places to invest this year. Seeking advice on monetary investments from elders would help you in making the right choice. 2012 promises you profitable returns on shares and bonds. Buying and selling of property would yield good results as well. You might end lending people or friend’s money, but do it with caution. Personally, if you have any debts on you clear them by September.
0 Q( p8 F. E) l2 u- T0 l* s, i' X( H, P/ H$ }- r5 C
Scorpio Love Horoscope 2012
& \/ O1 t/ A# v  f* K- }+ V1 @  aThere is both the good and the “not so good” in this regard. To speak of the brighter things, couples committed for a long time will tie the knots. Friends in love with each other would take a step forward and express their emotions for each other. In short, what looked like a probability becomes a reality assuring happiness and joy. On the other hand, if you have been in an unrewarding bond for years now, its time to call it off and turn a new leaf. You would come across new people who would want your company. If you are facing any problem in your relationship, the best way is to talk it out.
3 z  L0 i3 h" n* y
3 R& U) F9 g. Z; C# _6 M * q6 c, [3 B0 r% ]! |

% v( \/ p" r$ B/ T" y/ WCapricorn Horoscope 2012& {, ^+ j2 K$ R2 T! [9 j: r

; ?+ J$ U) j. D) `! Y, b2 W0 \. ^: @Capricorn
" j) e8 }+ W! A9 \' b(Dec 22 - Jan 20)  o( ~: q$ l( q1 P- I, ~- e

4 c- P8 \' C% [6 Q: x: c# ]The New Year is full of prospects and possibilities, so predicts the Capricorn Horoscope 2012. Your course of life this year attains a serenity life never had before. Not that you get all-silent and removed from life, but then the confusion and dilemma that existed would cease. Your inner self would be in agreement with the external environment. , Q( G% d4 d) r! x% {

) K/ h  F: H& j0 K# F& P" [7 m# }+ y/ }# M/ C2 q5 K
This apart the Capricorn 2012 predictions also suggests less mood swings and more of socializing. There would be new assignments to take on. It is also time for retrospection in a big way. This is the time when you can assess much of your career and personal decisions. 0 i0 j5 d! N* `1 Y3 O! y

5 v* n- `2 r2 ~8 Q9 ?  e6 JThere are chances that you will take keen interest in spirituality and other esoteric sciences. You will be eager to learn new things and would be able to adapt to new circumstances in life. 9 x: o( x& A. o, k( _& ]& Y9 D& a$ R

8 @1 S) I% \6 E0 A) q0 G5 w' O* J ) j1 q( v" `4 {- m+ X
2 y9 F% j, c8 D3 y& ~* _3 R/ k6 V
Capricorn Work Horoscope 2012) M" w6 a( g6 d  q, x" b: |. ~
Your goals and objective would be much clearer this year. Most importantly, you will have a lot on your table. Expect new projects and added responsibilities. Networking plays a very important role both in office as well as outside. Infact, it allows you to evolve as a person. Your role at work too becomes clearer in this process. You can act your part with precision and accuracy now. Your assignments at work will make you realize your inner creativity. This will be much appreciated by seniors and other fellow associated at work. If you wish to undergo a job change, then we suggest you wait until March. You will have plenty of scopes and opportunities knocking at your door. In case you wish to pursue higher studies, you can try it this year. There might be minor difficulties at work that will be solved easily.
/ ^/ z9 z0 n& ^" U+ L: W' _: K, |: x, Y2 |4 l* Q. }3 l

7 M0 F. z$ c1 ?3 m& _* f6 wCapricorn Money Horoscope 2012
+ |& U7 N: z! Z  `! PThe financial scenario looks to be balanced this year. There will not be any excess profit neither any abnormal loss. There would be monetary gains for sure, but it will take sometime. Expect all your debts to be cleared by the first few months of the year. You will benefit from shares and property. Have you been thinking of buying a car, house or any other household goods like a home theater or portable kitchen set? If yes, then this is the time to invest in them. There might be an increase in your salary. Heavy bonus and incentive are like to happen. 2 I8 j) a' s' x' [" ^

& ^; ?% w$ o3 O/ r& a, ?4 ]- I( W" o. d6 L
Capricorn Love Horoscope 20121 w. r, r2 t3 @+ H
Love and relationship is of supreme importance this year. Attending your partner and listening to him/her is very important. This is a time to solve all unresolved issues of the past and stride forth ahead. You may tend to be scenic at times in your relationship. Try to be patient and reason out your cynicism with optimistic thoughts. Couples can spend some quality time together and plan for vacations. Marriage is on the cards as well.
- }/ ~" X$ w, L8 _1 x; Q* g
" W; P3 a7 f, k4 \. o" `. l' Q0 [
( C& O/ W8 X" m0 t* U1 w


PTL  在2012-2-27 21:47  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-27 21:46 | 显示全部楼层
Aries Horoscope 2012
+ `$ X& L0 j  K$ V8 X9 u0 [7 J# b
! w6 @  `' _" Z( H8 P" YAries
2 y4 D) A3 a1 _, s0 u5 V1 e(March 21 - April 20)9 {4 y! q. ~, `" V/ z$ n
The Aries Horoscope 2012 brings with it a reason to smile and rejoice. Those who were going through disillusionments for the past few months, will not be settled and feel at peace. The strong desire to chip out the unnecessary botheration will lead you towards attaining harmony of mind.
7 |/ b7 I5 @% l  }) O& C/ k
( _7 ]7 Z" D; d5 vYour knowledge will lead you to the right direction in life. Your realist self will play a strong role making you respond to things with an even more practical thinking. From the first month of 2012, people under Aries horoscope enter the Jupiter cycle. This brings in a good amount of cash flow and some drastic change in career. This is also the time for you to relax and go for a vacation. 8 c+ H7 L9 s' i5 {* a, o: ^
, M& |5 }" N) N; V9 |" T4 j* i2 S$ k
Spend time with your near and dear ones as family and friends will bring in joy towards the mid of the year. / z; o: f2 B! X
; V& \1 r) ?; Q/ N" _/ E7 {& l
Aries Work Horoscope 2012
) O, n% ?' |3 c! tThe professional success will kiss your feet in 2012. However, for the good time to arrive you have to patiently wait until the last quarter of the year. Throughout the year, there might be some hurdles in your career. Your calm and serene nature will help you continue your regular acts with wise thinking. Come September and you will find some drastic change in your job. A change of place or the job itself is on the cards towards November. A specialization course in relation to your work field is advised. This will help you in being promoted to a higher level. Those who are in business will have some profitable business deals signed by the mid year.
( O% m4 W, z" X; q3 A
* O  o9 B$ g) [4 O+ D2 z) k& dAries Love Horoscope 2012 - j) R6 K! s! d; m2 U& \  y- n
# K2 k: V% t- P* [
Year 2012 will be synonymous to love and romance for Aries. After a much-disturbed love life in the previous year, you can now expect a long-term stability when it comes to emotional bonding and relationships. Those who are single may expect your dream partner to finally enter your life. The passion of love will strengthen the romantic bond between those who are married or engaged. Enjoy every moment of togetherness as you start understanding the harmony of a relationship. Marriage is on the cards towards the end of the year.# g4 {2 X4 ]) G4 j$ ^  u* B3 R

" q7 C) ?  T9 N1 b0 Z9 fAries Money Horoscope 2012
6 K# _0 p8 D/ NThe material difficulties this year will progress very smoothly. You would very efficiently opt for all the choices that would bring in monetary gain to you. The strong influence of Jupiter, Mars and Mercury will change the ill fates that were following you in the previous year. The commercial transactions will result in earning you some valuables for home. Come out of that humble self that defines your persona and be vocal about your talents.
& i' T7 E( a1 V, Z5 h2 ~, Q6 A- n! b/ T) I8 ]& P! R& D
Aries Vitality Horoscope 2012 ' N8 x' _: |9 ?2 D8 n3 l: }
Positive energy is the keyword for Aries in 2012. You will preach optimistic and constructive thoughts. Your understanding, which is sharper than common, will be high. Some domestic fights are on the cards. Nevertheless, your anger will always be in your control and will never lose your temper. Practicing detachment is advised to attain spiritual liberating self.
- k, @/ e3 |2 `5 v' o1 _8 H0 o: t
% p& ~4 j7 b1 V8 G" {! h6 l
Aquarius Horoscope 2012$ D) e) ^( \1 ^5 W9 c+ E
! Q1 A! q* O; w
/ b7 O6 w3 t( j. z( s(Jan 21 - Feb 19)
0 E* o" ~# n6 ]# k  T) n“Try to be less hesitant” is the advice that zooms out bright from the Aquarius Horoscope 2012. Carefree yet focused, creative yet confused, at times the water bearer tends to be much of a procrastinator.
; w  F  |; P' I. ^8 d% b! R/ Z. S
This leads to unwanted inhibitions and hesitations. The Aquarius astrology update for 2012 would have circumstances where the only way out would be spontaneity. The troublesome affairs of last year ceases for good, but being hesitant to new ideas and people will only bring the same stagnation back.
4 [. ]4 y' e5 k, }& t6 n  T% J" u$ V; u9 I7 O1 l0 C. W
Your social life will improve manifolds as does your family life. Owing to a job change or a career move might take you to a new land amidst new people. Socializing is on the cards! As you meet new people, make friends you get the scope to learn about various aspects. 0 t' ]/ w6 ^  b5 P9 ?

+ i  D& H* M+ V2 v0 O$ A- F0 H( ?The Aquarius horoscope 2012 reveals few other important facts on other areas such as love, work, money and relationships.
0 _, ~' Z8 ?6 Z' K8 uAquarius Career Horoscope 2012: P% m0 Q" y: e
2012 starts on a high energy note. Work is the apt field to express this zeal. This can be done by taking charge of new projects and assignments. In your work field you would be given new roles and responsibilities. Pool in all your innovative ideas and execute it well. Take this as a stepping stone to higher fields of success. At work your associates would co-operate with you. Seeking advice and guidance from your senior managers would prove beneficial. Promotion is very much a possibility. Someone at work might try and create conflict, but it will not have any detrimental effects. The last four months of the year, i.e. from September to December is the time for laurels and recognition. All the efforts that you had put in so far will reap positive results.
8 e3 O$ V7 @6 Z" S4 s
# `  }5 r% h- l' V* l. {1 R# cAquarius Money Horoscope 2012
9 Y- b" U# o1 S+ GThe goddess of fortune and wealth showers you with abundance this year. You will be at a financial high this year. A salary raise or property in heritance can just get the best returns for you. May be you simply win a lottery! The major monetary profits would accrue during the first three months of the year, i.e. the time frame between January to March. Post that the financial table would rest flat for a while. This will be the no gain no loss situation. Things would again pick up pace from September onwards till December. ' {" m. f& z7 j+ F6 I
$ t- ]+ X0 M" C1 j. ~# ?
Aquarius Love Horoscope 2012: E, B. k! P/ O" u
Think about getting married to the one you love! What can be a better prediction than that? Having said that, the Aquarius love prediction 2012 forecasts the wedding bells. Single Aquarians would meet new people. You don’t have to get into a relationship all too soon. However casual dates and romantic meet ups are ways to know each other well. There would be minor issues with regards to compatibility, but they can be sorted out without much ado.
/ Q8 m3 F5 H4 k" c
+ l! K8 Y! P- k: f" J# d8 o
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-27 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
Cancer Horoscope 2012& x: D: Q3 U! b; n) V- I/ u$ I3 k& b
, L# O  |, p) @/ S- m8 P
, f+ |& f+ r4 L6 B% O/ S5 q(Jun 22 - Jul 23)
& a/ R( f6 s6 ^8 oThe planetary positions for Cancer horoscope 2012 speaks of change, especially with your associates. Children would demand greater independence. Near and dear ones would also undergo significant transformations. It can be in the form of one of your friends planning to launch a new project or a near one upset for an emotional downswing.
$ i8 E: o. J8 C7 M6 n: d/ }5 B7 B5 i4 @+ P6 d6 m$ |
All this will make your world be in a constant state of evolution. Cancerians are dreamy yet moody, and at times tends to get affected by in a pessimistic way during any uncalled for change. 8 H7 F% G  @  `; X- E3 p
9 \' J; d8 j! h0 }  R6 i; }4 p
The best way to deal with it is to remain calm and treating the situation as just another phase. Good times are ahead only you need to have the eye for it!
0 |+ C6 {7 _  I; q
  y- m( d' }" a2 S3 A2 u& o# jOther facets of the Cancer Horoscope 2012 reveal interesting details. % G- ?7 e" o% Z# D# |

* r2 j9 S/ `7 {- uCancer Work Horoscope 2012
) V# j: w4 \: l: l1 r/ \7 V% kThe trend of the previous year seems to continue this year too. For any tangible results you have to work very hard. That does not mean you have to be working round the clock and be fatigued at the end of the day. This is more of brain work and analysis at play. Let’s say its “smart work” that counts now. Expect competition from your fellow workers and also expect that you will outshine them in performance. This would increase your confidence and give you the zeal to stride forth. Seniors at work will appreciate your efforts, which will make you gain visibility. In terms of a career change, you will be recommended well. Given the fact that the world today runs on “reference” and on “word of mouth” this is surely going to act in your favor. Amidst all this, situations at work might get a little rough resulting in bouts of mood swing at your end. Try and assess your long-term goals and perspectives and you would have your action plan ready. 2 S) S  r" H0 I  f" L
% h  k% d* S: v2 E$ h7 ?9 b
Cancer Money Horoscope 2012+ Z. u3 P/ b) f+ f
If words like “change” and “hardwork” had been zooming high on the Cancer forecast 2012, then it’s surely has a profitable side too. The most important being the monetary gains. The financial gains are likely to be high during the beginning of the year. They say Cancerians love to spend most on foods and shopping, yet they are careful with their money. Therefore, you would spend a fortune on your favorites as well as manage to save a great amount too. If there have been any debts then pay it off first. The last two months of the year too suggests increased financial gains. So, despite the hardwork and change, profits remain high this year!
! s8 k' A+ c1 A- S/ d: N1 S: A2 J) a4 X! {& F. E
Cancer Love Horoscope 2012# w% _5 v6 m/ V) @
We all turn to love for peace! Most Cancerians would cherish a peaceful love life this year. The confusions would all be cleared and harmony shall prevail. Your partner would seek valuable advice from you and seek comfort in your company. Cancerians always tend to dream about the candle light dinners and the moon lit walks. It is times to enact them all. If you have been planning to get married, you might meet the right partner. If you have been facing any prolonged distance and bitterness from your partner, it would be healed now. , w2 m, p9 [0 q3 z* }* Z( i7 d

9 h6 j2 M6 a! @0 _
0 f3 F) {* |: P
( t: x- Y& X  j% @Gemini Horoscope 2012
% g# W9 c8 L, D5 m! c* P1 L7 w3 W
7 }0 s& [4 {  b! h3 H) L1 _Gemini" M! x. ~9 a2 k* i0 B. e9 v% N
(May 22 - Jun 21)" c1 d- Z: W3 _# g* b8 }$ N" |: @
Actions, projects, and activities are the highlights of Gemini Horoscope 2012. Sprightly and energetic as the twin souls are, they would sure love their calendar to be filled with exciting events. Not only that, with new assignments there would be new aspirations as well. Gemini’s have a zest for life. % \6 e8 R1 V* R. k! m; L- N
$ O, R7 R! e% f& w4 n* E
The year may draw on monotony during the months of July and August, but that is just a phase. You would soon turn the scenario to enthusiasm. Relationships would bloom with family, friends and loved ones. It’s your adaptable nature that is going to make you sail through tough situations and bring satisfaction. " F, ^4 w5 H- w$ k- [; m
: E  L1 d% D) _4 z0 ]  T
If there be any friction this year in terms of work or otherwise, this is certainly not a time for compromises. It’s time to make your opinions heard and take the correct stand.
  ^: c8 w; y: I5 ^$ L) J6 W) v4 k# o3 ]Gemini Work Horoscope 2012, z# _3 `7 u& x+ j8 t; `
Your workspace will offer you greater content and zeal to work better this year! Aggression that ruled the previous year would transform to peace and serenity. The pace of work might slow down a little but that is just an external condition. Take time out to assess your career plans. If you have been contemplating a job change, ponder over the options that you have at present. You will be having a way more positive mindset now, try and channel it in the useful directions. Seek expert advice from seniors and mentors at work. Changes start occurring from May onwards. The network that you have built up over the years would add value to you. For the ones planning to invest and carry on a business plan will receive favorable results. Lady luck is by your side! % E. |7 k8 ]4 i1 J  b- r& n- I4 K

  S# p9 e: {  x, L1 p5 [Gemini Money Horoscope 2012
. R: v0 L; A5 Q) ]“Gains” and “profits” are two other important words of the Gemini Horoscope 2012. The year would start with monetary gains. It can reach you by the means of income raise, promotions, fruitful returns of shares and bonds or property inheritance. There would be other material gains as well. This might make you spendthrift for few months. While that is a natural tendency, you aught to draw the line as well. Try and attain a balance in budget and focus on doubling your profits through savings. The year presents you with ripe opportunities in business, so make the most of it.
' K  W. T. G* M! h- a, w, X- K$ L/ o) z9 A. i3 k( l& a
Gemini Love horoscope 2012
+ v1 D; m2 g' L6 R6 BVenus, the planet of love is generous on you this year. Love life gets more intense than ever. If there have been any unsolved questions regarding your relationship, this is the time to bring them to light and solve them. For the ones who have been in a committed relationship, can step on further and get married. However, some of you might have deep emotional insecurities. To put an end to starts with facing them first. The ones who are single are likely to meet new people of their interest and preferences. If you have been having arguments with your partner its time to look into the matter and address it. Spend some quality time your partner if you haven’t been, it will only make your bond stronger. - H; O0 v% W+ [0 E

( h! c  z: |; D- {: i8 Q9 L, u  Q6 q3 V+ r5 U9 Q

" l1 `% h$ s; t* R6 \3 o
鲜花(327) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-27 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
本帖最后由 PTL 于 2012-2-27 21:49 编辑
# [6 G2 f3 N) h
$ Z0 ^: i- A1 C7 n; g& d" ZSUSAN MILLER的星座预测也很不错的。
* w* B/ ^$ A, _  ~8 N& Ihttp://astrologyzone.com/forecasts/
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-27 21:50 | 显示全部楼层
Leo Horoscope 2012
+ A$ F; {" H7 ?5 l) Y: c4 S7 @% L* r) v5 k9 h0 T" o
Leo/ D+ n* Y$ a1 q  `: F9 b
(Jul 24 - Aug 23)2 c9 g! e: h0 Y/ ]+ E9 I! r
The position of the Saturn and Uranus for the Leo Horoscope 2012 highlights that all your plans for which you have been working for past two years would reach its fruition.: s9 p+ R6 d, b  ~/ ?- x9 l
, E0 L% |" Q& s% H# g
Great opportunities would be there on your way. The position of the Sun too is favorable, which adds reinforces energy and zeal. This would enhance your vitality and make you more enthusiastic at work and other matters that concern your family and loved ones. You might be caught up planning some household events and playing the generous host.
6 ]2 J9 D  x3 k; i. F3 e8 t4 p! `8 T0 ^8 f, o/ g
Leo’s have a tendency to erupt all too soon. This is helpful at times, but can also act otherwise. 2012 involves a great amount of family involvement, where you might have to put up with few relatives with whom you might get into disagreement.
  E, l$ S( v7 ?, Q, w; j# {2 v& K% {) I. Y% S" p! e% M0 d8 ~. I/ V
In such cases handle the situation by logically reasoning out than getting into combative arguments.
2 o1 a" U' x# |2 P6 j0 K. V& ^& _% D2 M5 W3 F
According to Leo forecast 2012, health is something that you might have to take special care of. Especially for working women. There are chances of getting affected by allergies, abdominal aches, and other digestive problems that may prolong for a while.
- }* f  Q. ^' I  w6 u! l: e
! c( r- K  E3 J' U7 f
# |2 ~+ }4 {5 v) s( hLeo Work Horoscope 2012
2 y7 u2 _8 y2 f- G# D6 o' sThere would be more facilities given to you at work, which would help to increase your performance. New challenges would be there where you have to play the role of a leader. At some point of time the work pressure might seem unbearable. This is more towards the months of July and August. You fellow workers will gain a lot from your leadership and company. Leo’s look for recognition. Acknowledgement and respect for the work done is what they expect first and foremost. The monetary rewards can tag in later. People around you certainly understand this fact, and hence you are noted for your excellent business strategy and achievements. You would get concrete results for all the hard work taken towards the end of the year. This is when you are up for a promotion and even an income raise. # d$ L8 I$ U; E$ R4 `2 Z. w
  H" ]# q9 S2 z, E
Leo Love Horoscope 2012
# F& H! Z# f! d$ P' qWhen it is about love it’s about transformation and role change. You would undergo layers of evolvement. There will be times when you will feel that romance has become all too mundane and regular. This is just going to be a phase from where you mature and evolve. Most Leos would discover how they look at love this year. If you are married this is a vital time that strengthens your bond. There might be some acid tests, but it is only there to testify your emotional stability. The best advice one can give here is to follow your heart and don’t regret a single moment.
& a: |% i: d0 f. Q0 u
5 e! m- V. J! L  d7 U9 ^Leo Money Horoscope 2012; g" x0 f. x3 r
This is a year where you must focus on your savings the most. The influence of the Jupiter and Sun will influence you to splurge more. This is exactly where you need to do a budget control and balance your spending vis-à-vis your savings. Legal cases related to property would give their verdicts. This is what suggests your property gains. # n  v8 f" [2 A4 u( o
! v+ l4 Q/ W& C5 d4 d; D
Transformation, union in love and career advancements is what the Leo Horoscope 2012 primarily talks about. ! a3 Y) {  H9 T: B$ Q

! i/ m0 t  G: j% l/ Z; ^& f# u' D! b9 {- X+ r5 d" \& C
Libra Horoscope 20122 j* k8 i) J! G5 r
Libra0 C7 r2 F1 G2 l' N
(Sep 24 - Oct 23)
3 \) U4 u8 h5 V) S* IRuled by grace and charm, Librans always display a bright and vibrant outlook towards life. This is exactly what the Libra horoscope 2012 suggests. The year would start on a light note and would continue so for a while. The pressure in the workspace reduced, which in turn reduced your tensions and worries.
# u9 Z- L3 A+ P1 L* }+ ?; G  S9 H7 _; d- i3 w
There will be freedom of thoughts and expressions. You will have ample scopes to showcase your creativity and innovation at work. Personal life in terms of family and your relationship offers you support and guidance.
* J( g: M8 Y0 V) `+ r/ ~' G" ]5 j  d% l+ s) o6 Q
You will end up spending maximum time with your loved ones this year and weave new bonds. There might momentary depressions caused due to health and conflicts with friends. It shall be solved with time. Overall the year starts and ends on a happy note.
" N* h6 A! @  l% X3 C  PLibra Work Horoscope 2012
; k9 r) r, N5 h5 y& d$ o7 ELibra Work Horoscope 2012
" U  j( ]" ?/ B4 H, W$ D. yAs compared to the previous year, as you walk into your work station you find ease and comfort rather than pressure. The ambience might be a little slow in pace. This is true for the first half of the year. You might feel “slack” at recurrent intervals, but it is advised that you savor this and relax for a while. Soon you would be presented with situations where you have to be all active. Nevertheless, you benefit from both the cases. Librans hate the regular grind and monotony. An enterprising project at work is what they always look for. July and August is the time for new assignments and roles at the work sphere. You must take care that you do not overwork and fatigue yourself in the excitement. Your associates would take inspiration from you and your professional caliber. Expect promotions towards mid 2012.
* P" u% k. Q; c# w9 I1 n
7 b" K4 |8 W6 M8 E' jLibra Money Workshop 20124 p: p& P* J3 L! g+ R) S
There will be financial gains as well expenditure too. You are in a “happy go lucky” state of mind. Most of your expenditure would be impulse driven and you would end up spending more. This is where you need to limit yourself and take care of your savings. For those in business the period between September to November might be low in terms of profits. This however should not demotivate you. December opens up new opportunities for you. For professionals there will new job offers waiting for their approval and business will sign new deals.
& N8 R, f/ F9 X# ?1 W, I$ G1 E" p; p5 C! t; U$ T+ \) c
Libra Love Horoscope 20120 c9 m" v) z! V5 B3 m* ^+ q
Expect pleasant changes in love and relationships. Matters of the heart will give you peace and joy. You will express yourself freely. The ones committed make plan up for a vacation or a quick weekend getaways. Long drives, romantic dinners, surprise meet ups, blind dates and marriage is on the cards. There might be just one constraint. At times you might just want to be in control of your partner and become over-possessive. Try to maintain an emotional balance and it shall benefit you in your personal as well as professional relationships.
: |: i) o* n& S7 s
$ s( M# z( z4 }& RHappiness, love and balance are few aspects that best defines the Libra forecast 2012. " N7 _1 Q! [9 I, C1 o

/ k1 B8 R, r- t$ S' b0 d
5 e- ^2 \2 x1 K: @, v# k
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-27 21:52 | 显示全部楼层
Pisces Horoscope 20128 g& k3 w! o( ~+ s# |
/ e* g7 f& }" W6 C1 `/ v0 Q
Pisces' E3 \/ E% w! K" r" P) q0 _
(Feb 20 - Mar 20)
  ~, s9 Q6 m) z+ o  j2 [* JThe Pisces horoscope 2012 predicts of serenity throughout the year. This would be true about home, work, relationships as well as friendship. The pace, at which life is going to move, would deepen your perspectives. You will be able to see things clearly. There will be a gradual evolvement that you will be having. At times, you may feel extremely removed from life and all materialistic desires. That is just a phase. You would be back to the normal grind very soon. There will be a sense of freedom generated in you, which would be reflected in your thoughts, actions and behavior. The year also asks you take few major decisions that might change the course of your life. You have time with you, therefore there is no need to rush and hesitate. 1 K/ L1 X# i& h; y
6 E6 d7 f$ V+ g- O
The bouquet of interesting facts concerning the Pisces Horoscope 2012 does not end here. We have more news to share.
/ Q- B$ W& b5 E+ Z* hPisces Work Horoscope 2012
* {, e$ C2 I# v! v9 j2 v7 DPisces astrology 2012 for work and career promises positive results. There will be risks and new ventures, but you would seek pleasure out of it. In a way, you would be out of the monotony, if that had set in to your regular scope of work. The time between March to May suggests intense activity on the professional front. Pressures might be high but you would enjoy the new work target and objectives. There is no denying that you would be rewarded well. The planetary positions also advices you to put your priorities into place. If there has been any unfinished task then you need to re-consider and work on them. Your seniors will notice your hard work this year more than the previous. New challenges will give scope to new goals and that would in turn translate down to new achievements.
$ j. L' d  f& z/ I% [6 z, q2 u  H6 t6 \: r0 @

4 c  s3 _' h6 e9 HPisces Money Horoscope 20129 U7 V+ W% v% {, J
Maximum gains in money come from property inheritance this year. This would be in the form of an old land or an ancestral house. You might also acquire other material goods from your elders. Expect a raise in earnings and promotions. Unlike most of the zodiac, you will be able to save more. Investments made last year, will yield fruitful results. You might have to lend out money to a near one, but take care of the amount you shell out. Take care of your accounts at the start of the year. There is presently no need to invest in shares and bonds, as the time is not ripe for you. Though you will not have any losses, profits too would be none to marginal.
6 a& W" ^( Y6 @) R/ f5 S# j! ?+ [

) r$ r) \) f& E3 q5 y/ k3 IPisces Love Horoscope 2012
; g5 x9 _& N3 Q  HPisceans are dreamy and romantic. They tend to weave a secret world of love and romance around them. This year its time to come forward and give your dreams the shape of reality. You need to take some firm steps in your relationships. Be it marriage or arriving at a commitment, the year calls for it. Singles are likely to meet their soul mates. If you have been undergoing a rough patch in your relationship, try to solve it.
% f. x# ^( |1 [' L  H7 H
9 V3 E" U) F4 {; v6 n, x% Q# {' d, b: l( s1 ?

/ g: r: t* z; q( N7 l( p) a4 aSagittarius Horoscope 2012; l8 j* }* |* z" U2 d" U: x8 v% R
  p. n5 v) y4 Y9 S" o" Z) Q
Sagittarius% M6 w: I1 Q$ i2 p1 L- I) @! a
(Nov 23 - Dec 21)
" M* P5 a; W$ D( W5 x6 ?, ?% s) r Sagittarians often known as the “ambitious archers” always exhibit a positive outlook towards life. Honorable, gentle and enthusiastic, people born under this zodiac naturally possess the gift of the gab and the ability to withstand any adverse situation with an optimistic attitude. 3 t: d  j$ r- e: r! Z! K: m

; ?9 ~- @* E5 ]# E7 d0 I0 d2 a: g; zSagittarius horoscope 2012 promises to be an exciting with new beginnings and ventures coming up. Perhaps a change in location or a new job opportunity, scopes and opportunities would be in abundance.
5 t$ @4 K/ E9 D+ P9 ?( V% T& d
4 X3 d" H4 W5 L# j% W/ mFamily would be important this year and spending some quality time with them is imperative. A long family vacation towards the end the year would be perfect. : v; V/ t+ i! U8 n! v' U- k/ U% C

0 f- b& S6 b  yThat is not all. The archer also emerges victorious is areas of love, career and other fields. Let us read more on the Sagittarius 2012 forecast.
' H" n) J2 ~0 w- t: t9 z5 l% Z: W: @
$ N) X6 O1 H+ j0 e* L2 ~: t1 m( r! Y1 r! g7 V
Sagittarius Love and Relationship Horoscope 2012
% L* q+ R( c0 r8 y4 m8 LYour inquisitive nature would make you more curious about your partner. If you are already in a committed relationship, you would plan meetings so that you can know your partner/spouse better than before. Friendship and other close bonds would be harmonious. There are chances that you re-bond with old friends and get introduced to new ones. Your relationship with children would strengthen. This is true in case of social settings like that of a family gathering. In terms of romance, even if there are minor setbacks, Sagittarians never compromise on their bright sunny outlook towards life and people. At the onset, you may face with petty emotional turbulences, which shall ease out soon with proper communication. This apart, it is time to take cherish your bond. May be a romantic vacation is the apt thing to plan for. # u( N* H: t2 A) V/ |/ E4 P2 E

0 Q$ H& e% A6 F* r; H2 S5 uIf you face with adverse situations, about family and kinship, let tact and discretion guide you. Seeking advice from elder members of the family is a good idea. + a; e0 A3 m" m. T4 a; H3 V

: J' Z( f& d* `! @$ f) F0 K' q, B. Y- L( k0 d
Sagittarius Career & Finance Horoscope 2012+ c6 f: J7 c$ C; I) W
Dependability is the word that best defines you at work. 2012 promises you accolades from your work place. With this comes admiration and respect. Your juniors would look up as well as depend on you. Your confidence would build up as all your overdue recognition would be in the spotlight. It is the first half of 2012 when most of the laurels and bouquets flow in. In terms of finance, it is a time to gain much more than expected. ) E# S* _! P+ z) ?8 R* I
9 D: \. T$ ~1 p& a0 |
A new business prospect or a new job offer may just transpire. You need to be open to scopes and career opportunities. The months of May and June are essential for promotions and incentives. For the archers, who are devoted to technology and computers, can enroll themselves to advanced courses.
9 V/ ~" @6 m. f: N% i& U* m1 |# ]) `2 P8 A/ y
+ c; d# j, K  [! A0 M7 ?& U# G
Sagittarius Health Horoscope 20124 P+ n4 n7 P. f& D! m# ?3 b: D& e) G
Overall health conditions would remain stable and fit. There might be some problems related to nervous system and the intestines. Some of you might be facing skin irritations, but that is all going to be seasonal in nature. If you are not, then you shall soon be in the desired physical shape.
0 {1 }: [5 e, q% w% J  j  ^6 e! U& q! s
Overall, the 2012 Sagittarius prediction promises health, prosperity and fortune. The minor difficulties can always be sorted out.
- \0 Q& C# J+ |- W3 a8 [3 y3 e# y; c  F/ {- e, @
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-27 21:54 | 显示全部楼层
Taurus Horoscope 2012
: R: X! R/ \' }$ U$ m4 M5 V+ j% }7 K+ Z- g3 B0 \8 A# Y
; o  f+ }! j6 ]) D( \2 N(Apr 21 - May 21)
9 r; R0 h1 H1 X5 f/ V$ ]! wAfter some breaks in your career in 2011, the Taurus Horoscope 2012 predicts good fortune and an excellent career growth. You know what your potentials are so plan the year accordingly. You will be authentic in anything that you do. Put in your very best and you will get to see the result through unbelievable rewards.
7 ~0 m+ p3 H. R1 t. P) G, u' z3 L2 o) o" u( [% n4 t3 z
The peripheral events that will take place will maintain a rhythm. This will help you remain antagonistic and aggressive. The influence of Jupiter offers you a bigger perspective of life. You have plenty of reasons to indulge into meaningful discussions with people around you.
7 _* ^/ ~1 b. x) @Use your multi-tasking act to the fullest. Some business deals will be signed towards the end of the year leading you to long-term and very successful business relations. Be prepared for huge amount of workload.
9 Y7 J: y/ |5 m! L  J3 C4 e; Q: X- x. ^# J
Taurus Work Horoscope 2012
2 l: m3 |, m+ f2 ~% r; EYou would soar high in 2012 in terms of your career. If you are a writer or involved in any artistic work, you would receive fame and recognition. The amount of work will be heavy. Keep your calm and plan things out even before you start. This will help you accumulate everything evenly. There is a change of job towards the 2nd quarter of the year. You can also get a call from overseas by the last quarter of the year. Those in research work or academics can expect a sudden hike in salary. There will be an overall growth in the professional field starting from the 3rd quarter of the year. + A* L9 v! Z. Z' G1 {( o
9 X; i# M2 x* Q7 s8 d4 b& r

; {0 i6 Y- }7 m! K4 j& A( K/ ]6 u+ \Taurus Love Horoscope 2012 8 F2 m# q% l# j# O1 `4 N! Z
You will be calm and quiet from deep within. Your emotions will be in control of yourself lowering down your interior tensions. Romance is certainly on the cards for the bulls. Those who are in a relationship will have some great time together. A romantic trip is on the card. You will be able to keep a balance between your romantic and realistic self. Those who are single can expect to, finally, meet the dream man or woman. The emotional ground will be stabilized and you can handle emotional outbreaks with ease. Your efforts to resolve differences in a relationship will not go in vain. You would be able to fulfill the desires of your partner when it comes to love and romance. This is a great time for the Taurus couples to spend some private time together.
* i+ Y6 L$ Z5 V2 r# P" G! D, ], a& U8 C
Taurus Money Horoscope 2012
7 D# M( H4 k4 ^& _8 [9 zMoney will flow in towards the 2nd half of the year. Business deals will turn out to be fruitful. The 3rd quarter of the year will be more successful than the first two quarters. Things that were cluttered will now be resolved. Your dreams and goals will now be achieved as you experience a lot of financial gain. Be diplomatic while handling your seniors. They might come at great help in one of your ventures. This is the time when you should go for long term business deals. Throughout the year you would be placed well when it comes to finance.
/ T( r! d5 S9 a  r* D/ x/ w; c6 K& I8 B$ x

8 T$ x( D5 G9 z; w+ p- C2 s
& Z# p- j# Q3 @  M  l% y
8 U( `5 z8 e- ?: EVirgo Horoscope 2012
# }% m2 _, K- t$ B4 O  cVirgo- k) k) }9 a# _0 \) H( R
(Aug 24 - Sep 23)
  b" C6 y) r( dVirgo Horoscope 2012 forecasts that you have to be tough and emotionally steady this year! The year ahead has both the bouquets and brickbats. 2012 spells out some critical situations that might lead to painful outcome. This could be in the work front or in your family. It will be more in the form of abrupt happenings and set of events.
8 q, `" `0 C+ N: h% r
$ R6 K% B+ ?- D( d% bMay be a colleague would prove unworthy or a near one might fall ill. The respite here is doing what the situation best demands and let time pass! Expressing yourself is important to a dear friend or a senior family member.
; G. o2 o) x* f' d, f- M. A/ y5 q6 C" p1 f  f
Circumstances would propel you to react impulsively. Though at times that could be the remedy but on most occasions you need to maintain calm and take care of your temper. Diverting your mind to work is a good respite as that would you strength and stability. 4 E9 ?" _) R& L8 f
8 a2 x: X' s& K, G
However, other facets like love, money and relationship remains at balance.
1 i# s1 Y* N$ k
! v* P8 B" Y% YVirgo Work Horoscope 2012: 1 v1 y+ d5 U2 s
Professional life though will have challenges to live up to, but promises rewards. You will receive abundant accolades for the work done. Projects which were in pipeline for long will soon get approval for execution. At the same time, you can pitch in for fresh assignments and business developments. At work you will have to take authority of your fellow workers. This will build up your confidence and enhance your performance as a leader. Your network base too would increase as you would be meeting new people. Professionally, if you are into management jobs you can expect promotions close to the financial year. Going further if you are aiming at a job change, better opportunities would knock your doors post April. There is a possibility that you travel to international locations for your work. " j& v6 g$ |+ S5 E
! C# v6 c  q1 {

5 K+ t' V: D3 F; i$ I5 c4 X! FVirgo Money Horoscope 2012:
3 O3 u" M) k' n' {$ ^7 ?' U! oExpenses and budget needs to be well planned. This is going to be a year full of expenditure. You could end investing in family needs, like buying a house, arranging grand feasts for family get together/s and the like. There would be profits and gains during the first three months of the year, and remain static for a while. If you are into trading you will generate good business between the months of June and September. In terms of financial gain the year would end on a positive note. 6 |- i6 O& E( W: P2 ^9 r; Y6 D7 T/ d1 b

/ s; t$ E& X) \5 X5 E
  E* C; O; B& i. s/ AVirgo Love Horoscope 2012: - J, q4 ?- x$ e7 J
You might be harboring an unrewarding relationship for long. This is the time to let go and give your life and emotions a new direction. There might be misunderstandings between close friends and even lovers. Though they need not lead towards estrangement, but there might be a momentary distance. Don’t be aggressive in making things go the way you want. Rather leave it on time to make things flow into their normal course. " e, p. d/ J# T5 j. t

+ l  J7 z5 R% i+ h, r/ t% ~
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-27 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
PTL 发表于 2012-2-27 21:48
( V6 M. c  A$ p2 k5 FSUSAN MILLER的星座预测也很不错的。
6 ~0 k2 o: ?. s" n& e: V, J2 Whttp://astrologyzone.com/forecasts/
# z" b- z) L. [1 ?0 R1 V; Y; W
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-2-27 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-2-28 07:09 | 显示全部楼层
Q版007 发表于 2012-2-27 21:48
8 S9 p1 n9 V' }$ bCancer Horoscope 20121 r( J" N3 {0 S8 m: u
$ e4 B8 u+ m6 X1 g% T2 i8 V

9 f3 C" X1 i2 _学习了。
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-2-28 07:10 | 显示全部楼层
Q版007 发表于 2012-2-27 21:57 * L, J2 v" @3 ?% m6 D8 a
  ~( U; f7 k, S/ A/ L
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-2-28 07:11 | 显示全部楼层
PTL 发表于 2012-2-27 21:48
# s0 ^* h% c7 G3 x7 r( Q0 F9 kSUSAN MILLER的星座预测也很不错的。
7 J3 Z6 |3 o; }! r' O% mhttp://astrologyzone.com/forecasts/

& a) b! L3 \7 S! }4 }+ y在版主论坛那有一个聚会的邀请,老杨请客,你们去吗?
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-2-28 07:14 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Q版007 发表于 2012-2-27 21:57
5 Z& w8 v- C  u嗯,是呀。就是觉得网上的很多汉语翻译特别不靠谱,所以想起来英文原版的。
; U" X! P* L1 j! k: {8 x
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-28 08:38 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(327) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-28 11:09 | 显示全部楼层
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2012-2-28 07:11
; F0 L" k! ?4 V在版主论坛那有一个聚会的邀请,老杨请客,你们去吗?

" B) w8 D" K2 B! |8 `1 r" J. eYou gals go ahead, I can't make it on that date.
鲜花(327) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-28 11:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 PTL 于 2012-2-28 11:27 编辑 1 W3 \6 |, i; l  F& b
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2012-2-28 07:10
& a( b/ P5 S0 D) ]" d你们相信这个吗?我不是太相信。看看而已。
1 p. R- s! H5 F& A7 I( Z* s9 k

- i5 B7 d: K8 a我一直都有看SUSAN MILLE的预测,但是主要是一年的那种。有些WARNING的地方会注意一下,这样遇到生活和工作中障碍的时候就容易调解心态,突破障碍。不可能都准确无误的,主要就是注意火星和土星的出现,对人的影响还是存在的,不过这些是可改的,所以可以做为参考看看,但是不要受它的限制就好。
* \  @* g; y  n' t* R& u其实读一本好的星象方面的书会帮助我们明白很多的东西。至少就象星象中说的十二个HOUSE,每一个HOUSE都是生活的一个1/12的组成部分罢了。这样对生活会有一个比较客观的宏观的认识。
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-2-28 19:17 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
PTL 发表于 2012-2-28 11:20 8 S* @$ r2 v, j" i' E; K; A
我一直都有看SUSAN MILLE的预测,但是主要是一年的那种。有些WARNING的地方会注意一下,这样遇到生活和 ...
! T2 Y, \# `$ i, q8 F$ Q) g' P" H
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-29 17:53 | 显示全部楼层
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2012-2-28 19:17

% Q& I" v& w( w6 e  h斑竹聚会我还不知道能不能去哦,等下才知道。你去吗?4 h7 Q: j0 L# Z
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-2-29 20:25 | 显示全部楼层
Q版007 发表于 2012-2-29 17:53 0 w! n( g# w5 E2 m: s- C0 M' u8 j, \
斑竹聚会我还不知道能不能去哦,等下才知道。你去吗?, [" Q1 t- h' t" l/ t' d
& K9 s# H. _3 }& x, C& u) e
看你们去不去,如果你们去,我就去。! x4 x  d: z# i$ [+ r; [
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-29 21:36 | 显示全部楼层
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2012-2-29 20:25   Z0 N/ X& k5 D  |4 H
0 b* [* }+ `* |) z2 v/ u9 p' i我也觉得星座有些道理,但为什么会这样呢还是不得其解。

' u" ?$ O+ T: ?' {这个我也不明白哦。看PTL的回帖,应该是高手。求解
鲜花(327) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-29 23:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 PTL 于 2012-2-29 23:09 编辑 1 G9 S- n* X& b  O% U% Z5 k8 o% }
+ h! Q$ n# d' [
大宇宙和小宇宙之间能量作用的REFLECTION,这是我的理解。其他的俺也知不道了。呵呵,说真的,这个相信学过易经的人会很容易发现东西方占星方法的同通之处的。曾经想去上SUSAN MILLER的课程,但是后来没有成行,很遗憾。仔细看过她的测试,她的确不同与其他一般的星象学家。我争取50岁以后去学哈。。。
鲜花(327) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-2-29 23:07 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2012-2-29 20:25 0 t: y( G' \/ ]2 W: Y, _: E0 E
! H7 Q" h0 C9 m' e& ?. g我也觉得星座有些道理,但为什么会这样呢还是不得其解。
9 n9 w% W$ A: [; V
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-3-1 08:05 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
PTL 发表于 2012-2-29 23:07
( O, Y. W5 J9 c$ E. C- f6 {, u这次就不去了,那天约了人去滑雪。你们去吧。等我找个时间你们携家属来我家聚聚,当然去你们家也成哈。哈 ...
! {9 m8 S" t! @# I" `
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-1 16:19 | 显示全部楼层
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2012-3-1 08:05
9 x8 c: Q2 B3 G; ^3 k3 `携家属聚聚当然好,我想是不是我们先聚聚,讨论一下清心版应该怎么办。

& v" y4 D; Z4 H* F4 X好像论坛里的那个斑竹聚会的帖子没有人报名呢??1 ?% u9 I) ^  X' C+ S6 G( p  b
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