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鲜花(31) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-4-20 01:54 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 JoyceAccSG 于 2013-4-20 06:28 编辑
- S; P! ]- e: P5 \! f/ ]+ u' V
/ O" h; l1 }% [' t  q; C这首摇滚乐最让我心醉。每当夜晚从收音机听到这首歌,思乡之心越浓。可见,无论年纪大小,听这只歌的感受是一样的。
2 |/ }2 {2 y: ^0 ^& i; s' Y! a
: e3 s* T: k5 I3 \; f, E. |MAMA, I'M COMING HOME LYRICS - OZZY OSBOURNE$ B/ ?2 @0 L0 G

  W% n( [6 o; b* i0 H3 S1 j/ HTimes have changed and times are strange: ?0 f* N2 ]4 i6 T
Here I come but I ain't the same
$ A  i2 n) r! Y: E- f* dMama, I'm comin' home
% P" h; ]" R# \) f5 e$ vTimes go by, seems to be
; P4 L; p) q0 XYou could have been a better friend to me
, x) ?% C: G3 D' yMama, I'm comin' home
2 Z, {  u' F' ~% r$ ]* v5 H7 R1 f
You took me in and you drove me out
; t) d( l  G& @4 B# e6 z1 v- a" QYeah, you had me hypnotized, yeah" X, p1 K% w, `4 W5 Z
Lost and found and turned around6 o6 t1 x6 H9 E, e
By the fire in your eyes
3 S) A" W( H6 E6 ^
, u( g3 ?6 Q# _You made me cry, you told me lies) g. J% q  V+ P6 F/ v" R) X' F6 U
But I can't stand to say goodbye9 h$ e% u) d, g2 `, p# Z4 K
Mama, I'm comin' home
' E7 s6 T9 ~8 p* T# [I could be right, I could be wrong2 h- k2 W  A2 |/ s! t" H( }
It hurts so bad it's been so long" b. p  f5 c' c/ b- E+ _8 i% b! S
Mama, I'm comin' home( J9 ^" N4 e$ P0 w2 l

( L" \$ D( i" l7 D8 j* j. a2 L3 ^Selfish love yeah we're both alone
$ P1 q) `& Q6 Y/ RThe rise before the fall, yeah0 r5 @  |( ]/ R0 Z
But I'm gonna take this heart of stone
; n4 p; V, G# f6 x+ ?5 bI just got to have it all
5 A) f( m/ m% e! J" N/ E% y1 l! Y8 h/ R  s
I've seen your face a hundred times
9 Y# B6 j* Y3 c( iEvery day we've been apart+ i% J  i; b7 Z$ `; V+ d0 x
I don't care about the sunshine, yeah/ S! |. M" x) N+ F, x
'Cause mama, mama, I'm comin' home
. W0 A' q+ R- t8 L7 v' O8 |( `6 @I'm comin' home
( n6 E' a  Q  Z% a1 S3 Q* W2 j* }I'm comin' home4 ?% i$ q' N3 }: {& I" P9 a
% N5 E5 ]* {) u1 F9 d
You took me in and you drove me out
. I+ ^2 {" U5 i) h0 {6 q4 I, n6 a8 pYeah, you had me hypnotized, yeah" ]! `$ `1 S, \/ s
Lost and found an turned around; a- q5 j, Y( A! r* h. x
By the fire in your eyes
9 c1 t; u+ T. X3 M" ?& R! a! |
$ ^, G$ U2 T" m% ^( \( NI've seen your face a thousand times
- v, {+ H/ h! [( JEvery day we've been apart& S6 k- Q3 m8 m6 i8 v/ M* v- H
I don't care about the sunshine, yeah
) _% J/ @4 ~* l0 @* h$ W" O'Cause mama, mama, I'm comin' home, g( p8 ^9 e3 X  n9 {
I'm comin' home4 G9 d6 R! }0 V6 Z
I'm comin' home
+ D' o* K- ]5 Z) _* k0 @
7 J+ L$ F! S9 h, ]* l' B# p# Q谁能把音乐原唱贴在后面?
6 p3 p  n1 p' l' U
2 n# l/ t5 d) ^/ {# I5 w
鲜花(993) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-4-20 01:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1624) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-4-20 04:26 | 显示全部楼层
午夜闻此曲  何人不起故园情!!!      有时不敢去想  逃得远远 把自已塞得满满   就怕  思念 如绝提的海  把我淹没  一次又一次····       浪迹天涯   亲爱的妈妈你还安好?
鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-4-20 07:08 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(662) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-4-20 21:00 | 显示全部楼层
北上太子 发表于 2013-4-20 05:26 $ m- N9 C3 j' v% I% p
午夜闻此曲  何人不起故园情!!!      有时不敢去想  逃得远远 把自已塞得满满   就怕  思念 如绝提的海  ...

# ^% e* ?0 m! Y. B1 W7 _很感动,说的我眼泪已经止不住了。
* C$ e8 N. m* N8 x; K9 P. v我们都有一颗感恩的心。
9 V# ^; }: S# W+ s/ P心里有父母的人,都是善良的人。; _2 U% i+ ?8 d3 F/ Z  b7 k
鲜花(31) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-11 21:31 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
回想起来来,从小受母亲的无为 不至地爱护,然后判逆,然后自立门户,为人父母,只有母亲的爱是刻骨铭心的。
, c  X/ T7 w& ]9 U1 X2 g# W) y9 `$ i" v: K4 v7 R* i


JoyceAccSG  在2013-5-11 21:33  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
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