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Why Worry -- Art Garfunkel

鲜花(258) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-12-10 20:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

0 w% J" {6 ~$ Z: gBaby I see this world has made you sad
) F7 K7 P" J) r7 t6 z9 m宝贝我知道这个世界让你伤心了+ O. R/ O. ~* ?. M+ P5 i
Some people can be bad
6 |" t( V2 H" m' x4 {7 P( O7 r有些人或许坏, x. A# ?, H$ e
The things they do, the things they say
& X1 x' d3 u0 B2 s9 @他们所做的 所说的事情
: C( ^2 A* d/ u: R4 lBut baby I'll wipe away those bitter tears . i. h9 j% z4 O. q+ R/ b" v
, {  o0 k! X/ D& o. H1 A9 v$ aI'll chase away those restless fears
) q, M1 x$ _' v7 D* \8 AThat turn your blue skies into grey
$ L' J# E0 K. E0 {, ]我将驱散使你的蓝天变得灰暗的那些不安恐惧
2 L& ~3 O$ Q6 j) d) l; }- @- n% ]4 F7 G) z, v; k
Why worry, there should be laughter after the pain ! E; P& q2 ?) n$ {
干嘛要忧愁呢 痛苦过后会有笑容
* H8 d& G; }- |  J2 A" ?1 uThere should be sunshine after rain
0 B. ^: Y! ^# a雨过就会天晴
* U5 o; L9 r( |  [! zThese things have always been the same + T$ X% U/ z1 I9 r1 O
So why worry now : ~2 b& p5 [! s1 A% |6 D
这些是一直不变的啊 所以 干嘛要忧愁呢
! W, g5 ~. b: L# @" B2 u8 ?7 M  g, B& F- p+ A
Baby when I get down I turn to you
! P2 c! X! `- L5 T宝贝 当我沮丧时总会找你
' n% @; K1 C* V' z1 \* QAnd you make sense of what I do ( g3 P5 u5 y# O2 @' X' t
因你使我所做的一切变得有意义1 z$ ^9 I, r% x0 ?0 I6 d% ~! X
I know it isn't hard to say 3 W  v0 Y1 x* P: {& t; L8 I
' A' s1 q! f+ C$ q' P9 ~+ NBut baby just when this world seems mean and cold 8 Y) C" E6 Y8 O
但是宝贝 特别是当这个世界看起来又凶恶又冷酷的时候0 N( N- d6 _% r8 N7 N8 p
Our love comes shining red and gold
1 f% t/ s* Z, h我们的爱却闪着红色的金光+ ^+ l) i! w1 E9 l
And all the rest is by the way
8 r: q  W& u, P! ?. \+ s至于其它的 不必放在心上4 O( [( q: b- w( N
# ]8 [* a$ j4 |/ t8 z2 l/ o
Why worry, there should be laughter after pain * R/ e0 R! X2 H5 R# v$ H% q
干嘛要忧愁呢 痛苦过后会有笑容3 g/ z0 L% ~2 g( J+ b
There should be sunshine after rain
+ F. b5 E) I* |, D雨过就会天晴, N& ~& ]1 G3 u7 n. v# P4 }6 f& K
These things have always been the same ) O7 x% |4 H& V" V; X* u
这些是一直不变的啊+ t7 D+ V' O3 P9 t
So why worry now
* D0 v1 F- ^# _2 H" D8 m0 n6 I) k现在 你还忧愁干嘛
* b% z  u1 {8 f; w% j  ?* p0 [8 r
鲜花(219) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-12-10 21:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(84) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-12-10 23:04 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
Soothing your soul. Maybe there is still that kind of love that can sooth your soul, maybe it's just a dream.
鲜花(792) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-12-10 23:43 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(1624) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-12-11 07:18 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢分享。  别有一番滋味在心间
鲜花(258) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-11 07:46 | 显示全部楼层
北上太子 发表于 2013-12-11 07:18 - o+ U8 j* q. e0 m) I
谢谢分享。  别有一番滋味在心间
6 i7 ?+ N( u, A( J
受你那份"经历"的影响想到这首歌. (不太切题)
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