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I had a lover

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-6 23:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
犹豫了很久,终于决定把自己的真实故事写出来。& ~+ m, R# x1 Q+ K' x7 H
8 f! I7 K/ {2 ~
犹豫的原因是有个别的朋友,缺少同情心。4 d- ^/ H/ M: e/ [
, E4 f% @1 ~/ E, V6 }3 m0 U
我承认我做的不对,结了婚还找情人肯定是不对。 但是很多貌似不对事情确实都发生了, 而且发生的那么难以避免。
; p# b& L8 @& P/ q- t* r% {: M0 ]- A6 O) G, f9 c4 f$ X7 G
如果您没有同情心,如果您认为我是个坏人或者我的情人不是好人,请不要往下读。3 ^  `! f  a) \! D+ _  W

7 S& B# m0 B  l4 q" p, i; z1 _7 V+ c+ K
. t7 Q5 }5 E/ k$ k( A7 E5 j
  Y, K0 T$ v: B4 b5 E
3 U  ?: c6 j+ \& J! U; u6 L; ?
$ I7 N( [) T5 w, j+ t+ B

; c! p  P5 P4 [; j
# y* Z/ R3 p( ~7 w( s
9 m/ t' ^% Z5 V; k& ?3 y  d8 ~7 C% R3 d% w0 {# W' d& l2 C" D; m

/ O. s# o) s* s6 {% }! R; K  v$ u" s
9 B, A! W& g! ?3 |4 J1 G5 K! ?0 m/ |& h5 b" K" L
# R7 |, [% k, i7 W- V  A
6 D2 ^; T+ K+ j

% L! @2 z4 D5 j2 W0 b# _
I Had a Lover
/ d  z  B- ?/ P3 k8 H" R
7 K4 q2 u3 f/ r
We met at a friend’s party. She was beautiful, younger and energetic. She was an interpreter of a school. I liked to spend time with foreign teachers and then we had more chances to talk. She admired me because in her words I should do her job.
1 `: v; B# r3 _6 I$ `* V/ I+ ]. l1 P% O* P# M- n
One day I proposed to climb a mountain in the suburb. She agreed without hesitation. She sat at the back of my motorbike. I could feel her warm body when the rode was bumpy. I had a desire to touch her hands or body, but I did not dare. The mountain was steep. I gave my hand to her when it was necessary. Her hands were warm, soft and tender when I held them. So I chose more steep paths to climb, and got more chances to touch her hands. Actually before not too long, I could hold her hands even when the slope was not that steep. 6 ]0 {. E$ q) P, A1 A$ l- ]

8 u# O% `1 J5 S7 a9 |( k- m( |Suddenly it became dark. The black clouds were coming. We could heard the thunder far way. We hurried down the mountain. I rode my motorbike as fast as I could to escape the coming rain. But the city was too far way and we were caught in the rain.   C4 r+ ^  E: f

$ R. G& Y* n) ~- ?  |, `& PWe stopped at a small shop where they sell cell phones. The two girl clerks were very kind for us to stay in. They offered us two small chairs. We sat together. The weather was cool and my body desired for warmth. I moved my chair closer to hers and my shoulder was with together with hers. I felt warm. But I was too greedy to be satisfied with shoulder to shoulder. I took her hands into mine again. This time it was different. I needed not give her a hand to help. Her hands were quietly stayed in mine, but I could feel her breath became faster. Her cheeks became redder. Wow, what a great feeling! I loved being caught in the rain! I said it out. She did not ask why and just smiled. I love her simile and missed the smile very much. It was so sweet.
- q3 ~2 l' G( B+ ]( c! E+ S0 K% m* t# X/ _2 u) Z) T: b/ [" d9 l0 f
When at last we came back to her cozy rented home, I held her into my arms. I kissed her. I kissed her very lightly. I kissed her upper lip, then her lower lip. When I kissed her, her body became trembling. Her mouth uttered some soft voice, which was fascinating and very encouraging. Her lips were so tender, I kissed them more tenderly. I enjoyed her moaning in my arms. $ h2 P3 g3 U$ \& S
( |: v) C# v8 j, D! S
At last we made love....... 2 ^" L% }/ k+ t* @, ?6 ^

* }8 R  w% D8 n3 O: CShe asked me: will you one day marry me? I knew I would not. So I said: I will make you happy. I did not notice the red blood in the bed, not much, but clearly there until I was ready to leave. My God, she was a virgin. My heart beat faster. At that I promised to myself: I will do anything I can to make her happy. I will do anything I can to make her the happiest woman in the world. - ^4 Y" A/ g! E9 r# A' w7 p
, i8 W, z8 A; t& |) X
Indeed she was very happy, especially when with me. But she missed me terribly when I was somewhere else. At first she did not tell me that her heart hurt when missing me. I certainly enjoyed the precious quality time with her. I now know the happiness was based on her harsh bitterness in missing me during most of the time.   v6 z$ K/ n6 E- i# x
# e% t7 T1 v1 ?7 r. A
One day she insisted my staying. I said no, because I had to leave. She begged me to stay. I could see her strong attachment to me. She held me tightly and dragged me with force. But at last I left. I felt sorry. I knew it was unfair for her. I was her total, but she was not. I knew the more we stayed this way, the more harm I would do her. I decided to leave her. Later she told me she cried and cried and cried for months. # d: M' W( |" }& b

7 p7 v$ n3 g' D4 A' T7 nHalf a year later, I gave her a call to know how she was doing. She sobbed and told me she cannot live without me. I went to comfort her. Then we kissed, hugged and then made love. We were together again. ( [3 p' H" c, S- v

+ q- _" \# v$ P1 h/ ~She was very happy when I was with her. She would clean the room before I came. She enjoyed walking in the street hands in hands with me. But she was quite miserable when I was not there. One day I told her to find a boyfriend. She became very angry. She even became violent. I said, “It would be good for you if you had a boyfriend”. She said if I really cared for her I had better get divorced. But I did not want to become another Chen shi mei. I just did not want to hurt another person.
5 F: f. m5 N6 q
0 X9 d  e2 F$ U# WThe time really came when a boy went into her life. But she told me she just did not have the right feeling with the boy. One voice in me said it would be good for us if she has a boyfriend, yet another selfish voice did not like the idea at all. Once after a very enjoyable quality time together, she went to say no to the boy. I knew in her heart I was her love and her total. 5 e. c' U+ ]( j/ W- I% H

$ t  Z& m6 D7 ^0 D3 ?- ~2 x1 `So time just went along, with some happiness but I guess more bitterness.   |0 G. a* o8 ]! m) d
. X, R! ^( R' w2 `  r, x  L
Half a year ago I went to a far place. She cried and cried. She asked me to bring her with me. In her email she said she did not care anything, she just wanted to be with me. I did want her but just did not know how. Later when I knew how, she became very hesitating, saying she did not want this life anymore.
+ M1 r1 \  ^/ _& u8 I+ o6 W6 C9 M* O* E' c/ z% L% V) Y3 ~
There is nothing I can do, except wishing her that she can forget me and start a new life.
$ _: @  m; v* c6 [6 f$ J" Z: q& k- e

. W. w0 o. L- {" a& \  n0 j( B+ m6 ~6 G: {+ l9 T
February 6, 2007 $ Y8 Q0 h4 \4 E; L# \; P
When I am supposed to finish my assignment3 z; n4 s" c2 \6 A1 W  D

/ k" {/ E' ~* Z/ y$ ^- m# q, l[ 本帖最后由 man888 于 2007-2-6 23:14 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-6 23:18 | 显示全部楼层
能用中文吗, 看着太累
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 00:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lischka 于 2007-2-6 23:18 发表' R8 }& T1 h' N% n3 |4 ~& \
能用中文吗, 看着太累
& s; i1 L" \% `+ S

8 q  i$ I% _( d1 y( c6 u- u& H7 s$ I5 Z: f
不好意思. 写得时候觉得英文顺手, 就用英文了. 谢谢您阅读, 不过也没有什么, 就是过去发生的事情, 回忆一下.
鲜花(35) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 00:11 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(667) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 01:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 02:45 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 莫迭儿 于 2007-2-7 00:11 发表
4 a+ V% |! [) U! `' P% Z) T% g0 g无语..................
2 E6 c2 y9 q* p& ~- d8 \3 }2 W

# C4 ]. ]" n2 z& M5 S: EThanks!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 11:00 | 显示全部楼层
读完了,同情!不过,不是同情你,而是同情那个可怜的女孩子! 0 [" R7 x: n6 s( D4 Q' \
7 D' @) F# C( {9 h* p7 a: f2 D
她怎么就瞎了眼,跟了你这样一个只想着下半身的男人? ! U9 T8 b8 k/ A! |) i$ Q2 W6 u

6 P( N" W, Z, _7 e0 Y但愿不是一个真实的故事!
鲜花(63) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 11:15 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 11:35 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 12:12 | 显示全部楼层
"With great pleasure comes great responsibility! Maybe you're not evil enough"
0 K- a% }% Y$ X, J- p$ n; k, Y$ j6 P$ H& E0 ~# o$ b  E' a: S* _
                                                                                         ---- Re-quote from Dr.Evil
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 12:29 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 望明月 于 2007-2-7 11:00 发表
) Q/ E$ e2 K3 O2 N读完了,同情!不过,不是同情你,而是同情那个可怜的女孩子! ! o8 ^/ ~8 h: t; ]- u" O# L

! b& o9 p5 y7 B4 T她怎么就瞎了眼,跟了你这样一个只想着下半身的男人? # G5 k9 k6 q5 H# h. c5 M
; W4 |4 ]- ~- E# i% q2 a- y7 U
1 l0 i  O# u) Y/ Q' R: n

* @1 U4 Q4 k, o. {6 k" W: Q2 V% B9 e不是吧. - S4 P, s( q6 _, [
% G5 v9 h$ Y5 a% p: }, k3 Q
我怎么只想着下半身了? 4 ?& X9 w# N. s! b) q! g

1 y( M0 n7 n; _3 I' j6 o反正, 已婚男人有了情人就是不对的. 9 F9 B. F5 |. H
6 O8 O% R7 L1 i
不过, 还是谢谢您读了我的故事.
& b; w# S' j/ w. G: Y
; A, v$ d  E* S# N; O# q很遗憾, 这个故事是真的.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Dr.Evil 于 2007-2-7 12:12 发表
6 A7 m- x0 l, W3 X# D  ]) \"With great pleasure comes great responsibility! Maybe you're not evil enough"
" N/ A4 t. }- f8 y
6 \  V( z- Q% w8 R8 i5 w                                                                                         ---- Re-quote  ...
  P* Z! `6 D, O1 r* P

* P8 A, c! L1 z% N
: @- o& @! a: Y+ X非常地赞成.
; A7 G+ I' J  J十分地同意.
# e/ R5 k7 m; f9 S9 D- c/ _
' _+ a- O5 e9 }The truth is that she is my lover, the person who I loves. How can a man be responsible to his lover?9 ]3 @1 V- A: ~4 S8 H
The only way is to marry her. But a) if I do, I would hurt another woman, b) she is much younger than me and derserves a better man.
9 \9 T1 \- M9 q- w* y2 o+ W, S% t. @
+ V) V2 i" Q  r6 [5 g4 BThe reason I wrote my experience out and posted it here is the agony eating my heart whenever I think of her. 8 x& U, [( H" W" q( _; s

! y+ y7 w0 W4 N9 rI really owe her a lot.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 12:47 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 xge 于 2007-2-7 11:15 发表
8 d3 i, w! d. u! c/ p一声叹息.........
# f7 B. o) ~# w4 u! O3 @( Q4 B4 J

! D" \9 a' t  G! [  Y3 o1 ]谢谢你!
; V8 w' C2 J/ Y# J; n3 }0 a- q' |9 P8 K0 `
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 12:50 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 man888 于 2007-2-7 12:29 发表
5 P0 Z. C, Z$ p3 J
$ ~9 G- w1 f, ^+ |- P: E
; W  H0 w  @! h, G2 T) E: L' G; l2 k: [4 l5 [$ b
% m4 Z: D/ ^5 Q) l& {: ~
反正, 已婚男人有了情人就是不对的.

; I& b1 {% T' n, T  O: f% v4 h9 Q$ i+ S" Q
YES!7 a& c: ^  S6 D. D$ H
& c- T9 }4 L$ ~3 b5 ^9 s
If you love your wife, then love her only.  Q! b) a0 j8 B( A& e; Z, w
If you don't love your wife, you can get out of the marriage. 7 Y* ], i+ q* W& e& ?% t" _& J

) V6 [* h/ \3 c  F* tYou already hurt your wife anyway!
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 12:50 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 man888 于 2007-2-7 12:29 发表9 X& Q, U. E1 M& U3 f

6 S6 p+ H$ j0 ]) K! f" d) Y很遗憾, 这个故事是真的.
6 X+ Y$ h8 }; R! C0 I

9 t& O4 U6 A0 _- s + 一声叹息
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 12:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 望明月 于 2007-2-7 12:50 发表
+ o( o  c" t( E' D% s; l
3 x/ t; c- r: i- _/ J3 L, c
/ p  M' \; [8 K2 R$ @ + 一声叹息

- H6 S) l6 r0 K6 p+ e7 E- Y" c0 ~- M! {- r
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 14:05 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
in this story I didn't see any word say sorry to your wife. do you love her???????I don't understand it is how big is your heart? how can you stored two lover in your heart in once? I fell so sorry for the two ladys. I wish you won't hurt your wife anymore.please please
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
好象有句忠言说女人一旦上了手就要考虑如何把她甩了, 显然, LZ没这么做. 你不断的骚扰让人多痛苦啊
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 15:31 | 显示全部楼层
I believe what the man did was actually gone through both of his heads. Both heads wanted her, and may still want her now, simply because that was a young beautiful and energetic body and naïve soul. The girl is stupid enough to trust an older and more experienced man who can use the trust to take her under control. This type of girl is the easy prey for married man but unfortunately also a disaster hard to get rid of after the passion and lust are gone.) m! G/ H  M0 N8 O! a

7 k1 z* s' w$ l* z8 II don’t believe the man is really helping her to get over him. The best thing for him to do, if he doesn't want to marry her, is to leave her alone--cut off all the communication with her. What I see is that he has been doing the opposite: use the excuse of caring about her, check on her to see what she was doing, so that he can seduce her to have sex with him, remind her of his existence, warm up her memory before it is cool down on him. Don't anyone be stupid enough to think the man is only thinking by his lower head. This part was definitely through his upper one. % S2 x/ c' n! A! ~5 E1 ]" U& b

$ u) ?5 l5 c' ?6 N) TWhat the poor girl needs is not only a boy who can be more loving and more energetic than the seducer, but also needs a good girl friend to tell her that there are more options out there for her: more guys with better and purer hearts, and more guys with better dicks hahahaha
  Z! Q- Q: d2 Q' r
' W0 _4 N5 v3 b+ w' `BTW, LZ: Don't take offence please. Your story is just too typical - unmarried girl with married men - a totally unfair game. So what I use on the MAN is actually referring to all the men of this type, nothing really personal.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 15:43 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 sweatheart 于 2007-2-7 14:05 发表
  A5 L% i3 l$ I. v/ Lin this story I didn't see any word say sorry to your wife. do you love her???????I don't understand it is how big is your heart? how can you stored two lover in your heart in once? I fell so sor ...
) x/ h; o9 `: T  n6 U

' r- `, f# [) i$ j# P% K  Y
& K) b& t# h2 u& T. _4 H$ K2 e+ LI don’t think he needs to say sorry to her at all because what he did was already not a 'sorry' can make up for. + ]4 U0 p1 J) x$ l( H5 L2 ]! \
It doesn't do anyone good to tell his wife that he had sex again and again with a young girl. It can only bring pain and hatred to his wife, who doesn't deserve those at all. $ @( ^5 g4 D& |! D( `

) T7 z2 m! d; U" N' |7 u5 q% zShe is the only innocent one in this case. As a woman, I think it is better to hold the peace even though I feel so sorry for her.
8 V' t* `7 Q, r+ S) j9 s; t2 A* l9 F/ j
- d( \4 s# Q- O, Y) i
And to make things clear, he doesn't have two lovers: he has a WIFE and one LOVER. He never mention he loves his wife equally or which one he loves more. As a matter of fact, I didn't see his love in that girl at all. All he wanted was to touch her body and have sex with her. SHE wants to walk hand in had; SHE wants to be with him; SHE cries when he announce his breakup… NOT HIM! hehehe & \/ r* m# n5 T/ S

5 B& A) d. Y  M. I! k' {4 `' Q+ uYou see the trick?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 15:45 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 大劈骨 于 2007-2-7 14:20 发表
( S4 y( x4 d7 E' u8 D5 @- ?好象有句忠言说女人一旦上了手就要考虑如何把她甩了, 显然, LZ没这么做. 你不断的骚扰让人多痛苦啊
. s% u0 M0 _7 R4 p
& P  ~8 Q" ^4 S( S* t/ s- D
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 15:48 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 15:49 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 16:23 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1 man888 的帖子

  ?( \$ o: b4 N/ l4 {
* \) P$ J4 v) O# Q& a希望不是showoff,嘿嘿. ~2 b# Q7 b% u
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 17:10 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 19:04 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 望明月 于 2007-2-7 11:00 发表) D1 n1 D: R$ j, o3 T
读完了,同情!不过,不是同情你,而是同情那个可怜的女孩子! ! o/ S* h. Z/ R+ {

2 w, d* z+ G% E& e1 t  R3 {6 \她怎么就瞎了眼,跟了你这样一个只想着下半身的男人?
% a( U& I2 A3 ^, ]/ z+ _1 q2 [' _: N6 I( Y5 D

* Y" r! b% R1 A. G* ]. U
( H0 Y) X4 D6 [! ]4 g$ q' S  D那女人也没什么可怜的,头脑简单,天真烂漫。以为人家有多爱她,实际上就是迷恋她的身体而已,她要是情意绵绵下去,肯定被甩没商量,有的人还会因此换来杀身之祸呢。
& M* V, C/ e" N. K9 |" s( F
% d6 f% f9 b+ s& s还要别人有同情心?去问问那些和你一样想法的男人,他们会同情你,主要是同情你没眼光,怎么找到这么个黏人的。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 19:42 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 20:09 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 man888 于 2007-2-7 00:02 发表
/ j: e2 A0 I" R% c" H$ s- X1 k1 c! G, h9 ~
+ {% x3 m$ k$ |/ f' l* X0 ]

6 {7 z6 m* |- \) M/ z不好意思. 写得时候觉得英文顺手, 就用英文了. 谢谢您阅读, 不过也没有什么, 就是过去发生的事情, 回忆一下.
4 f0 [7 c  h2 n7 z9 r$ {( C

! y( S% F1 C( p7 {9 r
, s4 o- V, k# Z( B3 R7 k* P/ i' ?- [/ H( ^
鲜花(776) 鸡蛋(24)
发表于 2007-2-7 21:31 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 雁南飞 于 2007-2-7 19:04 发表9 U/ f; h( c5 g, v4 u5 q
. o+ U$ M' t. V" W. q+ f
  g. H& x* i; k7 e: W
+ k: m0 s! U- T6 t
/ ]2 ~. D3 L$ Q4 h7 {# P还要别人有同情心?去问问那 ...

# T+ t7 ^$ [# u) k5 _/ n. F) u! ^( R) ?8 j9 Z
: L# d+ N' U5 k
agree with you!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-2-7 22:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 peterpan 于 2007-2-7 21:31 发表- C) T, h  J- E- l- e
agree with you!

3 }' L; y* F) e2 \" [9 k
2 I0 I& a+ E9 R7 myour words make me feel so sorry.2 A; }* w! a% g8 e& }; z

; S/ G4 N! }* i! s( I& d" N! }根据我的经验,审判之前可以谴责,但是改造期间是不可以借惩罚的名义羞辱之。她是个可怜的女人,如果她是我的妹妹,我会把至少一克“铊”放到楼主的苦酒里,让他了之后和尤先科一样好看(但愿他别喝)。也许,她还会在第一时间给他服用普鲁士蓝胺。. }7 @: B+ s$ Z7 c1 I2 p" @2 M

: \8 a6 K9 @0 ^, z! E青年男女之间有一种天生的好感。只是,在短短的一日之内走得这么远,又不是洋人,又没有US AIR FORCE发现及消灭的实力,又那么中国式的情深不寿,又那么善良软弱,怎么办哩?俺回龙观有句名言:打个车跑吧。' g0 B  ?! K) m
1 K$ Y  K5 |2 T" y. b9 [/ V. A
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