埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-2 21:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
AC/DC,老牌硬摇滚乐队,不过还不算真正的重金属哈!6 Z' M" s& G/ _6 F& m+ g. @

% i, r: o9 h3 @5 C) A' u, f  X( C; g0 t5 f  e) |7 {
( ]# \% m: V- C4 F! w/ N# p
I was caught
8 O) i2 h' T: L" TIn the middle of a railroad track (Thunder)
4 h9 I: N8 B# `6 Z) `
! X3 P5 w& S& `' e% |And I knew there was no turning back (Thunder)- `' h: K& x. ^5 q0 I2 i
My mind raced
2 j& c6 I0 v7 s  Q- JAnd I thought what could I do (Thunder)( O4 Q/ w! v- ?$ r+ p9 f
And I knew
* n% [8 ]! d/ h+ MThere was no help, no help from you (Thunder)
! n% W: w) `: v; a; s4 L
$ g( C) t2 R0 \* }, P4 F: OSound of the drums: M# I" n! Y4 ?! }, ?5 {: f
Beatin' in my heart
4 C9 ?9 S% k/ J1 _& bThe thunder of guns
; I6 ~/ W! o& s2 U# Y1 jTore me apart
. q4 b! O- h, v4 Q8 EYou've been - thunderstruck4 w- s1 z1 v" r: A

+ f6 ?5 b. ~" H/ b  a: X5 KWent down the highway6 _; S# ]9 |! _/ R0 H0 Q
Broke the limit, we hit the town" H; G& J' R$ r4 ]5 K# x, A
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas
8 J& R- _4 i0 V- ^And we had some fun
, u( z) y1 f& m( z0 NWe met some girls, A! v* T2 P% Y, h  s, P: R
Some dancers who gave a good time
6 C! J, o8 s, ^6 UBroke all the rules, played all the fools
( I1 s. Y) {5 m: U! R# XYeah, yeah, they, they, they blew our minds
! X# [0 t: G/ N
" s% J1 c4 h+ F" ?7 M; w  h! sI was shakin' at the knees
3 q" E  C- Z3 X7 U4 Y1 ACould I come again please?4 ~4 X) c  Y0 I( v/ P8 P) T
Yeah the ladies were too kind0 ]8 }+ R$ \  _# }+ T& k3 g; M
You've been - thunderstruck, thunderstruck
# R- M' ?$ l; q; N) uYeah yeah yeah, thunderstruck
: M, K3 b- Q$ R5 ~& _* \6 ?
7 c; b2 `$ ^# sOh, thunderstruck: [" N7 l- g) ]* ^5 h1 E
Yeah- V7 F9 I$ O% o7 ]: O$ r1 h
' }) v5 d4 [. J, E# A  _, _2 |
Now we're shaking at the knees& c& g( ?$ x$ E
Could I come again please?' f4 o4 r, c' n% z

: s/ R$ t8 u' z6 \Thunderstruck, thunderstruck
5 n+ p5 O* q9 S0 a4 iYeah yeah yeah, thunderstruck' ^" i, V* V: g4 g( k
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah4 m3 p& ~; b5 q

- B  K  \( Z" Q# ?8 C$ U8 x# LSaid yeah, it's alright
' j$ p/ H& t2 [& l& j+ R$ U; H6 I' ZWe're doing fine
6 s) {3 U! [& W# y; @+ K- e' vYeah, it's alright5 q% W. [! [- k) p
We're doing fine
. T# F- Z/ y1 dSo fine
  [+ z+ f5 n! [  m5 p
1 j, {6 z& V) z  a! i( oThunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah,
- t: P+ c+ J' T, P: _% b$ W- mTunderstruck, thunderstruck, thunderstruck
$ R  I7 d) F- n0 ]+ |/ ?Whoa baby, baby, thunderstruck/ f" b( n8 ]. i
You've been thunderstruck, thunderstruck1 c$ K' w: v+ V
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck
$ @5 \/ V! C- @- q- L, JYou've been thunderstruck
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-2 21:23 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-2 21:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-2 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(776) 鸡蛋(24)
发表于 2007-5-2 21:28 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 板儿砖 于 2007-5-2 22:23 发表 1 a* [) S) ^" y' T

) b2 U6 M* `- A1 S- W4 l! P 真的,偶也觉得这中"捣蒜般的吉他声"听着很过隐啊
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-2 21:30 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-2 22:13 | 显示全部楼层
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