埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-24 14:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这几天在读 Dr. Phil 的<Family First>. 读到下面的一节挺有意思,摘下来给大家瞧瞧。 ; [2 x. ~& q" }% [6 a  z" R. O
! a' f0 U# _& f0 V( V% S
Identify your child’s type0 |# f, X8 v9 S
! O  g  Q% T, T/ a
Is your child Rebellious, Cooperative or Passive? The next Assessment is your chance to identify and profile your child’s type. Here are thirty direct statements that describe various aspects of your child’s behavior. ……Read these statements carefully and rate how well they describe your child. ….
6 I; K" Z5 k  f9 \
9 L: E3 V& u' C8 [7 ~  S+ s. i5 M0 kFor each statement, choose Agree (4), Mostly Agree (3), Mostly disagree (2), or Disagree (1). [ the number in the brackets are points you give to each statement which will be used for scoring later ]
$ I) J7 E9 V+ e7 [; b' ~6 _8 {  k% g2 {- C2 T8 v
Section R
0 O& R, t. `) t9 I, Y0 T( z; V6 m) p. P# s' c
1.        My child can be described as a self-starter who likes to work independently.
9 E% Q5 @. O8 @! U" n0 M0 B2.        My child is energetic.0 }* r$ j, \) {+ I" m: Z9 s
3.        My child enjoys getting his or her own way.
$ t  a0 P- l. |' |9 `4.        My child likes to be different.
; p3 M$ L, z! e4 N1 {& H5 f: ?' L5.        Much of the time, my child acts uncooperatively.
* i% a' L. C# a# R6.        When playing or interacting with other children, my child likes to lead and be in charge.
4 W% d: F, Y* V: k. I! }7.        My child likes to express his or her own opinion, is outspoken at times and likes to argue.* _7 g" m" _( r, z- W
8.        My child is a hard worker.. f3 T7 ?7 o3 @4 w, e) V8 x
9.        My child has a competitive streak and likes to win.
9 f6 ~$ d! ~# M9 |: a. H& e+ I" l10.        My child sometimes dresses differently and likes to be unique.3 W) _5 D2 O' r
/ u" t9 |) G+ U# w3 K6 _3 ?

* m' K8 O# x6 v7 K; RSection C7 b" _4 T7 l4 e) X& L8 ^7 G* R

$ }2 f8 N: L/ Z/ E% R$ {1.        My child is willing to go along with others.
+ ^& D1 j/ F3 d, j2.        My child can be described as collaborative and helpful.
! \* o3 Q& i0 s* a  R1 Z7 v: _! Y3.        My child is flexible in group decision-making.& L8 V0 {0 E0 L, {6 Y
4.        My child enjoys participating, rather than leading.
: I+ }4 }0 R6 I) c7 ^) G) d5.        My child enjoys teamwork.- [) `) S/ Y; E  |* t' T2 z: n! `6 Q
6.        My child understands the importance of sharing.
! ]4 ^; _# R$ y7 h/ u$ G7 J/ H7.        My child is generally agreeable.
7 j5 k( D; Y: f" _! A( W/ G8.        My child generally asks permission before making decisions or interacting with others.0 |) c8 a3 T* L1 f6 L' h# _
9.        My child will fully give his efforts for his team.
$ a( p4 k6 n) [10.        My child will lead or follow, depending on the needs of the situation.
# S: T" l) j) ]9 \$ [; ^9 _/ u( |" c: |

- Z' |' ^8 H. e0 t; W6 ySection P: y, f! P( J7 d9 V( e9 D- F: S/ E
! ]& \6 J* n  G/ T
1.        My child needs to be instructed in what to do before taking action.
2 A1 `! N; n6 L0 d' f2.        My child is motivated when I give him or her direction.7 S8 `9 l# j: n/ F5 q1 a
3.        I would not describe my child as a self-starter.  P6 B! J) R$ s% }6 i1 J  `5 g6 A- u
4.        My child follows orders and rules well.
  I  d9 [" C* {) |( A! S* L4 k5.        My child takes pride in following instructions and presenting a job well done.
) ]. E/ P0 c8 ~- h  }# F) M& a6.        My child gets confused without rules.
8 w: G, w, U9 [4 @" T7.        My child responds very well to praise and approval.
8 O, U/ N1 n4 q# W. p$ Z8.        My child takes criticism very seriously.
- K, K, K8 B" [/ A/ d9.        When my child is given leadership for his own group, he takes it very seriously. * t& w- `$ L  t# ~
10.        My child takes on the qualities of the person he recognizes as his authority.
0 Y0 Q& P: _+ t) j; [
4 ]. J- b! ?* C& r/ n(To be continued)
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-24 14:48 | 显示全部楼层
接上文:$ y+ `- N7 Z3 o/ D/ n

) b. w6 H$ r4 f1 j4 m5 O0 DScoring the Child Types0 ]4 C/ d7 b5 @- S: Y; C# ~
2 B( q% p. n5 [, n5 o$ ?& n
Add up your totals for each section separately and write them here.
" ?$ `0 T: j! X. s7 ySection R: ______
) l5 D8 b' P+ U( S. T9 B$ Z; _Section C: ______
: a2 N& ]2 W3 P' t! r( x! @2 y; hSection P: ______
; d& j+ D; H2 r1 t
3 O# I  q) s5 v1 cFind the meaning of your score in each of the three categories below:
( X5 B9 ]+ X2 }5 p) Z: S' R: v! v4 j& g/ {: O9 F" P
Section R: Rebellious0 r8 ~4 c: |7 i6 x
! [$ g1 k  S; @6 H. }: @
33 – 40        High identification with the Rebellious style+ C! k4 R3 ~; ~
25 – 32        Dominant behaviors for the Rebellious style
3 u  ]) N+ g4 T18 -- 24        Average or moderate behaviors for the Rebellious style5 g& F4 i% W$ J0 l4 z
10 -- 17        Low behaviors for the Rebellious style
  z) K  K  x% q; a: t" v+ J: m+ R2 B$ w# @( h
Section C: Cooperative* [6 `& C" I8 X$ N7 |
0 m" B6 K5 N* ]2 a  K2 h3 w2 a
30 – 40        High identification with the Cooperative style.7 S6 y1 Y! Z5 q! E8 \
23 – 29        Dominant behaviors for the Cooperative style./ T- c3 j% H6 M5 z: P
15 – 22        Average or moderate behaviors for the Cooperative style.; T6 a. v; Y! P3 [/ X7 [
10 – 14        Low behaviors for the Cooperative style.2 z8 J3 j$ Y; @% O" C; V& g8 c
7 w/ E) s9 B7 P
Section P: Passive1 h" u4 y, ~+ B) u, n

: b! x0 h: E0 Z% a34 – 40        High identification with the Passive style.# }3 `* h: s5 k" x+ u0 \
27 – 33        Dominant behaviors for the Passive style.9 v7 G7 X* L' Q7 P2 q
18 – 26        Average or moderate behaviors for the Passive style.
3 ~3 g' E6 @4 R& a, }# I' I! z10 – 17        Low behaviors for the Passive style.- C" L  Y* V! t8 d- a9 S# b

( J: |8 i; g! `8 n0 b6 s+ q' HYour children may have scored in the high-to-dominant range of one of these styles, meaning that there is a dominant theme of Rebellious, Cooperative or Passive running through their behavior, or they may show behaviors in a number of style dimensions. The key is for you to recognize these behaviors, so that you know how to interact with your children when different situations and circumstances arise.
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2004-11-24 16:27 | 显示全部楼层
% [. r2 l1 x/ g# F* |老大passive$ n' s4 L# p) q" v
老二cooperative) w2 E. a: [4 b; K% G
鲜花(86) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2004-11-24 23:38 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Originally posted by 三思 at 2004-11-24 23:27:" F. Q; U5 F1 W$ Z' I. i
4 Y" X$ l( J' @  h: C7 m4 A老大passive, t9 T8 C7 ~! B' h, g
老二cooperative. u+ r. m2 I8 p7 d; ^+ }2 I8 t

" k  x; ^9 ^# ?- C7 P4 T
, D5 q# y4 v$ z8 ]. Q2 w6 o: s活活!俺羡慕哈!
" Q% ~/ @! l) n% P+ |& Y+ j: n( N0 d1 c: ]( y0 s
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