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Life's meaning

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-4 19:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Today afternoon, I asked for leave for interview. After I went back from agency's office, I suddenly found that the astomphere like Fuzhou which was my hometown. I could not control my tear. Since 2005 I came to Canada, it was almost 3 years. During these 3 years, 50% was happiness, 50% was sadness, 50% was smileu, 50% was tear. When I got on the bus, I thought of the question I was alway thinking"What's the meaning of life?" If life's meaning was just living, why we choose life?If life's meaning was just earned what you could got, purchased what you wanted, consumed what you had, doesn't   sometimes make too much sense?If life's meaning was to born a new life, why human being's love was so complex? Anima's life was so simple and easy.  I prefered to be a stone if there was really had another life after death. Why I was so depress today?  Was it because I did not sleep well last night? Was it because today I received one called that they cancled my interview next Monday  due to they have already found some people to fill that position and I felt regret  that why I did not went there for interview last week?Was it because  I missed my hometown? I think  all of them.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-4 20:38 | 显示全部楼层
Patpat.0 Z. S) P: u. W
Life is not a picnic, actually sometimes life is really hard. Trying to be simple as possible as can. Taking care of yourself and those you loved and those loving you.; b- X+ z: D" J; f0 b7 H( C
When thwy closed one door, they will open a window for you. You will get a job eventually, the time is coming. So take it easy. That's for you and myself.
鲜花(74) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-5 00:50 | 显示全部楼层
先问问是不是要好朋友要来了,过了生理期就好了。- Z) r6 N* c% U( W' X8 q
) v3 C9 n* M; U) ]生活的意义根据每个阶段,每个时间,每个状况,每个人是不同的。感谢上帝给了你学习智慧的机会。% A. X9 t# H8 F
在能做点事的时候做点事,在能思考的时候思考,在受苦的时候享受痛苦,在幸福的时候才会更幸福。! P" b0 y- g/ H
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-5 03:50 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
一半开心,' A) b# X/ R: c" }
一半心酸,: @" `; |$ l+ s# N$ T* k* }% `6 X
" z2 M0 ]  b+ D' Q4 P开了一合窗。
! E( C5 ]+ W5 O+ {- ]回味逝去的,
6 U1 e- g+ a9 R5 e( ~; o" @$ c踏上新征程,: y8 }, P4 k3 ?# b& j
' \- Z/ L# d( e# u# Z0 G迎接新希望。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-5 11:34 | 显示全部楼层


http://you.video.sina.com.cn/b/3995369-1286921990.html' j$ T3 _! y, M& \9 H" c
; q2 x, {3 E6 Q. g过着平平常常简简单单的生活
1 A1 h4 P5 w" L6 x笑看名利追逐和诱惑$ J0 N% Z2 K! t, B0 u7 S  S
啊命运对每个人都很公平2 ~( ?* f4 J2 H
1 h/ U; P% [9 w9 q: D9 H人间有爱有恨有冷有暧有离合, M* T4 g. b4 d; E  n9 _
$ L  T5 J) P% v) D+ y: @啊生命属于我们只有一次: \! Z! R. Z: c. V7 p# m0 L) a
/ Y/ y, T. O5 F+ s& q: X) o, M" R好好活着别自寻烦恼
9 Y1 y% R1 ^6 }2 `) J1 g. p5 ^& G啊天大的事想开了也没什么: }5 M" H3 Z% x9 a7 [
* W. I6 l0 k1 s  ?; C5 K千金难买健康幸福和快乐快乐
' U2 c; r6 n, @- |) k' m
5 f1 i5 ?, z8 z0 J) ]0 C% C: J过着平平常常简简单单的生活; i" _, O+ P: Z! ]& z- K
笑看名利追逐和诱惑0 r9 n- u. V: [" I& U; ?
啊命运对每个人都很公平3 w( g6 `: R5 J  q
$ F' E' `1 }7 W0 Z3 }3 j) [. _人间有爱有恨有冷有暧有离合+ P; X0 M% P/ n! n/ k
回头想想还是好人多0 d" S. Q. q: ]7 c" L
啊生命属于我们只有一次( y* U- ^& j+ p
3 P) }" r8 x7 K5 _: `) `& L% H/ r好好活着别自寻烦恼/ S- a: {# e, q/ w: R
啊天大的事想开了也没什么9 @0 A) M7 c- W7 Z2 ?
2 {) \5 W' v: ?+ i$ q9 u' A$ k8 v: z千金难买健康幸福和快乐快乐% M& r* v3 J  X3 B/ ^9 T9 J
. Z; F% f, z8 j
好好活着路就在脚下& q9 |8 ]: p! d1 z" ]' y
啊从容地走过所有和坎坷$ e/ e8 y; J& L5 T) ^
好好活着过好每一天/ ~+ ?# N2 c9 Y% I; u* y" P6 S4 Y
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-6-6 05:34 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-6 17:04 | 显示全部楼层
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