埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2009-2-19 21:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% ^5 U; S8 a4 R2 v4 z2 z, ~. i, W上面有个 Canadian experience 类的移民项目6 b7 _4 J7 ^0 W9 t
好象是新打出来的) R7 [' L; P% R
0 K, m0 x& b3 _" L. O0 \0 [* I- y1 L1 l
上面有2个移民的途径,一个是有学位证书的上过学的移民方式' a/ {, H1 l% u) P4 A
需要1年工作经验8 L5 `  t2 x1 |& |) x
/ m# C* H7 F* H( F需要2年工作经验
4 I: }. e3 g. K9 N
6 q* m  S/ [0 ?, T) w1 l它的原话是这样说的5 {0 |# Z! X2 M$ j9 D$ z* |8 e

7 x/ T) K& z; e( D- }# m: y/ @You must have obtained equivalent of two years of recent full time or full time equivalent (one week is 37.5 hours of work) Canadian skilled work experience at NOC Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B. This work experience must have been acquired in Canada (within the three years preceding the date the application is made).
9 Y- f: y9 `: g
0 V( R( S3 w" A+ s( D6 f1 F! q' P我看了以后有点小问题, ~4 U) ^" T2 F6 |, ]! c3 @6 [+ Q
  5 u" m" N  X% O" s8 {
它最后一句,就是那个括号里说的 (within the three years preceding the date the application is made).
) e$ z6 b& z2 ?! W* Y/ U这个,他具体是说的什么意思,我看了以后有点小迷糊; S4 r3 I" q1 d1 Y* B) Y

( p2 C5 O8 k4 f4 K希望各位大哥大姐叔叔阿姨,赐教,
& d/ ]1 ~6 ~, i0 g' j2 _7 `" r小弟不胜感激
/ P+ b' t1 C: t9 \$ i3 s/ N: r :xie: :xie: :xie: :xie: :xie:
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