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[旅行] 大家觉得Sigma DP1 值得买吗??

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-22 14:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
看到降价的消息,降了300,现在要550.。。。。我还在g10,lx3还有这个Sigma DP1之间徘徊呢。。。。还是大家有更好的建议。。。。要是单反就算了。。我负担不起。。。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-22 14:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-22 16:44 | 显示全部楼层
说实在的自己也动心过9 s' c2 c8 B& l. X  W
以前在don's photo 看到的deal是 $599 Dp1+flash+ lens hood. M8 {: S2 P. A
  F- H7 {' T$ G" l+ g- Z* L
- w2 l4 ~! F( m: T& [' Z" l, o1 E- 这机器画质不是 g10 lx3可以比的(毕竟 是 aps size的 sencor 跟一般的单反一样 全副除外) (dp1 的最大卖点)1 n6 Q8 Y2 F9 v) a
- X3 的颜色也很好看; [9 h8 r, l/ z) t' Q6 e7 H
- 这机器的镜头也不错; x& o! U" }9 A
) m' |- j" b, F- d' T+ S
/ g/ j6 j2 U4 C& p+ E/ z0 L- 慢(对焦慢 存储慢)存 jpg 还过得去, 存 raw就很慢慢, 总之 sigma的 机身向来做得不怎么样
( {) I# n  U1 f$ J- 标的是 14mp 实际 是 14/3mp= 大约是 4mp左右 (其实也够用了)
9 k. h4 t1 z7 ?6 q* C4 q* [- 最大光圈F4 有点小  T8 K3 L& ~9 Q) y) s! n) \! d
- 逆光会有很明显的鬼影
. Q) N' E( O9 E; Y& ^5 \2 R
! p1 a, z0 ]! F" k# W. B现在价格也相对合理了 (但dp2快出了 镜头是 50mm F2.8 vs dp1 28mm F4 所以也不冲突,而且sensor是同一块)
; P: a; c, k! k) Q2 q5 \7 }
. n' b* d0 P& B" s# l" m( c7 E& O总之如果想要单反画质 又可以忍受 这些缺点的话 就败下去吧。* `) Q" c" I$ _! K6 A
5 G4 B7 h( S, h% c! s
鲜花(40) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-22 17:23 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sigmadp1/page21.asp. A$ {1 M6 H( E5 W5 [' d

2 b% ?  k0 V- B8 g& |Conclusion - Pros
  • Class leading detail in ISO 100 images, higher ISO performance better than most compact cameras
  • Resolution is as good as it gets in compact cameras, very impressive for output size
  • Good dynamic range (though limited usable headroom in raw files)
  • Very small dimensions for the sensor size
  • Good lens with only minimal distortion and very few signs of color fringing
  • Attractive minimalist styling
  • Good build quality
  • Usable Manual Focus mode (it's not fantastic though)
  • Comprehensive range of accessories available (but no conversion lenses)
  • Powerful RAW converter software included (Sigma Photo Pro)
  • Battery compartment can be opened when camera on tripod (depends on tripod head though)
Conclusion - Cons
  • Desaturated and 'flat' JPEG output
  • Some chroma noise even at base ISO, lots of it at higher sensitivities
  • Unreliable White Balance (and poor color in low light)
  • Generally very slow, very long read/write and processing times
  • Unimpressive shutter lag
  • Continuous mode only allows three shots per burst
  • Very slow Auto-Focus
  • Auto Focus gives up completely very quickly in low light (and there is no AF help light)
  • 28mm fix focal length limits applications (but you know that before you buy)
  • Lens prone to flare (using the optional lens hood helps)
  • Red channel clipping
  • Low resolution screen that is also prone to reflections and smearing
  • Preview and playback view are both inaccurate (but in different ways)
  • Low refresh rate results in slightly jerky live preview image
  • Preview image turns monochrome in low light
  • Longwinded menu structure, few external controls (plus almost redundant zoom buttons)
  • Black writing on black buttons hardly readable
  • Battery life not impressive, indicator not very precise
  • Underpowered Flash, slightly unreliable flash exposure and slow flash recycling
  • No live histogramm
  • No highlight warning in review mode
  • Image parameters cover only small spectrum
  • Low quality video recording
  • Gridlines cannot be diplayed in Manual Focus mode
  • Quite heavy vignetting at F4
  • You can't shoot RAW and JPEG (only one or the other)
  • No macro mode
  • Highest sensitivity only ISO 800
5 d8 v6 l. U0 d
    Rating (out of 10)
    Build quality8.0
    Ergonomics & handling7.0
    Image quality9.0
    Performance (speed)6.5
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-22 19:55 | 显示全部楼层
) V* v% H- K; w7 J& h, Q+ A* Y1 e( f! q虽然传说X3的色彩无敌(同样传说燥点也无敌)...+ B4 N# N5 B5 T; c4 p" |
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-22 23:51 | 显示全部楼层
hmmm...确实 有比 aps小,看来自己research做得还不够
9 r% H# Z& K( h其实这个等级 个人也蛮喜欢 ricoh 的 grd2 & gx200 7 z" X3 s3 C6 N) R. B
LZ 可以考虑下
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-23 21:15 | 显示全部楼层
我也想过买理光的。。但是不知道这边哪有卖的。。我也是看了don's photo 的打折才开始考虑这款的。。。。
4 y/ _# g, T7 A- F: Z& A1 O, l" \) U: Q% A# p' R

6 F. a$ T2 U/ l( F5 Y7 V0 [. f还想问下,洗照片哪比较便宜啊。。我不差时间就差钱,,它要是洗一个月我都不在乎。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-23 21:17 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-23 23:39 | 显示全部楼层
) f4 E- h3 v/ N$ z* S8 c4 L如果觉得dp1不错就败下去吧 呵呵
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