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[听歌] - Don't let me be misunderstood

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-11-6 16:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这是首老歌了,由Santa Esmeralda在1977年发行。看过Kill Bill VOL1的同学可能还记得这首歌,就是女主角和Lucy Liu在雪地里决战时的背景音乐。
* z! Z+ s, @- v# ]5 n& U
. H: r. b/ P: L点击下载
: c7 s( F8 [. l
, _  P4 h6 U7 t/ ~4 r9 r+ {9 G注:下载时请用1线程,不然会被封IP的~$ U, S# U& ?2 G" j8 f8 f4 d
  H5 f' o& m  d- {1 @9 W
: g! V% J2 N2 K. Z) v: B/ {0 S
Baby, do you understand me now?: I( X2 |/ {7 J6 Z8 K
Sometimes I feel a little mad
+ r5 E6 ?; {% K; ~1 m% _$ k; EBut, don't you know that no one alive can always be an angel 5 j% H+ X2 C5 d& k$ w: n
When things go wrong I seem to be bad
% y6 h+ U1 d* h" t9 {, n- W' A
% @& X: D2 t* zI'm just a soul whose intentions are good
5 F- y  D. }* Z; iOh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
5 H4 h4 `% d5 ?& p' b
5 Z- W# h1 E7 z  b/ @) xIf I seem edgy ; k" _9 E' X# O8 I" r
I want you to know7 g& X# U& |9 ?0 q' d$ T
That I never meant to take it out on you
+ U! g2 Y9 Y/ f1 t- XLife has its problems
4 {2 j4 B% [( B& |. g' g8 h5 qAnd I got my share3 X4 p1 _6 B3 j# O" }
And that's one thing I never meant to do
# w; x! G6 `$ X$ z( r5 e'Cause I love you
2 L- L; T+ w% R* r1 z$ _. a- ~# S( X  @' t
Baby, don't you know I'm just human
! K" D. c$ A, s. Z- K/ SAnd I've got thoughts like any other one/ \- Y" ?2 a# A8 u1 B: J0 D
And sometimes I find myself, oh Lord, regretting
: }0 z4 S. h, v! `6 o( tSome foolish thing, some foolish thing I've done
  A4 Y4 U) F" \
) B! C8 `% o7 Y9 o, EBut I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. @' a! e. h5 V7 }) Z* y' Z# ?
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
* X! {" J+ p' N
1 k- u6 o5 z1 s& C- vOh Lord, don't let me be misunderstood
* w/ T9 R2 M/ C" M6 ^2 }8 s+ PPlease don't let me be misunderstood0 D# |" m8 y( a4 \- w  u

1 W- l: T& \# JBaby, do you understand me now?
0 I+ W- {6 l; s; h3 mSometimes I feel a little mad9 l7 ]% k* p3 E# [
But, don't you know that no one alive can always be an angel
1 k: f8 O& O& v' OWhen things go wrong I seem to be bad
) L! G- C& l2 j" b5 O) \$ F
" p* `" n+ D# p! R9 I: R'Cause I'm just a soul whose intentions are good/ Z) v/ G) _7 J) @7 n
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood- M( L. p$ o9 a2 ?4 Y2 F: u0 [

2 \, T, f# p/ Y9 l8 M# x4 RBaby, sometimes I'm so carefree; l, o: _4 X8 Z' G8 E+ N6 I# o
With a joy that's hard to hide
+ s( c3 ?2 N7 v8 AAnd sometimes it seems that, all I have to do is worry
% R. k# `6 `6 x  V4 M& I1 m& {And then you're bound to see my other side
2 B$ |7 m) C5 b- Z8 Z" ]# d2 q9 W' P8 P3 ?/ m8 q) h
'Cause I'm just a soul whose intentions are good+ ^2 C- ^. ?' S$ P# ~6 v; P% q
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
/ b' d+ ~7 S% \8 d7 S5 g+ S
  K5 w5 Q0 S3 CIf I seem edgy
* K8 h+ k& F% w& QI want you to know. s3 h" p! D# K9 V
That I never meant to take it out on you# C% S: {* c% v6 v8 T2 a
Life has its problems: i% N5 ^6 t) s, z* Z
And I got my share
, t" |- K$ m' W/ F+ xAnd that's one thing I never meant to do  o( d, Q8 R5 S6 w
'Cause I love you $ i2 V. t" q6 n; C* F* g8 ]- K3 h0 }+ Q

, p- H) \" R( Y3 i4 v9 iOh, baby, don't you know I'm human ! y8 |: i" z" |* M4 ?5 A
I have thoughts like any other one: t6 [, q5 U& }# y  h& l
And sometimes I find myself, oh Lord, regretting; E& q* O# x/ v& l: s" [/ T
Some foolish thing, some foolish thing I've done
/ I  t. V- D) @3 ~$ f, l+ c2 N$ ~/ [5 N
'Cause I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
' {/ I# a' w7 D+ ROh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
! S2 L, K; u: {% C! _
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-11-7 11:17 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-7 12:48 | 显示全部楼层
中心思想就是---亲耐的老婆大人,俺不是圣人,俺生活中遇到挫折,不该发泄在您身上,俺错了,请您原谅俺吧。。。) n' t9 @1 l$ ^) U5 B4 ^
6 A# ]$ b) M7 `$ M4 ?
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