埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-4-28 08:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-4-28 16:03 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 jordan_npu 于 2006-4-28 08:33 发表4 u/ b) r0 J6 [& T# y& M
( O6 a' K9 T( |1 x, C) k" q& q% Q

% r. z+ w: r# R% m- F- u/ C你得告诉人家你住在爱城得哪个方位呀!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-28 16:21 | 显示全部楼层
我们住在downtown, Jasper Ave,113 st
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-4 09:43 | 显示全部楼层


老杨团队 追求完美
2 G8 l! N, p8 v* U& Z7 c我的地址是106Ave,107St.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-5-14 16:06 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-6-7 12:52 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 annie66 于 2006-5-14 16:06 发表+ v9 @3 d; v9 ]7 G. M' z/ V9 ~. k
  P/ C3 ^) f; {
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-9-2 15:36 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-9-6 14:47 | 显示全部楼层


Liao, Dr. Janice Y. 4 }: [7 ?& d# d5 }
11516 Jasper Ave NW0 N5 S. h- q/ c8 D6 J/ r
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5K 0M8
. f5 |; b9 |1 v- S(780) 482-1548 ( Phone )! ~  }9 A  T. ~& _! I$ W
(780) 482-1317 ( Fax )) D: S  y9 h5 x3 O3 L$ |0 }6 z

* I8 x2 o. S# G- L+ P: x# HAccepting New Patients:  Yes  
/ h2 U$ D" ]2 Z5 Z* F$ M) SGender:  Female  
; o/ t4 n! j% {Physician Status:  Active  
7 |. r; L% q6 z; uPracticing in Alberta:  Yes  
% [3 K7 ~- J! |6 h4 X/ AQualifications
. U' e! F$ Z& F6 I' \. gSpecialty:  Dermatology  ' h! l" y, \' {8 l
Practice Limited To:  N/A  
' v/ V4 j6 O7 |, @Approval(s):  N/A  + f! q" ^9 R& G* S  [
Degree:  MBBS
1 ?& M* c, G8 ~" [& {3 |8 [Malaysia, 1970  ) L0 x: v* H& }6 r; L
Language: (other than English)Cantonese (China),Malay (Malaysia),Mandarin (China)  3 x% u1 F" a2 \* T
Wheelchair Accessible:
2 L, d+ n/ l6 S6 L$ a! hHouse Calls: Yes 2 p- P& s0 H$ ]/ C
No 1 B) [! d# S6 \" V) C1 A: U
Health Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address)
6 e% I' \% r9 I. Z% EPhysician Interest(s):  Alopecia; Transplant - Hair; Cosmetic Dermatology; Surgical and Non Surgical Liposuction; Laser Surgery  
: U9 P! i/ V+ t# Z. x1 \' QLimitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: N/A * n2 [! u- h% o2 ?- ^! J- u' L. A
Voluntary Practice Limitations: 4 ~- p# D1 L+ q) M4 I' g& X
This physician has limited his/her practice to:N/A
4 o/ e. D& m1 d8 M$ B0 M1 h% W9 V

% ]7 T# o2 x2 B" V" v7 P2 q0 a
8 x! m" p# o% _9 T2 M. f1 K4 [; e- z( D, h1 u! j, h* [
Aung, Dr. Steven K.
9 a+ t' z8 K4 |$ S9904 106 St NW/ @0 |) k! o1 @. ~+ I, u, |: W
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5K 1C40 V1 H; w+ \7 _- [9 C/ p' o
(780) 426-2760 ( Phone )5 [  p- d- F: K6 i1 t( |
(780) 426-5650 ( Fax )
+ k- F5 t0 l$ K+ g% Z4 |. b7 Y7 L , |- f5 b9 |7 d! S! g0 ?) U
Accepting New Patients:  Yes  ; w0 \8 ?1 Y$ r) C7 n* _
Gender:  Male  
7 t" c6 t: z# J4 @) M6 g  fPhysician Status:  Active  
5 }# \5 W0 u1 b- @/ h0 ?/ l, j% N: SPracticing in Alberta:  Yes  
4 a& m; V* v) nQualifications
. K1 A5 N! E( Z; E& J; s; P; t: OSpecialty:  General Practitioner  
8 Z2 }) c# \' @$ @# ~Practice Limited To:  N/A  6 }8 a  w& F4 C( a( U( U- T
Approval(s):  Acupuncture  ! X4 P8 Q) q% c9 w8 Q4 {
Degree:  MBBS
( D( @, f* }# n: `; q" W# KBurma, 1973  
8 N, U0 H# v) P/ K: D; MLanguage: (other than English)Burmese,Chinese  
  r9 o& m1 j/ w! {2 jWheelchair Accessible:
$ j' q) X' L; M6 AHouse Calls: Yes 6 V& c3 U( h7 f' d" ?, R' D7 s
Yes & D$ M- I/ Y# |7 e1 }; z/ ^. a
Health Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address)
7 i0 X% M) \2 Y, \! h# iPhysician Interest(s):  Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Complimentary Medicine, Integrated Medicine  ' e( k0 z. F' o
Limitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: N/A   H$ q7 [7 q; {+ [$ [1 _  ~) `
Voluntary Practice Limitations: / l: q9 [1 x. f
This physician has limited his/her practice to:By Referral; Pain Control - Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Complementary Medicine; Integrated Medicine; Family & Geriatric Medicine9 |2 c9 _  b2 I) B6 R+ G0 a

  i/ J2 o: |  N; A[ 本帖最后由 annie66 于 2006-9-6 14:49 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-9-6 14:52 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 dreamedmonton 于 2006-5-4 09:43 发表' v( y: H+ P  {, Q# F. r# C
7 W1 ~- c* d% p+ r. `我的地址是106Ave,107St.

( M# ]  b. }' `) K  @
0 W. z/ @& D% C8 r* H5 u2 B& n * N; Y5 q* _- Z- v' C2 ^2 l
Cheung, Dr. Po-Yin
; v' R2 u" Y  N2 n; ?10240 Kingsway Ave NW
5 L; {+ `0 b& c8 A# UEdmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5H 3V93 e  \6 \# `5 ?; B
(780) 735-4670 ( Phone ); h6 p2 }  X! O# K
(780) 735-4072 ( Fax )
* L" g9 l' m" D# O
  i- t4 M2 N- ]1 E5 A* N7 Z, f3 aAccepting New Patients:  Yes  
7 q( `7 V4 }3 n; m3 c0 `' lGender:  Male  6 e+ f7 H: ?3 B  u7 B
Physician Status:  Active  
9 q& l" F1 W9 s- k# t+ `Practicing in Alberta:  Yes  * l, `* Q( B& H
Qualifications # a- u; G  I" ?5 h* \" z
Specialty:  Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine,Pediatrics  
" X; t0 G$ u" ]4 v& a& E; nPractice Limited To:  Neonatal-perinatal Medicine,Pediatrics  
5 v" b5 g$ J+ ~( QApproval(s):  N/A  + U' t7 u4 {; b1 z
Degree:  MBBS
, I* s1 \. d' I; [' p" A) b8 |Hong Kong, 1985  
# }" W7 O4 f5 G  ]" V/ yLanguage: (other than English)Cantonese (China),Mandarin (China)  
( N$ n- X4 X% DWheelchair Accessible:
8 E4 g. N7 G1 \House Calls: Yes
: V7 x  M/ M% t& _% C5 K$ m: QYes
: n3 ]; F' D3 j- NHealth Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address)
) H! E  O$ M  g! U. KPhysician Interest(s):  N/A  
1 o( M) y- }  oLimitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: N/A 8 n8 o0 U* c0 e6 _
Voluntary Practice Limitations: 4 W2 y1 u/ l$ W
This physician has limited his/her practice to:Neonatology, Pediatrics
3 J( y. X, S, @0 D; p
* u" }* R  D2 P; m& X0 S$ N( U--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 u# d! K( G. X

& ^6 x  c2 Y/ [4 ]% E: K& eJiang, Dr. Hongxing (Harry)
) u; D% t" L& s, Q4 r4 o423 Community Services Ctr6 Y7 }+ A3 S. ~
10240 Kingsway Ave NW  c) k" g, [7 y3 \6 ?. b& D
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5H 3V91 i7 E5 Q% G: q( M
(780) 735-5305 ( Phone )
3 S" F* z* x" n5 R/ a) i7 c(780) 735-5495 ( Fax )# ~* U& Y" e; d

% h. @# ~  ~" n, `9 `. w8 KAccepting New Patients:  Yes  ) G: ]- |  K; l4 N6 I  ^0 r5 U
Gender:  Male  
# }  N9 L' s# a( K$ W9 P) PPhysician Status:  Active  
: m/ p8 d9 W2 N/ c& i* j, n' ^; yPracticing in Alberta:  Yes  % \( _/ m- b- v3 i  d+ }  X
0 K' |3 r1 {2 Z  u% j3 n& QSpecialty:  Orthopedic Surgery  
6 B) e- N6 }6 k' g2 wPractice Limited To:  Orthopedic Surgery  . L: m- K, _8 z* K- N+ Q& f
Approval(s):  N/A  . p+ |5 E, Q+ V0 @6 v* ~
Degree:  MB
* g  R2 a' S: A, j6 B0 VChina, 1982  5 U' `- ]6 h- n4 G& B' I# l. y* c
Language: (other than English)Chinese,Mandarin (China)  
1 K/ N! q7 o3 a3 Z% v. Y5 fWheelchair Accessible:
7 z" ~7 C8 U( T% N, Y8 uHouse Calls: Yes " F! _$ x3 H* n) E! l2 J
! F! N1 ]% \! z( |. H  a5 D9 g$ v0 pHealth Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address)
8 r6 s' W3 Q7 I5 P0 RPhysician Interest(s):  Spine including Cervical Spine  + q* b% {( p+ J0 x4 ?
Limitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: N/A , R4 z+ m% z1 j8 m8 T/ z. x
Voluntary Practice Limitations: 5 S" d* v) n9 z3 T/ R! q- N  e
This physician has limited his/her practice to:N/A 1 O8 Z. q) o, f0 F) w
# w$ n+ k( S( |2 c
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------% X* u+ C9 |) m/ s' c* z; Y
/ B2 u( O7 S+ \1 V
Leong-Sit, Dr. Fook Lin (Lin)
8 a% A  x5 q+ y6 d1 ^) F0 j$ ?9 o4 h300-10924 107 Ave NW
' d! _5 x9 w+ |6 p- ]2 EEdmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5H 0X5  z* l3 ~6 T8 x$ ?) L* n
(780) 432-1261 ( Phone )
% g9 F% y, D, ]) _; v/ `5 f(780) 433-2247 ( Fax )& Z  ], j! U+ [9 B* e) G8 ?6 q

" `* r* V3 W" S: ~Accepting New Patients:  Yes  : ^) v6 N7 q* ]' s
Gender:  Male  8 s) x5 n/ s% o* D3 `" L
Physician Status:  Active  . B: {  _" J' t+ v6 j
Practicing in Alberta:  Yes  # r( A/ Y. Q) b2 C! t( \" I
Qualifications ' ]3 z8 r+ {$ a% D, T
Specialty:  Ophthalmology  
2 e0 p: f& F( ^3 @7 r1 U# _Practice Limited To:  N/A  
- }% B: ~' a4 C2 v  |9 uApproval(s):  N/A  
2 Q  W3 x9 O4 Z4 FDegree:  MB ChB
% g6 ?, h1 M) QScotland, 1965  - D2 s, u- k: K9 \
Language: (other than English)Cantonese (China),Chinese,French,Mandarin (China),Mauritian (Africa)  
! P. V2 r* T) @' XWheelchair Accessible:6 b/ k+ a' [; j# S
House Calls: Yes 9 `' [: _: t0 ?
' e! |/ g! }+ c# p) h/ c  b& IHealth Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address)
) e& F3 X6 y/ J5 x' G& T/ p* N8 PPhysician Interest(s):  Surgery - Anterior Segment; Screening - Diabetic Retinopathy  
% V% ]6 I5 e; N; `4 z  P% jLimitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Medical & Surgical Diseases of the Eyes
) t2 @2 h2 D! Q1 Y; G: lVoluntary Practice Limitations:
0 r7 i( Z2 Z# u8 h/ F" XThis physician has limited his/her practice to:N/A 6 Z* D" a" N7 v3 P. B6 i
7 w7 z8 m+ m9 U
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* |  i8 V1 d% H

* x! G8 c  q, ?2 N1 [* t; x, CTai, Dr. Chao
( q7 T( u$ @5 ]/ j1 n) J  ]/ C610-11010 101 St NW
5 Q5 P, s0 y$ _! v$ d: G7 hEdmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5H 4B9
. |7 U9 `1 P* L) \5 A4 C& }(780) 428-9538 ( Phone )# U' f. n8 _, ^8 ?% Q
(780) 428-9539 ( Fax )
. k5 |! H) c' \# u$ ^
& j- l+ I0 |4 AAccepting New Patients:  Yes  # P& }4 s2 m( i1 M/ s0 S
Gender:  Male  # G. a, S5 \! X( m
Physician Status:  Active  & q# Z1 l* o% q& S
Practicing in Alberta:  Yes  
9 `0 X; P7 z1 f" c! L: p; S, rQualifications
# ^9 d, G2 s& `% I  Y3 uSpecialty:  Neurology  
8 p; t- Z- S9 t4 GPractice Limited To:  N/A  % J) f. _; `7 [2 T" I' \
Approval(s):  Electroencephalography,Electromyography,Evoked Potential (EP)  
2 B! K1 y* N; J+ tDegree:  MBBS ' P2 v, A7 C9 c! c1 G0 ]9 H- [' i5 B
Singapore, 1969  
4 L. J8 r- a. Y$ `Language: (other than English)Cantonese (China),Chinese,Mandarin (China)  
& I) Q2 K7 Z$ x3 y4 l3 a$ r5 ~Wheelchair Accessible:
0 s$ Q) ]( z3 B1 p8 JHouse Calls: Yes / J" i" n* V: b, M% Y' ]  `
No ; R; F2 p9 y4 o. I- T. r- ^! Z
Health Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address)
6 W0 a$ U+ @! G; HPhysician Interest(s):  Neuromuscular Diseases; Electromyography; Headaches; Stroke; Dizziness; Movement Disorders; Pain Management  / E% j* J; `4 M+ T1 ?
Limitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Neurological Only
  f# r$ H" f( I) H! VVoluntary Practice Limitations:
* h0 F, b3 x5 f/ qThis physician has limited his/her practice to:N/A
7 c0 F6 c. L0 {. g9 b! Q5 M! w! k% b# `0 n. n
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  J; }: k0 H) z, N# T  t6 F- q) @

. c# d4 `* I9 u& E% CTeoh, Dr. Johnny C. (John C.) , @' B  U5 Q! X- R2 A
402-11010 101 St NW2 p4 K( ]) [" n( U) v5 [, S
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5H 4B9( Q0 C0 O* q- F3 N
(780) 414-6812 ( Phone )
, H, B: b9 V. L4 ](780) 428-0852 ( Fax )
( X5 q3 B8 y8 ~8 p1 \& `" [) ` ; z6 A4 D4 f5 }9 k3 e# G: U
Accepting New Patients:  Yes  2 [9 a! e. @( C& A  G( b
Gender:  Male  9 P0 p2 s% y' ^& {
Physician Status:  Active  
( u. a4 E+ K  z0 mPracticing in Alberta:  Yes  ) g+ u" h- Y* U5 k! v
Qualifications 3 `9 |& y( g) Y! q: F& ?) |
Specialty:  Pediatrics  # U% `  Q2 k1 D' d* C5 L( B
Practice Limited To:  N/A  
2 q3 ?: U3 A% @- i( ^$ T, ?7 EApproval(s):  N/A  8 G+ I% q1 {% X6 N9 L! n
Degree:  MD -Doctor of Medicine : `) g* ^! v( I- G1 E
University of Manitoba, 1990  " i5 ?5 C3 t1 g$ d6 z, b  K( S5 ]
Language: (other than English)Mandarin (China)  
( R! e! I$ Z5 X' [/ V4 vWheelchair Accessible:
& p% R! x; h) V" z2 m7 x& r8 N% z) _+ ?House Calls: Yes
3 F6 f( f4 N3 a' b* rNo 2 b# t( o) h& |: p4 v+ V
Health Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address)
2 W) s& V& o; }0 g- k& @; zPhysician Interest(s):  Preventative Health; Nephrology; Consulting - Outreach; Antibiotic Use  
& e; w: ~1 W: U% T# I* WLimitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Pediatrics only 7 e2 @+ t7 x% I$ K: l" ^* a  H
Voluntary Practice Limitations:
2 L6 ~( r( M; ~& B* BThis physician has limited his/her practice to:N/A & D2 R1 h# u4 a! t2 R
- h1 u( u% V, L0 s- M, c( @4 y
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F4 I: [. h* @9 ^5 P5 W/ Y

% v3 c' N" ^$ S" S. b* C' VTsui, Dr. Floria P. - k* S. o1 K! F/ x
403-11010 101 St NW
( y  R" f* m/ A7 v$ f1 h6 W6 {Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5H 4B99 o" ?1 B9 W. \8 |
(780) 423-3038 ( Phone )
1 S2 f/ K+ X0 V* c' k" J7 `2 a(780) 425-2867 ( Fax )
, x0 A( f) I+ U! n" A
" B, F9 v1 l6 T9 GAccepting New Patients:  Yes  1 R* J. S& B( P4 Q& T0 ~  \" G* E
Gender:  Female  + ]1 ?- f4 [& z
Physician Status:  Active  0 i6 z! C; G% i
Practicing in Alberta:  Yes  4 ]2 k" m  R0 u2 d/ N
5 z" U- L7 d% M% mSpecialty:  Obstetrics & Gynecology  & u2 o  W. Y. ~/ A- C# f/ _: m
Practice Limited To:  Obstetrics & Gynecology  
% [9 z( |( ?6 NApproval(s):  N/A  
; e+ Q" Q: f! I: y% z; I) T( |: }' k! kDegree:  MD -Doctor of Medicine
- k3 I7 I. i  ]" Q# \University of British Columbia, 1985  
7 x2 O2 f3 M1 ~. j+ B# l% d8 HLanguage: (other than English)Cantonese (China),Mandarin (China)  
/ h  l) Z" X$ @; j5 G& O( c$ m6 z" f3 kWheelchair Accessible:' h* \: @7 j* \+ v  `* T8 t7 Q
House Calls: Yes
+ G0 S4 p( S; Q1 G2 u! g9 f9 n2 R& @" VNo 1 E4 L8 ]/ j+ U2 k0 g
Health Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address)
2 y+ n  F5 E/ ]* [$ B1 D. |2 aPhysician Interest(s):  N/A  3 W3 g# c0 t& Z+ b& o& D: M
Limitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: No new maternities
* g' h5 y+ B7 c/ ^0 j& I) XVoluntary Practice Limitations: ! u: w* d6 j  M# ^* W3 E& W2 a
This physician has limited his/her practice to:N/A
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-9-6 14:56 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 gamahu 于 2006-6-7 12:52 发表
& i( ], t' y# Q7 a; d; _" w1 W7 c" `/ s8 \& W
* \4 `9 U1 ~+ Z5 m3 Q- z

! v# I0 A6 w; U) f. y- l. o不好意思,应该是前3位,如果有地址也可以。
/ `  p# h4 B  l( e
1 p6 n4 B, ?% f# t- @. n刚刚搬家,还没有弄好网络,如果有的话,我可以帮你查。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-9-10 21:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 annie66 于 2006-9-6 14:56 发表
( F( ~, M, s  I" o, S% W4 N) t, M: Y, K. l* c+ d

$ G. {6 y* p% {/ o% O4 X. R9 d不好意思,应该是前3位,如果有地址也可以。5 J; A* o. o0 e  N1 P+ D8 h

( G! G( v- O% c2 V! m% T刚刚搬家,还没有弄好网络,如果有的话,我可以帮你查。
" \/ u5 q, I2 D: B0 J8 V
8 A! N' r3 h) C0 K/ Y6 C, A
6 Z& d' t1 C; y9 R8 A3 @7 T8 z
[ 本帖最后由 penn26 于 2006-9-10 21:50 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-9-10 22:31 | 显示全部楼层
不好意思,你的住处附近暂时没有讲普通话而且接受新病人的医生。不过,你离我住的地方很近,估计我们是一个区的& S7 O' f4 N, W, @! A9 M* d& h; w: C
, y" `$ Y& M% m
2 ?6 E& S# F* E
) K/ [$ Y9 X: g, E$ U; F9 }Alagiakrishnan, Dr. Kannayiram + l6 X" x! y% S: ~" G2 c
1257-10230 111 Ave NW7 U% X9 A. f) ?; Q  g% s
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5G 0B7# e* t9 O; S/ f. \$ O* @5 h
(780) 735-8845 ( Phone ). N9 N  ?/ H' G  [: A4 ?. S" @
(780) 735-8846 ( Fax )
. L0 J- b/ d: f5 {% |1 U4 W
' F3 K0 T1 X% Q) E, G8 j# BAccepting New Patients:  Yes  
' U; J6 Y* a& A  |3 @8 ?  sGender:  Male  
* k* G8 v- ]6 Q' K3 bPhysician Status:  Active  ; U" K& l. r' K4 m( A
Practicing in Alberta:  Yes  
& {/ z* e% ], IQualifications ' D8 \: k9 z* Z+ E7 j1 t
Specialty:  Geriatric Medicine,Internal Medicine    z- u: j; |2 H
Practice Limited To:  Geriatric Medicine,Internal Medicine  
4 |" }! S, p7 ?0 p% Z  W* R. aApproval(s):  N/A  
" @# `7 u8 L8 g  z0 m; _Degree:  MBBS % I3 F& `; E( z! V/ [, s6 T
India, 1983  
  t4 o0 x3 q3 G+ h1 W1 HLanguage: (other than English)Tamil (India)  ) G& k, B; B5 ~6 Z+ ~
Wheelchair Accessible:
* L1 f2 K+ f) q# jHouse Calls: Yes * J$ ~' P. A' L9 f" A# T# `
3 `8 Y' M% t& K6 ]; u  @. YHealth Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address)
# l7 p% b5 x# P7 PPhysician Interest(s):  N/A  
! k# k/ X7 J% ]% mLimitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Geriatric Medicine Only ( h; j0 E4 D; T  i# A* z
Voluntary Practice Limitations: 9 O5 [" E, I6 G( z$ R$ x* c
This physician has limited his/her practice to:Geriatric Medicine % O/ F- U: O; J9 c

. u- M. B! C- `# Q. b6 _, ^- n' f1 y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 X" |/ W' X" U
9 x: q! _; `% p8 b1 U: C
Andersen, Dr. John Clemens
# \" E# b4 d( |- X10230 111 Ave NW5 w( X& ^9 k" |! ]- V1 `) L# i" d0 d
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5G 0B7
, g4 e4 P+ X  X(780) 735-7999 ( Phone )6 B5 ]) E) ~7 w% v' t1 s) l
(780) 735-7907 ( Fax )
- ^# w0 r  d" g/ n& L. P
: F& n0 @  l. JAccepting New Patients:  Yes    w2 }. O  ^9 P6 x6 R; a
Gender:  Male  
5 U! j7 n% W6 B6 d. T% h1 FPhysician Status:  Active  6 O- c/ S0 \- I7 ?
Practicing in Alberta:  Yes  ; H, N; j# f# g7 @0 ~' w, ]; M6 I
% |. @) J% w7 R4 a& i+ s4 TSpecialty:  Pediatrics  
6 \0 P* Y# d) b0 D2 F& n* ^Practice Limited To:  Pediatrics  
) u' O3 q: V" O; z9 b5 cApproval(s):  N/A  
/ P+ ]" ], Y$ I" p6 @( ~Degree:  MD -Doctor of Medicine 6 w6 b3 x/ N# a9 }- d9 z7 A2 L
UofC - University of Calgary, 1998  
8 s1 r8 d# q- _' I" _/ F  qLanguage: (other than English) - N/A  
# U2 W8 ?6 s$ X8 A* gWheelchair Accessible:
; y" {4 G5 Q  f3 x* _House Calls: Yes 0 n% ~% O( ]7 A6 m7 [1 \
$ B" s2 _2 n( ^  `: I5 aHealth Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address) 8 l8 _2 s3 P+ |- u. D
Physician Interest(s):  N/A  8 ^7 E: a' j. _
Limitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Referrals for neuromuscular rehabilitation   X  K8 Z2 y. l1 B
Voluntary Practice Limitations: 3 k5 t9 a; o# a5 z! [# I. S: ~( c
This physician has limited his/her practice to:Pediatric Neuromuscular Rehabilitation " M7 o# m- a) ]1 n3 S

; @8 a3 Q7 `' Z2 Z& K% G) w4 c/ ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 R* t! x2 \7 v& t  x! J$ J
/ ]- q2 n" o. b5 _. S4 t; t
Andrews, Dr. Debra (Debbi) ( K: E& j# B/ U. H1 \1 g5 P5 ?
125-10230 111 Ave NW' J" s7 F! `  |6 S8 ?0 }4 A
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5G 0B7& o; \' z$ g2 j  {$ s% j: i7 z
(780) 735-7921 ( Phone )3 {9 j* D* ^; y
(780) 735-7907 ( Fax )
! S- l& n; p7 O5 f
$ r: X; o" `! O- P( p& p: oAccepting New Patients:  Yes  
4 ^6 s( }  ]' N0 C3 _( _Gender:  Female  . g2 X6 e. q  D2 |5 \
Physician Status:  Active  7 Q# V# w$ l) B2 _; W: F! n4 {
Practicing in Alberta:  Yes  
8 N. `7 i* G. f" p+ k$ P, ?Qualifications   c# r' p/ s' m
Specialty:  General Practitioner,Pediatrics  
. p$ v. B" \( kPractice Limited To:  N/A  3 s: b- y4 A) ~6 N" G+ N  {
Approval(s):  N/A  ! L. E& U. @3 i
Degree:  MD -Doctor of Medicine * ~  `, c; @2 N6 g& x
United States of America, 1979  $ m# \, S2 [* y6 x0 H
Language: (other than English) - N/A  
# B& }: O6 Q2 q9 H% S- ?Wheelchair Accessible:9 ~' e8 W! w8 n7 }
House Calls: Yes ' O" N+ F/ F7 J
& r+ Z) U. c! z+ LHealth Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address) - D# X+ [5 b" |8 K5 h  S
Physician Interest(s):  Pediatrics - Developmental, Behavioural  
) x1 j1 y$ v3 g7 W( {, nLimitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Patients Referred to Glenrose Assessment Clinic and Programs Only
; ~2 o( f( W4 X/ t2 pVoluntary Practice Limitations:
( }) R$ H, |4 d$ bThis physician has limited his/her practice to:Developmental Pediatrics
% @- C" H$ k6 f9 L: D
* j+ h0 ?7 ]. ^1 t% p0 W! W--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 }8 H! U: V1 {. B
% y2 j- O: M7 p4 FAshworth, Dr. Nigel Leslie
: q) t: j+ d' a# D* D1 S8 e" M8 n1226 GW-10230 111 Ave NW
! _- k) R% k" uEdmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5G 0B7
9 W4 ^/ y2 Y' s' B$ Y(780) 735-8870 ( Phone )# W1 h0 [  M- H
(780) 735-6018 ( Fax ), o! F& v/ |) f+ ]4 B  u7 o0 X8 C

5 s/ B9 l* U* VAccepting New Patients:  Yes  
, j3 `( X) X4 {5 I$ H( z6 tGender:  Male  
* e0 z$ W* e0 ^5 s+ C% ~Physician Status:  Active  
9 i0 ?- y: o4 F) ~; B) bPracticing in Alberta:  Yes  
# [( r! _2 ?% Z, ^# @1 {5 wQualifications ; `+ z# {2 ?, f# ^
Specialty:  Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation  
1 ^* x' \7 L+ F) H7 I. DPractice Limited To:  Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation  ( E7 s0 ~2 ^! D* s
Approval(s):  Electromyography  " N7 w. o% d. Z; T6 M/ h" G
Degree:  MB ChB
% [- F5 y" m' a* gEngland, 1989  7 r  l! m7 E! Q
Language: (other than English) - N/A  4 e) T2 N) S0 Q8 r4 c- [
Wheelchair Accessible:
( c# y+ ~* O+ S' ~& _' @/ @House Calls: Yes 8 B2 b# g( \1 B; E* C$ ~/ d
No 8 `  l6 n. R. N1 w
Health Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address)
/ N* e& v. T3 x# {$ i3 APhysician Interest(s):  N/A  8 a. ~- A2 x3 [% i4 T
Limitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Adult Electrodiagnostic Medicine
! a$ Y1 ]& ~  d6 PVoluntary Practice Limitations:
" z8 R* m) H0 d8 V- O/ L9 mThis physician has limited his/her practice to:Electrodiagnostic Medicine/Neuromuscular Disease - Adult
7 p8 M1 l6 s! p! o7 Y1 T3 [9 J
2 V; ~( K% z4 z0 G/ }: Z--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ v3 @) y" [( i, q

1 Z3 G5 |; m/ M7 E( `Borkent, Dr. Amy J. (Amy)
4 O( R5 `0 |8 ~! p9 R10134 111 Ave NW; ]& m9 s+ y5 V# ^( G
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5G 0B3
2 I0 y( ]3 U$ g' R& H(780) 474-3712 ( Phone )/ h- C" E! Z" ^* n1 B
(780) 474-7032 ( Fax ): y# }" H$ t7 l
! {8 W% f* Z1 @9 O/ f1 Q
Accepting New Patients:  Yes  
* v, J1 ]* K. A" a* O( A8 UGender:  Female  
+ L5 v- j2 A4 g6 TPhysician Status:  Active  / C; g; s- Y5 x, L  }0 {6 W
Practicing in Alberta:  Yes  
) Q2 l; \/ ~1 q) C4 e) cQualifications 3 M' }1 Y' j: M" O7 ^# o
Specialty:  General Practitioner  1 s* o, `- _3 b7 o
Practice Limited To:  N/A  & ?# l9 k% ]! K( M
Approval(s):  N/A  
  d4 g& r% T7 E9 b( ~Degree:  MD -Doctor of Medicine 0 d1 a  @8 ]/ Y' ^! ]1 [3 Y
UofA - University of Alberta, 1986  
' P7 b9 L0 R( L! o3 i* R; U0 O2 ]Language: (other than English)Dutch  
6 i& [$ f2 r4 V- |. ZWheelchair Accessible:
* g6 v. S! v4 U$ g% o4 \House Calls: Yes 7 e$ @5 F/ o0 S$ }! c
1 K$ T* [/ E# b5 m8 ^. wHealth Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address) 2 {/ W! k0 Z, X) e- i3 Q+ y/ ~. H
Physician Interest(s):  N/A  
2 s! O+ j( B6 J, JLimitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Pediatrics; Family of Existing Patients 1 }, J  M2 e# n, j5 o3 _+ E
Voluntary Practice Limitations:
' h& j6 I, O) ^( MThis physician has limited his/her practice to:N/A
, J/ f+ S$ E# B; I0 y  s7 R- ?3 f1 J3 M  C6 M
& P3 F: W3 r1 Z( C; w0 g8 U
2 W/ q, k0 H2 |! B0 aBrown, Dr. Alexander Maxwell (Alexander M.) 3 R* |. O) ]/ A3 M1 l
104-11910 111 Ave; Z. B: g! m& h. v6 d% n5 J* [
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5G 3G6
+ [4 X( j: S: F/ @8 n* {(780) 454-0351 ( Phone )
; `1 d. ^. M, i(780) 453-9815 ( Fax )
3 C1 i( x- C% y7 ] 8 S5 |9 L& Y  |+ A+ B0 H' y
Accepting New Patients:  Yes  
# V) _5 w' L& G4 _/ A! @' I3 R. w% W# NGender:  Male  
9 N2 g/ B5 T0 L  A( ]5 x( K. }Physician Status:  Active  0 u0 e3 F% w6 y7 k2 s6 u: `) e. u
Practicing in Alberta:  Yes  3 k+ p% q" |; X4 o; ]
+ J: s( t* M2 l7 E  ?Specialty:  Obstetrics & Gynecology  $ |3 A9 ], V( ^* ~2 c- d
Practice Limited To:  Obstetrics & Gynecology  " ~6 T- k: q5 C6 Z6 t
Approval(s):  N/A  
5 i( ]& j- L* V5 i9 h. n  s8 F/ [Degree:  MD -Doctor of Medicine
5 L, N- s9 A1 D# t' w; _2 BUofA - University of Alberta, 1989  2 u1 c! e6 Z1 {
Language: (other than English)Armenian  
. Z8 a& z) l  \# q9 rWheelchair Accessible:1 d0 \2 E. w$ g6 H6 d' T
House Calls: Yes
8 I+ F; F: d" }, L4 p' s. NNo 8 y& Z* ?. h) D/ d
Health Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address) 2 H5 A1 E8 W: M' }. a
Physician Interest(s):  N/A  ' d# P9 O4 o% b. q/ G. G/ c
Limitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Obstetrics; Gynecology
9 X# p0 z! L+ f6 I- O( qVoluntary Practice Limitations: ( o. l) ]7 F' n9 n& T$ f
This physician has limited his/her practice to:N/A / Q. d  [- W' Q6 Y8 B2 i8 [' y3 F

2 [( n: _9 H8 B+ L--------------------------------------------------------------------------------( s, M9 ^+ E$ h7 G$ X
' Y# _0 P2 {- T7 N
Burchett, Dr. Glenn M. 0 t6 g$ `* H' p: ?5 H$ |) {& Q
104-11910 111 Ave NW
+ S8 |3 E! w; s1 j  ?0 X$ l- ~Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5G 3G6
* B! e  a- f7 q3 m(780) 454-0351 ( Phone )1 }& a% c* e. _" D
(780) 452-6767 ( Fax )  B1 k. n$ @) v- ]- y

% p) E& t& O# t: G% LAccepting New Patients:  Yes  0 U7 u' V3 ?% }& s1 [
Gender:  Male  4 b( s: p2 I% `0 d/ ^  S2 B
Physician Status:  Active  
/ d* H9 I6 T! h& uPracticing in Alberta:  Yes  
. i6 ?7 c' G+ W+ _; xQualifications 4 @7 @; Q* N, C0 Q4 `6 Y1 e
Specialty:  General Practitioner  ! n& p" i# p8 ]! M. @3 i1 y
Practice Limited To:  N/A  
# [/ {8 T  p9 y/ x7 {0 r  f7 EApproval(s):  N/A  
! E' P: t2 G) }) M0 _( S2 ?. \Degree:  MD -Doctor of Medicine
) I" G% }. l4 i* h" b6 eUniversity of British Columbia, 1991  9 e& ?- ]- t! Q
Language: (other than English) - N/A  3 o8 `6 ?4 m" C8 j3 z& Q0 ?+ t
Wheelchair Accessible:
; B: Z" r% c: H2 t0 K' a$ xHouse Calls: Yes
+ R- a" R0 M9 Y, n0 h: HYes
  X& T" s6 X/ r! uHealth Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address) 1 z' B* w/ Z$ u7 I  j
Physician Interest(s):  N/A  
) P% Z% G% D. L( u% a) rLimitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Family Members only; Referrals
% U* m, r/ p( j! z3 q8 ~1 VVoluntary Practice Limitations:
9 {1 d. C$ O( u% q8 g# \This physician has limited his/her practice to:N/A # W2 N8 e6 `, a+ j+ Z- L7 c
9 z& Z4 b( ^  ^9 A& Y7 O! Y
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 W; r; w1 ]; f& \" B& x1 m* W3 F- G

- V& Y& S; O- hCamicioli, Dr. Joseph Richard Marc (Richard) ) k3 J* w( r$ k/ r- A6 q/ m' F/ v
E223-10230 111 Ave NW
  {2 R* X0 w9 z+ M; H) c: ZEdmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5G 0B7. U& x; \' f, I( S& w
(780) 735-8840 ( Phone )
3 G+ L6 J+ Z: R8 I0 O6 w(780) 735-8804 ( Fax )
3 l2 W% q9 H& G% x ; O& Y4 U% |" m5 I' x4 x& `
Accepting New Patients:  Yes  : ~0 r( U" Y, H/ f, g& x, l: i
Gender:  Male  
' A1 A/ r1 q' G1 ?1 vPhysician Status:  Active  
* H3 ]% e' O+ a: }; M9 L5 IPracticing in Alberta:  Yes  3 v# W$ n* E7 `
Qualifications 3 l1 l6 w1 A% v8 }/ w
Specialty:  Neurology  
/ P0 b$ V8 G' y& p. s% ]9 n7 IPractice Limited To:  Neurology  " A+ E. e$ x; d7 m( \% T4 x
Approval(s):  N/A  " Q) f/ h' ?3 n# F: t
Degree:  MD CM 0 U) a! Y% G# P4 E9 [% K
McGill University, 1987  " F7 K( d$ h" [/ ~& X: |! d  m
Language: (other than English)French  4 `5 D/ V3 H/ k1 r4 b
Wheelchair Accessible:
6 h5 p% \; U! `3 F, [House Calls: Yes $ C  [; |; V& {, m4 U- d! d
No ! p) j5 G7 |4 Z& @
Health Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address)
7 J( G2 `. U8 OPhysician Interest(s):  Dementia; Alzheimer's Disease; Movement Disorders; Parkinson's Disease; Gait Disorders  3 M( |6 s1 w+ ~3 K: T1 `
Limitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Neurology - Adult, Cognitive/Dementia, Geriatric; Movement Disorders; Dementia - E8 ]6 _4 a3 b
Voluntary Practice Limitations:
: c5 U; W1 J6 B7 WThis physician has limited his/her practice to:Neurology 3 J) _) L6 g# X& A- k  _9 h1 q
* G# `& e* A! u+ U# P. d" ], P
) X  Q$ \  p% M' O. P 6 v# [4 T' ?0 J) E
Campbell, Dr. Grant Kenneth (Grant)
! V2 \  Y" ?/ o4 F+ p104-11910 111 Ave NW
- {; z; V* J+ W5 p: C$ S5 p* XEdmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5G 3G6
) I* S9 e3 g( Q% x' ^; l7 H* T(780) 454-0351 ( Phone )% Q5 {: r" m6 z1 n0 q' t8 J, Z
(780) 452-6767 ( Fax )
4 b. z! D& v$ }4 v: D8 X
- W: u9 P! H0 K2 P# Q( gAccepting New Patients:  Yes  
% v/ I9 h, D5 W) _' j" \Gender:  Male  
$ w1 ]5 a5 k6 V+ A* RPhysician Status:  Active    s/ t! H) X1 S# o8 T
Practicing in Alberta:  Yes  
, z' i" n7 @( J+ W5 `3 w& |; p6 ~9 J) gQualifications
! Q2 v5 u! n. w8 K* O/ VSpecialty:  General Practitioner  , j  q, `3 y9 d0 G
Practice Limited To:  N/A  ; u% W" C2 J$ n9 H
Approval(s):  N/A  ( n) T2 w5 G6 Q& G% d0 L
Degree:  MD -Doctor of Medicine
2 m8 _: q; @0 ^) _UofA - University of Alberta, 1982  
6 J  ~+ Q4 q+ x0 T, ZLanguage: (other than English) - N/A  , ?6 @8 S. V' M4 j: H$ v
Wheelchair Accessible:
6 B; x+ ?9 u; {- u5 mHouse Calls: Yes * r% E+ z- ^( t
Yes 6 C) C: c( K0 n( I
Health Region: R6 - Capital Health (associated with the published address) 0 p) I' T/ k2 l
Physician Interest(s):  Diabetes, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Cardiovascular Risk Reduction  
9 m$ J, {+ @+ x: t4 `1 e* ?2 _Limitations:  This physician is only accepting new patients that meet the following: Family members of existing patients.
$ H$ e& \5 I) ?, FVoluntary Practice Limitations:   f& U. X( R- k3 W3 H- t) i
This physician has limited his/her practice to:N/A
/ N, W4 C! C6 K" W# `8 w  `
( T% Y2 i1 ?; V, Y+ S5 d[ 本帖最后由 annie66 于 2006-9-10 22:33 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-9-10 23:16 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 annie66 于 2006-9-10 22:31 发表& H) C8 J/ o' g) m
- L* T: `& o% w4 s0 b4 r3 {2 N$ R2 L
以下是讲英语接受新病人的医生:' N! E" c  |7 T( C% O3 `. X/ f

% y' Q  B( D8 j- J: P! HAlagiakrishnan, Dr. Kannayiram ( Z7 H' D3 q5 e+ E. m0 [+ K1 ~
1257-10230 111 Ave NW
7 S; s! k1 C. W1 i( w8 s& s  j) x, d ...

8 v, D* W& t: ]. h* w8 x; J, p+ u' h
  v. b+ h# F1 J: `, g& s( d
1 m0 k  O! K1 ~2 ?非常感谢!
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