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Missing You-Rod Stewart

鲜花(670) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-4-28 21:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

& p0 e; [; @! |3 m8 c7 v6 K8 [* x! Z! g4 \( I  E9 q* |
Every time I think of you* ~2 Z" [; E, j
I always catch my breath5 _% y, U; f, B5 G- b. D- b
And I’m still standing here
$ n2 V5 k1 t# }& Z5 OAnd you’re miles away) K9 {, {3 k7 M
And I'm wondering why you left
; N( s5 E+ C5 h9 u( bAnd there’s a storm that’s raging8 Y4 {, \8 q( q/ ?
Through my frozen heart tonight, l: T+ M( K3 y8 C" }& y

. l6 @' I0 @5 g7 i, q% G% j9 pI hear your name, in certain circles& r. z1 n, _- h- R/ L+ A
And it always makes me smile! a, i# }( U$ Z6 G* B1 g) o
I spend my time,thinking about you
/ m" |' a% k* N# Q$ DAnd it’s almost driving me wild
1 h7 S- _/ d! N8 u# {- vAnd there's a heart that’s breaking. b% }9 S5 u+ y& ?7 y
Down this long distance line tonight  d6 e) _% \( @  v# `

  p( [; T' t1 zI ain’t missing you at all3 K. {9 o7 [' T. Z
Since you’ve been gone, away8 ?$ _7 Z+ i2 P# a8 r5 g4 A
I ain’t missing you
9 U! O( ~& C; `" ?! F* ENo matter, what I might say
) j9 K8 e! s7 W& B, V+ S1 Y+ n) V& D: [0 I
There’s a message, in the wires
* \  H1 d. H3 ~3 rAnd I’m sending you this signal tonight+ K8 \" }. S" o5 h  v
You don’t know, how desperate I’ve become( ]' a$ i# l! H
And it looks like I’m losing this fight# @# H6 N& c! o: [% }
In your world I have no meaning
% `+ P" y$ a7 U# o6 Z3 p8 V# Z/ r1 NThough Im trying hard to understand
. ]" v- O( k6 _4 B3 b7 T- FAnd it's my heart that’s breaking# J, y* w+ B3 D
Down this long distance line tonight" o" M6 Z- k% ]1 c! n5 X9 V

, Z! B8 y; D8 @0 w! s* P+ XI ain’t missing you at all
  m1 I9 F; j3 v/ R1 n2 \: sSince you’ve been gone, away
) M8 x+ \* T, k# aI ain’t missing you
! @% s) x/ w' [' ~1 P* ENo matter, what my friends say$ _3 v! o; m1 L) N$ k6 @! `9 @

: A7 v& l3 Q2 c" E' h5 l" w0 uAnd there’s a message that I’m sending out' v9 c* x* G0 w$ }* v
Like a telegraph to your soul
% l; m1 q% q$ r/ |And if I can’t bridge this distance8 u4 D) L/ J! U; W! {, |
Stop this heartbreak overload
4 j( i4 N1 Z8 Q, A4 D# P4 J5 R! o% N2 R  r) j& E9 Q; A( U
I ain’t missing you at all* ]$ X, `& S0 Z: Z9 w% t- \( m
Since you’ve been gone, away
4 w" s9 N  X, m* R7 n" T( {% fI ain’t missing you
' ?% j% i# l% Q, yNo matter, what my friends say
0 j; v" }; }$ L8 ^" lI ain’t missing you, I aint missing you
6 f& |: S$ E, g: H% O# GI can lie to myself# E; I. ]( H: E3 f3 U8 J
And there's a storm that's raging
; ~- `' P" G' M; l  T' e6 x; aThrough my frozen heart tonight
1 ^& o. t: x% E4 gI aint missing you at all
. q$ n# `6 d0 ^4 U, |4 SSince you’ve been gone, away
8 t. p( K% S- q) P- ^- jI ain’t missing you,9 X1 N* z& \0 k+ z
No matter, what my friends say6 Y) P! ~- G8 W1 l) b
Aint missing you
' C, l: ~* l; HI ain’t missing you, I aint missing you
: T0 x! W* u; lI can lie to myself/ B7 X# q- F3 g! Z1 X# ~* P
I ain’t missing you( L! v6 o7 C. x& j% T
I aint missing you
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