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鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-25 19:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) \. C6 t3 y  E* V! R0 l1 |) f; t, [" w# `3 X9 `
6 X7 G$ O" y: a, }. W- W
5 B/ I( y2 K, |4 Y4 W1 P4 JFrom a company's perspective, the one and only purpose of a phone interview is to determine whether or not it is worth the time, effort, and expense to bring you in for a face-to-face interview. Period.- T/ t( H; ^7 c1 Q, |. D% F" T" l" M( X
% D/ R5 D+ T3 \) T( ?( \6 X0 u7 j
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 19:36 | 显示全部楼层
Now, they want to ask you some specific phone interview questions to make sure your resume isn't just a slick brochure with a lot of catchy buzz words, but without much depth behind it.
* }, o: V: {# i- x# v1 z: Q0 Y7 a2 C" c/ x0 J5 G: K+ L
They also want to get a feel for your personality, how well you communicate, and measure your depth of knowledge on specific skill set requirements. 5 _' K! }0 ~  F2 r- r4 Q+ u+ V  j

  b; I) s5 p" ^1 x: V5 l/ U+ R据说,对方公司的工作机会越多,HR的人就越忙,对你的态度就越冷漠。很多人电话面试之后,感觉很糟糕,其实是因为HR的人,已经给很多人打过电话问过同样的电话面试问题了,他/她的冷漠,其实不是针对你,而是为了这件事情本身的乏味。
1 z3 X0 V0 j% t9 g* R& a& E' I) ?6 n9 t
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 19:39 | 显示全部楼层
起筛选功能的电话面试问题,跟面对面的面试,有所不同,下面是常见的10个问题:0 j- n& ?: v$ ]

9 Y3 u+ v  O( y" s: ITop 10 Phone Interview Questions% e% K9 f# f9 S; X: f8 c6 s/ V
1.Why did you leave your last job? Why do you want to leave your current job? How did you lose your last job?1 u8 {2 u/ k, N

. Z! C9 q. s+ F& z; x  @2.What are you currently earning?4 ]5 \! k; t% ?  `; l( B. q

4 w$ A' b8 N% G$ m4 y- x5 l2 s
3.What are your salary expectations?
; Y  ?$ E3 E; W0 P; @
# ]! h5 m0 ^( ?7 M" d
8 X% K. F% B+ I4.Will you relocate?
5 T! d9 B" n4 F( P' G$ L( t5 J% r4 J
# P1 w  T3 H) x( a$ ~
5.Will you travel? What % of overnight travel would you be willing to do on a monthly basis?7 `$ ^$ f$ D: F; Q

, B% g, `- H5 p* P; S
4 p, J  Z6 _$ I3 Y: m' g, L' B6.On a scale of 1 -10, how would you rank your skill level of: (fill in the blank)? (computer skills; computer programs like PowerPoint, Excel, Word, ProE; computer systems like SAP or JDE; quality systems like ISO, TS-16949; manufacturing processes like injection molding, machining, casting; global sourcing; or other specific skill requirements.)& d3 ]! V, {" n9 U4 W3 K

" \0 E! J0 b0 q) S" U  k
6 t* D, C3 y6 ~% q% ?9 N7 A7.What are your career goals?
  b( n' `* y1 {$ w! {9 L4 g7 f- h& v; |+ w- C& g
/ w4 M* {$ H5 L$ h  I5 p: X
8.What are your greatest strengths?- g  n0 a9 n# j, r

: K& }' |6 ~8 \' g8 g/ L8 ]
8 w/ _& a2 P' V' P( J0 Z+ E# i9.What was your greatest accomplishment? Also, what were your 3 greatest accomplishments
% k7 Q, _6 y6 U2 ~
' E3 T& J. ]9 @; q8 u, G- Y
7 ]* d' A& x4 @3 l10.When could you start working here?0 c5 P& E6 J" m1 ?" r- g- R9 l

) K* F# r, d0 _* J. z# Z1 \) A9 t6 _4 T! P1 D% {/ e" J$ P

/ }0 a) v( r$ t; @, Z" r
! F0 L- J* k' @% D- R: F- ~! M
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-6-25 19:42 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Q版007 发表于 2012-6-25 19:36
: \1 M# \: o* c% G4 Y  iNow, they want to ask you some specific phone interview questions to make sure your resume isn't jus ...

( D, ~/ c; O- X3 j/ z$ `我的感觉是电话interview目的都是第一步的帅选,用来决定是否叫你去面试. 但方法和内容可以差别很大。有的只问非常简单的问题,有的问的问题非常深入.
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 19:42 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Q版007 于 2012-6-25 20:56 编辑 # t  C3 T; s, \; H
% v# k* w0 }! L; D% G& a- c
面试准备, A6 w3 @1 C2 O6 X! t- Y+ I, j
) }" X' Z7 Q# \1 f* f
Practice Interviewing 2 g4 ]9 M  a; M; o! w* G

# L* M" k9 N# `2 B* zTalking on the phone isn't as easy as it seems. I've always found it's helpful to practice. Have a friend or family member conduct a mock interview and tape record it so you can see how you sound over the phone. Any cassette recorder will work. You'll be able to hear your "ums" and "uhs" and "okays" and you can practice reducing them from your conversational speech. Also rehearse answers to those typical questions you'll be asked. * o+ H9 H' n; \' Z7 b! }
& `6 r' b8 x. e; H/ I+ ?- v
During the Phone Interview + ]! r" B& M9 u7 T$ t) X

! q9 J" ?) L7 e/ r8 h•Don't smoke, chew gum, eat, or drink. 4 S/ L7 U" L  ~; b4 U, m
•Do keep a glass of water handy, in case you need to wet your mouth.
' x: s; P) o! c•Smile. Smiling will project a positive image to the listener and will change the tone of your voice.   ~: ?, Q9 \& I! ?
•Speak slowly and enunciate clearly.
" l+ y2 @5 `& X. U# a! E$ h6 |•Use the person's title (Mr. or Ms. and their last name.) Only use a first name if they ask you to. 9 I, b8 I& {) O4 d% g
•Don't interrupt the interviewer. •Take your time - it's perfectly acceptable to take a moment or two to collect your thoughts.   L2 l. j% o( \) m" r. l; z8 y! r
•Give short answers. 6 B% z0 n, E+ e- K+ I0 r
•Remember your goal is to set up a face-to-face interview. After you thank the interviewer ask if it would be possible to meet in person.
5 j; k# W+ v0 T; Y8 h9 J* W
8 S( h5 S  A; B% _! L- \, Q$ u" g: [  ?+ M6 D6 M9 b: Q; E  F" A
After the Interview: * C) p; E: J  }+ t

1 V/ d! e1 v; Z+ n* ?3 }. K; y7 x•Take notes about what you were asked and how you answered.
  M* X% B$ y# y4 \1 @/ u' r( |( B. E/ f•Remember to say "thank you." Follow with a thank you note which reiterates your interest in the job.
8 J* f$ I/ n- C3 t1 W9 K  [- w! U
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 19:51 | 显示全部楼层
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2012-6-25 20:42 , M/ ~3 m" C- r* A$ G' r
我的感觉是电话interview目的都是第一步的帅选,用来决定是否叫你去面试. 但方法和内容可以差别很大。有的 ...

" g0 s5 j, H. u  i8 aJOYCE正解!
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-6-25 19:59 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 JoyceAccSG 于 2012-6-25 20:03 编辑 , f1 }0 p4 A! i' h
Q版007 发表于 2012-6-25 19:42
1 L9 t0 h6 j9 D1 X- P面试准备
' K" {1 |5 [( ~& u! O/ E3 W* }- G2 J) U5 h5 q0 j5 q: k* k
Practice Interviewing

# g& _) u) f& |" I% Z- z
7 d% n' D4 A0 N- Z需要听清对方的名字,Q版说的充分的准备实际上是最为重要的。9 k6 }! d( ~4 y( C7 ]
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
除了对方问你,你也要准备一些好的问题,在合适的时候,问对方,下面有很多问题,不要问太多,自己选几个,我个人认为,最多最多不要超过3个。" ?" a# R4 T* {- ^
6 {  X% t8 }, c: W: c* m8 n& E, T% a
Phone Interview Questions to Ask : P1 }( O/ a* ^4 n1 A, Y# x, B

1 a% J# t" [+ i: ?( w. G0 _6 j: u•How would you describe the responsibilities of the position?
6 C3 N, J, p+ J' Q& s•What qualities are you looking for in the person you hire to join this company? ) D0 h# u+ l& F* L$ ^
•If I was hired, how would I be interacting with you and your department, what would be your expectations, and your measures for success? # _' A1 L" a5 A& G& {
•How would I get feedback about how well my work meets the expectations? 2 F& }, n4 x5 j/ R% i/ R  E
•What do you view as the most challenging part of this job? : H' S, j3 ^# L
•Why is the last person who held this position leaving?
- ]1 v6 s- N, R6 v$ f•Who does this position report to? * |! j/ L9 D1 J4 ~' x; Q+ f
•How would you describe the company culture? 2 o6 ^  Q3 H4 r
•What is the typical work week? Is overtime expected? How about travel?
( P8 h) `# d) r  i; s1 o•What are the opportunities for advancement with the company? 7 X: L9 ]! K& _. P. c
•Is there anything else can I tell you about my qualifications? . O& _' U: C2 o4 E
•Could I schedule an in-person interview at your convenience? # t( L# w' j! k; H  \3 I  b
•If I am extended a job offer, how soon could I start? : u! F, C  C# n! ~
•Would you like a list of references?
' z0 r" p: _* n9 D+ M' ]•When can I expect to hear from you?
6 C& e* Q' m% R•Are there any other questions I can answer for you? + J. l% b) J( w0 P: D! q
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 20:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Q版007 于 2012-6-25 21:26 编辑
  d7 j" t: ~7 ]7 r, S; z, d9 B2 [0 x( @* J
除了3楼的10个常见问题之外,就像JOYCE说过的,有些电话面试还会从简单到复杂,深入展开。所以若那份工作是你确实喜欢的,那就不可以掉以轻心,还要准备其他的面试问题:* E1 b) ]9 N0 D& ]: }5 q$ [3 Q
/ L& a/ \/ H7 ?2 ~
1. Phone Interview Questions About Your Background / u* |' y( Y5 `/ r# e/ O

, [, c& E1 Y* t( ^7 I+ T
* v  r: R/ E8 T' o; \•Name of company, job title and job description, dates of employment.
( X) t8 M9 D# }* J) f+ @You'd be surprised how many job applicants fumble when asked about prior employment. Don't be one of them! Refresh your memory prior to the interview by reviewing your resume, so you can speak about your prior work history in detail and accurately. ' u4 v  |" o. M, S. T" S* y

0 W: L8 Y3 T) F" e" R$ |/ k, U•What were your responsibilities?
) ~! u: @/ K$ L( h( J' M5 d•What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them?. a- z, a# R$ C9 {, |
•Why are you leaving your job?
: Z7 C& p% a/ M5 R' LRegardless of why you left, don't speak badly about your previous employer. The interviewer may wonder if you will be bad-mouthing his company next time you're looking for work.0 q( M' F1 V9 X' Q/ u2 K" c

( ~/ |2 F3 Y8 m& H' U* H! J0 G1 xFired from your job? Don't know what to say in an interview? Career expert and author, Joyce Lain Kennedy, shares her twelve best job interview answers to the question "Why were you fired?" : {' J* [& n6 u2 ~7 g
' ?9 y9 N" S- k9 X4 k  [

1 P# I3 P6 v, q9 a9 J* A( A' }" ?Joyce Lain Kennedy's sample answers to the interview question "Why were you fired?"
- o; ~/ _% G" F6 J! n% d
, w) P1 ?' V3 ]& h•Being cut loose was a blessing in disguise. Now I have an opportunity to explore jobs that better suit my qualifications and interests. My research suggests that such an opportunity may be the one on your table. Would you like to hear more about my skills in working with new technology?
: a5 h: A. p4 M: q. F( o, t•My competencies were not the right match for my previous employer's needs but it looks like they'd be a good fit in your organization. In addition to marketing and advertising, would skills in promotion be valued here?
# O* A% W# c2 C% s+ h6 e% X•Although circumstances caused me to leave my first job, I was very successful in school and got along well with both students and faculty. Perhaps I didn't fully understand my boss's expectations or why he released me so quickly before I had a chance to prove myself. / B/ ]  \+ K4 m# e' J% Q
•The job wasn't working out so my boss and I agreed that it was time for me to move on to a position that would show a better return for both of us. So here I am, ready to work. 5 _  n$ r$ ]( }/ q& Y9 Q& z& {; P- V
•After thinking about why I left, I realize I should have done some things differently. That job was a learning experience and I think I'm wiser now. I'd like the chance to prove that to you. 9 `; x* G0 f8 ?) F  D, g/ R- E8 x
•A new manager came in and cleaned house in order to bring in members of his old team. That was his right but it cleared my head to envision better opportunities elsewhere. 3 ]* ?: {7 e! {) F! n
•Certain personal problems, which I now have solved, unfortunately upset my work life. These problems no longer exist and I'm up and running strong to exceed expectations in my new job. 9 K+ d! l( v5 m5 z# o
•I wanted my career to move in a different direction, and I guess my mental separation set up the conditions that led to my departure. But by contrast, the opportunity we're discussing seems to be made for me and I hope to eventually grow into a position of responsibility.
/ M; j0 V9 H' C' k•I usually hit it off very well with my bosses, but this case was the exception that proved my rule of good relationships. We just didn't get on well. I'm not sure why. 4 W0 K& ~& \, V5 h
•My job was offshored to India. That's too bad because people familiar with my work say it is superior and fairly priced. 9 c6 O% f( B+ s) H& w+ j
•I outlasted several downsizings but the last one included me. Sign of the times, I guess. 8 j. T$ d; Z) k
•I was desperate for work and took the wrong job without looking around the corner. I won't make that mistake again. I'd prefer an environment that is congenial, structured and team-oriented, where my best talents can shine and make a substantial contribution. 5 c9 U. F2 G4 e; H0 W+ C' q! ]
Kennedy also says, "Practice in advance what you'll say. Then keep it brief, keep it honest and keep it moving." That way, you'll get past the sticky issue of getting fired and can move on to your skills and why you're qualified for the job.
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 20:08 | 显示全部楼层
2. Phone Interview Questions About the New Job and the Company
( `) u# M  z. @. t
/ s9 z2 r) b) C0 q( g& Z•What interests you about this job?
& v( c* r6 t. B+ O: Q•Why do you want this job?
* w6 c! g/ K+ l  p# d  s. g- A9 w•What applicable attributes / experience do you have?) b. X0 _; x; e' V3 |% @6 r
•Are you overqualified for this job?
$ {. ?& [- \+ A+ w•What can you do for this company?
" a, h1 m" }- G' o- `•What do you know about this company?
, [. y. \, X4 O" b8 M7 w/ M•Why do you want to work here?
) ?8 S$ T4 u2 N4 _; J& I9 P/ {5 t•What challenges are you looking for in a position?( E( P3 m$ V) E( F- I
•What can you contribute to this company?. h( y8 I' `4 v( ~" \+ R
•Are you willing to travel? ; T( T9 i$ H+ s# M0 [5 O
•Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company that you would like to know?
6 \/ e( g, ]* L" C
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 20:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Q版007 于 2012-6-25 21:34 编辑 $ {2 M1 y4 p# T) Y: d* }! _
6 h' R  m! B9 J3 Z4 g& p0 T
3. Phone Interview Questions About You
( F( O; Z1 j5 b3 a* M
% j" G9 I6 ?3 i! m4 v•What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to you?" m# m" ~5 o) E" x
•What is your greatest weakness?; |) ^/ s9 X+ N. }! p+ f  X8 O1 ?
$ I$ d$ z7 m0 @$ |( ?+ j" r
Sample Answers ) j  k+ A6 H; g& a
/ _( ~7 m8 T, t+ i
5 u2 E' M3 C6 R5 ]' L; A; i
•When I'm working on a project, I don't want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. 3 w  M" G, m5 @: Z, N# _
•Being organized wasn't my strongest point, but I implemented a time management system that really helped my organization skills.
. O$ m2 Z+ O& p4 W6 t•I like to make sure that my work is perfect, so I tend to perhaps spend a little too much time checking it. However, I've come to a good balance by setting up a system to ensure everything is done correctly the first time. % X+ E  t5 q! G; d
•I used to wait until the last minute to set appointments for the coming week, but I realized that scheduling in advance makes much more sense.
7 ]) X: ?, F; j+ R# M•I would say that I can be too much of a perfectionist in my work. Sometimes, I spend more time than necessary on a task, or take on tasks personally that could easily be delegated to someone else. Although I've never missed a deadline, it is still an effort for me to know when to move on to the next task, and to be confident when assigning others work.
7 U! j2 y  g! `/ o& ~) l7 |•I've learned to make my perfectionism work to my advantage at work. I am excellent at meeting deadlines, and with my attention to detail, I know my work is correct.4 m$ T( e5 [  c# s8 }$ |4 U
•I used to like to work on one project to its completion before starting on another, but I've learned to work on many projects at the same time, and I think it allows me to be more creative and effective in each one.

3 ?4 n# n6 D# }# P9 D5 J
) ?8 A% L; [3 K$ Q  o2 R, e•What is your greatest strength?2 N' V) ^& H9 \# J2 O
•Describe a typical work week. ' R' N2 A" \# _, U
•How would you describe the pace at which you work?
4 l( T4 h" R5 |0 ?•How do you handle stress and pressure? # c4 y' ~0 F! C8 S
•What motivates you?# \0 v6 u) B+ W* t5 [+ g3 w: v0 z
•What type of work environment do you prefer? / U( C1 @: C% Y' }% U6 R* d/ w
•How do you evaluate success? 3 w/ v3 ]4 i/ K/ t3 D+ [" _


redrunner  在2013-1-1 08:12  送朵鲜花  并说:太牛了,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
redrunner  在2013-1-1 08:12  送朵鲜花  并说:太牛了,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
redrunner  在2013-1-1 08:12  送朵鲜花  并说:太牛了,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
redrunner  在2013-1-1 08:12  送朵鲜花  并说:太牛了,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-25 20:14 | 显示全部楼层
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2012-6-25 20:59
& v, @  e3 U4 [5 G- \需要听清对方的名字,Q版说的充分的准备实际上是最为重要的。
& u$ X4 |! S! b3 ~1 O- Q如果感觉电话interview不好,也没有关系 ...

, L$ P5 F: O  P9 C7 X是啊,有人说,自己的名字是世界上最动听的声音。同时充分的准备确实非常重要,对于电话面试来说,下面的事情要特别注意:6 n+ u# s& S4 I' T6 W3 a
! P) k) G  H# _- b% B4 H
Prepare for a phone interview just as you would for a regular interview. Compile a list of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as a list of answers to typical phone interview questions. In addition, plan on being prepared for a phone conversation about your background and skills. 2 L* T7 o+ s! I6 ]! H7 m
7 x. z+ Z9 ]8 _' u' C
•Keep your resume in clear view, on the top of your desk, or tape it to the wall near the phone, so it's at your fingertips when you need to answer questions.
; N# J7 r1 W+ Q•Have a short list of your accomplishments available to review. & x& ?7 y) }0 q/ [  h$ ^4 p1 `/ Q
•Have a pen and paper handy for note taking.
. d: b1 l1 e# j: F•Turn call-waiting off so your call isn't interrupted.
) [( `% U: {" J$ @) E. v8 w: K•If the time isn't convenient, ask if you could talk at another time and suggest some alternatives.
# k+ `9 @. e, w: D•Clear the room - evict the kids and the pets. Turn off the stereo and the TV. Close the door. 1 P4 Y) S0 w6 Z' j
•Unless you're sure your cell phone service is going to be perfect, consider using a landline rather than your cell phone to avoid a dropped call or static on the line. , y; d# ]9 ]5 g
鲜花(327) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-25 20:17 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(116) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-25 21:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-6-25 21:12 | 显示全部楼层
黑蛋 发表于 2012-6-25 21:08 % U2 m! t  ]% W( d2 K$ Q' F1 L
只要是技术主管的面试,不管他面试的时候说什么,都有可能一面就是最后一面。去年我们两个人的亲身经历证明 ...
8 X+ g) {" A7 a( ?' S$ o
鲜花(670) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-6-25 21:21 | 显示全部楼层
7 T' x4 g3 ~1 e" Q
6 T" Y8 J# a4 a  u
鲜花(116) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-25 22:07 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
本帖最后由 黑蛋 于 2012-6-25 23:40 编辑 2 D9 h: R7 ]/ v
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2012-6-25 22:12 , u5 S7 I6 S* w% k. H

  E. `& }4 I) p$ Z
7 D) }6 Q  K' I1 V' e2 Q我还真的没有几次面试经验,而且我面试的路子很野,自己想想都会后怕的。不过我的经历可能会对很多人的自信心很有帮助。! U" B9 ]! {5 m

% p  M1 z, r) S! k: b2 i我在以前的帖子里提到过,我在桌子两旁的次数差不多,合起来不到10次。第一次面试06年夏天,失败。第二次是07年春天,成功拿到offer。第三次是去年7月6号,7月8号成功拿到offer.第四次去年7月7号,7月14号成功拿到offer。不管成功失败都是一次面试。我们家LD也基本类似。只是日期略微的不同。我坐在桌子另一边有三次。一个UA大拿(真的是大拿,成绩是3.9/4.0, 还是4.9/5.0,记不清了。文章列表接近两页纸,而且我听他讲了10分钟,愣是不知道他是做什么的。),没有任何实际工作经验起价要8万。我否掉他的理由很简单,他可能值8万,但是我担心我们控制不住他的。我老板对于我的看法没有说什么,但是可以看出他很喜欢这个人,否掉第二个的理由是第三的面试的是中国人。最终老板以出差在外为理由,把决定权交给我。
0 U: ]% U' ]& c/ [  w5 n2 o  S1 I% g; Z' @
从我们找工作的经历来看,06年夏天到07年春天,两个拿UA 硕士学位的人,居然没有一个面试。我们到底有多烂,大家就尽情的想象吧。可是我给第一个老板做了4年,我LD给他们做了3年,他们愣是没有搞清楚我们不会什么。作为一个从转专业零经验开始的人,我们有多强,大家也可以尽情的想象。但是这个说白了,其实没有什么。一开始没有面试,是因为简历写的太差。07年春天参考一个国人的简历又改了自己的简历,结果3天后就拿到了工作。然后就是随后的工作任务是就像是事先有人安排好的一样,后一个工作都是建立在前一个工作的基础上,这也就造成了,我们经验强大,无所不能的假象。
. x% H% y: T+ `: ^
5 k! q6 f* I7 W" k  x' ]" m# x( ~从我的桌子另一端的所作所为可以看出,很多时候你被淘汰不是因为你不好,而是因为你太好。做决定的人常常并不是一定录用最优秀的候选人的。. K; k5 c( r2 n
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-6-26 04:57 | 显示全部楼层
黑蛋 发表于 2012-6-25 22:07 , a8 z5 N) o& P9 n1 W
我还真的没有几次面试经验,而且我面试的路子很野,自己想想都会后怕的。不过我的经历可能会对很多人的 ...

* c/ r3 S2 I/ o" F$ r1 {可以问一下兄弟是做什么的吗?$ Q  D2 q0 q' t# v, B' L. n

" r. h! c, U- g) s, |$ t7 P你说的完全正确,第二个工作是建立在第一个工作的基础上的,选好,做好第一份工作,以后就不会没有工作。
9 j# f7 m6 k4 s$ J8 e1 Q6 p0 D  @/ Y6 a; x) ?/ U
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-6-26 04:59 | 显示全部楼层
Q版007 发表于 2012-6-25 20:14
! a* |" H1 r+ C* Q3 n- s是啊,有人说,自己的名字是世界上最动听的声音。同时充分的准备确实非常重要,对于电话面试来说,下面的 ...

& {# U8 b# n0 N6 K, w0 Z. EQ版是否在换工作或准备换工作?
鲜花(116) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-26 07:56 | 显示全部楼层
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2012-6-26 05:57
4 Q) j! ]! M- @/ y- U可以问一下兄弟是做什么的吗?7 C; t4 S2 c# ~* R

4 G3 A6 ^0 t) T4 F你说的完全正确,第二个工作是建立在第一个工作的基础上的,选好,做好 ...

4 d: U+ @1 _( s$ B0 D  H: ]$ ~我是power system engineer。. ~2 R$ b+ o! B, Z" P

; ~) X5 t( E$ h8 W我可没有爬上去,我是最不愿意做管理的了。在第一个公司,是因为矬子里面拔将军。老板硬把我往上推,而我死活的不上位,所以最后我在公司的地位变得异常的奇特。让我做人事决定是因为公司所有的consulting的project都在我的手上,所以我喜欢的将来才好合作。在现在这个公司,因为我被BC的一个大客户给缠住,原本我的区域的活变得没有人接手了,所以老板要招人帮我。而我愿意把自己的时间和业绩搭上,所以manager就同意招一个EIT了。
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-26 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Q版007 于 2012-6-26 12:18 编辑 ) p* R% n! c! F" i! m3 K: q% j
黑蛋 发表于 2012-6-26 08:56
' ~& y# d  n: E我是power system engineer。4 E5 Q# U" _! @0 j" V

8 D' X. Z/ W% _8 o我可没有爬上去,我是最不愿意做管理的了。在第一个公司,是因为矬子里面 ...

* h7 W2 g' Z- e- g
  n6 E) L+ G8 A$ j# o已经坐到桌子另一边了,高手啊!!3 Q1 _4 l  D$ I: j4 R7 M
0 j, z' M0 Y( T
我以前也帮两个朋友联系成过专业工作,当然跟黑哥这样的牛人没法比。热心就是了。  ]* x- p) o- b# d) y
' V- o" k) w! B2 h4 z) I6 i- n. u8 j
* d0 |% y8 G3 \3 |* k  ]- X: T+ D9 m. _; X$ r/ l/ h" C1 u7 G4 W
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-26 11:20 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
JoyceAccSG 发表于 2012-6-26 05:59
; W/ I' V$ R8 C1 R9 H6 o& t$ sQ版是否在换工作或准备换工作?
% b' I/ l2 K! ~4 k" ]( B; F% ~0 S; {
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-26 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
amybear 发表于 2012-6-25 22:21 ! G& b' J$ i/ S& f

$ e4 a$ R8 n, p: j+ K一切为了哥们儿
鲜花(328) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-26 11:23 | 显示全部楼层
PTL 发表于 2012-6-25 21:17
" h: g: r6 A' G* R9 Y" V+ {4 V
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-6-26 11:26 | 显示全部楼层
Q版007 发表于 2012-6-26 11:23
6 ]- {; t4 L6 A" q. e8 t% G希望我们版块有更好的助人气氛和理性的火花。
1 x! u6 ?5 ]" E: [
鲜花(670) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-6-26 12:53 | 显示全部楼层
Q版007 发表于 2012-6-26 12:23
: P8 D/ _5 f- J% R希望我们版块有更好的助人气氛和理性的火花。

! }) H+ F9 r1 S4 v1 J% p4 u佩服你的理性
鲜花(116) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-26 13:06 | 显示全部楼层
Q版007 发表于 2012-6-26 12:14
. G- f& w1 _1 q% ?* ~已经坐到桌子另一边了,高手啊!!
9 P) O+ R& ?/ ?; o6 o& g& Y. D2 ^0 w- F* \3 m: Q
我以前也帮两个朋友联系成过专业工作,当然跟黑哥这样 ...

# }0 b2 f6 ]* g8 K9 l我真的是像牛一样干活的人, 只要是能像我这么拼命做得,没有几个做不成我这样的. 我估计是07年以前太背了,到了得靠LD到北边挣钱养家的份上了. 老天爷实在看不过去了,给我几次机会被我抓住. 咳,往事不堪回首.
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-6-26 21:17 | 显示全部楼层
黑蛋 发表于 2012-6-26 13:06 ' o' n+ y0 F4 u
我真的是像牛一样干活的人, 只要是能像我这么拼命做得,没有几个做不成我这样的. 我估计是07年以前太背了, ...

( C+ G. i& V1 ]9 c: U" E7 H, D恭喜兄弟过度成功,以后就是安居乐业了。
鲜花(1583) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2013-1-1 08:10 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(345) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-1-1 10:00 | 显示全部楼层
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