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【五周年征文】The layer

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 12:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【五周年征文】诗歌一首,根据Stanley Kunitz的诗歌 The layer 改编。  |9 F" A# _) p+ y1 r7 ^# W
写这个东西就是觉得好玩,现在没法征得Stanley Kunitz他老人家同意了,在此谢谢Stanley Kunitz* G  f  c9 `6 m/ v: f

' m! }! [: g- T& `1 \2 u1 y! |2 h1 I- j/ d; {8 C
: R! D! G3 k4 y1 u
    The layers
7 H& s% \( H5 O8 f# a6 \
0 q& b( R5 M' k/ HI have walked through many websites,
: V! k; `  s, P/ ?$ d& ?; lsome of them I like,
/ s: g9 U5 s2 a3 q2 i8 t: [and some of them I do not like.
% l5 S' j) _9 ^. GOh, Lao Yang have made a tribe& r1 j; l2 L: m: D$ z
out of his true affections.
7 C4 x) T0 i' h. V0 O7 ]. pI go, I go* H+ u6 q" O& ]0 M. v3 W4 p2 [
exulting somewhat,
6 O1 t% C- l7 G, f4 K8 Twith my will intact to go
  m6 Y1 u$ a8 c! C/ M9 \wherever I need to go,8 I6 e4 S4 M0 |: e, Y
and every post on the Edmontonchina Community
4 m3 J8 c) E$ l) X2 M9 Y+ IPrecious to me.# t2 B  T: L" b6 ?; O7 ~& A$ f
In my darkest night, 5 Z2 U4 M, a5 P6 D6 _" S6 N- V4 S* N
when the moon was covered' T8 I) A- R; ]; I7 l5 D
and I roamed through websites,
! a1 m5 p% D8 ba nimbus-clouded Lao Yang’ voice 1 c, P* K! I3 I$ U8 O- N
directed me:
( e7 w2 K/ V" H6 ?Live in the layers
. Y& x8 L. D2 dnot on the litter." O" j% _" K0 d$ y
Though I lack the art
- A( B7 w# ]  d/ [1 Z$ x; }to decipher it,9 ?4 D7 T& c, j+ I
no doubt the next chaper
3 q: ?/ N/ c+ F- h0 Kin my book of transformations  \9 L7 f- J8 M& U9 E6 Z, v
is already written.. `  O' d# [, @$ t, M( J
I love to live with Edmontonchina Community.

  e% U9 ?9 R# s5 L; q0 I
6 m- T  }  v: Y1 `/ ~  u8 R原文在此:4 [1 E; \  S5 ~" r

2 e, g2 l( l, N. _The Layers% u. f+ p. W- J+ I6 I; c

* t  y$ D7 C9 O; ~- _, sI have walked through many lives, % c. C: |( Q6 {7 K, U/ x; C1 u
some of them my own,
- L% ]( `- P) Q2 Q. Z( Wand I am not who I was, # E) o- Z+ o. G
though some principle of being
/ ^. m  P$ j( v, b2 T" tabides, from which I struggle
6 A1 s, D. f! u5 d+ |. F8 l) T% Qnot to stray.
. f6 S# z- o9 l2 xWhen I look behind,
9 y' e% T7 g7 ~5 |' ?9 |+ g) s' das I am compelled to look 4 }5 [8 V4 D" C& t, q/ D
before I can gather strength   ]- K0 d! _9 x- Z. d" N
to proceed on my journey, : f! z! d$ G( e2 s* p6 e$ b- w, {" Y, Y
I see the milestones dwindling
6 n. h! s/ [8 H) btoward the horizon ' C/ b% V6 v1 p7 F* A
and the slow fires trailing
) Z: a7 C/ {6 Y) P, Wfrom the abandoned camp-sites, ( @2 E- H- {' T$ ?# s1 {! g
over which scavenger angels 1 [' ~4 U' z; E* S1 C% M0 M8 E! J
wheel on heavy wings. ; A: L& |( T8 o' c
Oh, I have made myself a tribe
: `! ]4 w9 R6 @3 Q" X/ oout of my true affections,
0 G$ v# N% r) Q9 J# o) j/ i' tand my tribe is scattered!
2 N7 Q4 L/ |! t, X) I. YHow shall the heart be reconciled
+ H$ r! Z; h/ z! l* b( Dto its feast of losses? 1 k2 s) e5 V; \# f
In a rising wind
- h' f) i7 O2 I+ p% bthe manic dust of my friends, 0 W3 U" G7 a) t8 J7 j! C0 [
those who fell along the way,
, E9 ~" h$ ^* t( M+ G8 Z/ fbitterly stings my face. % Z5 N8 g- p- x4 X$ G5 B( R
Yet I turn, I turn,
  B/ U! ~8 o  m7 ]& mexulting somewhat, 7 D: H: V+ {# ^+ U8 i6 T
with my will intact to go ; O! d2 K2 |' i8 ]4 L3 f
whereever I need to go, 7 j3 F! e0 e6 w7 G" I; T
and every stone on the road
+ r* d& y+ W5 Eprecious to me. - l. G7 V. D! C# e, G6 s, d! R$ @
In my darkest night,
# t+ [# h) Q" F% ~- xwhen the moon was covered 5 r! Z4 ^! E2 }2 W
and I roamed through wreckage,
4 O% N9 _+ t$ \. s7 P+ Ma nimbus-clouded voice 7 T8 I& r( c6 q0 |* W
directed me:
" C8 y( M" U3 Y. E7 m  g: `"Live in the layers,
+ x5 E( l, d/ {: {. cnot on the litter." 7 S6 P4 N0 o4 f5 v- @1 S9 e
Though I lack the art
/ h$ z% a" [! A* Q+ Ato decipher it, : E% T+ ^) w! ~
no doubt the next chapter 1 ]* [/ {6 W9 X
in my book of transformations
4 o( s* c. _+ C* v) m. r; E* B( His already written. . ^- R; k8 G6 x  `  ^) {
I am not done with my changes.- [% u! a6 g  U( M! o1 j9 ]
—Stanley Kunitz; Z6 e+ g( P) z  X
8 d. |, L5 {" g0 o) n
[ 本帖最后由 betterbest 于 2009-3-31 13:31 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 16:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-31 18:24 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 18:38 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 19:34 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(120) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-31 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
好诗,送花—— 一句也不认识,只知道有老杨,还有他的中文网~~~~~~~
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-1 10:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小熊之家 于 2009-3-31 19:38 发表 $ m& Z( n: Y/ {) Z0 ^( ~. E" b
1 Y% \; h7 R) H2 B- M& ]$ z
4 B7 v  T) L2 h; Z: G9 h
鲜花(120) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-1 10:27 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-1 20:47 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 betterbest 于 2009-3-31 19:24 发表
! ^+ S* l: Z& f谢谢版主,能给点花鼓励鼓励吗
' H2 ]' |% L! s
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-1 23:34 | 显示全部楼层
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