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Angelic pretender Aion IV

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发表于 2009-9-27 21:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Angelic pretender Aion threatens to knock king of fantasy games off its throne IV 0 |8 I( @! i+ S) a) a' n$ U( I7 T

* t# Q+ w5 P( RThe problem is that Aion arrives against a backdrop of huge wow gold upheaval in World of Warcraft. “Blizzard is effectively ripping up and wow gold rebuilding the game for the next expansion,” Mr Bramwell said. “It will be interesting to wow gold see how they do this, because it is well behind contemporary PC and console games in visual terms.” No online game has ever managed to sustain its growth past this point. But players such as Mr Tan are looking forward to the changes. “I think it’s great that they’re taking risks,” he said. “You need constant revolution to keep a game like this fresh. I’ve got confidence that they’ll get it right.” The company is well wow gold aware of the risk it is taking, and of the competitors wow gold snapping at its heels. It is calling the expansion Cataclysm. Simon Wallis wrote: Aion is no threat. Pre order levels for midle earth wow gold online, yyqq0928 Warhammer on line and DDO where the same. It hasen't even been play by the public yet. + `( i1 L- }6 }! h
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