埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-9-10 02:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi everyone here,8 X4 D+ W- r$ W1 r& w  O$ ^$ y

! r' S# M  i5 y* aI don't know if all you guys have a great Friday night( D9 K& ~( {; S2 B/ s
last night?I wasn't.; Z* k) `6 j3 D5 i$ h$ x
at first I joined the sky club in U of A CAMPUSTHE DAY- a, G( [, {4 j$ A! k
BEFORE YESTERDAY,,and they give me 3 ticket for the  v) v! H; B5 M- s2 N  f1 N
because that I invited 2 of my friend to go with
+ Q2 p8 X5 P* m8 ume,but it is just a nightmare begining.
9 M9 O$ H7 k0 }% e2 P% O" R; z# C
3 D% k  v# v+ \: rwhen we got there, there are already a long line, so
! g! U- l- _3 a8 u, n$ q! @6 zwe went to the end of the line,my friends found they7 J' d, j! u$ ~& U8 S4 \: C
need check the id for entering, so they drive back to
3 I6 h& w. [/ F% ^get their passport(because their driver licence was" O- f* t) D; u- z* q; d
renewing)this is the first time we go back,please0 d( ?+ i7 v2 h( M- R( i1 [
rember.) G0 L1 t% i& q- U- _% K' Q# H
) x6 \4 L  y# w% V. ]* |
then after 30minutes my friend went back, and we wait
6 u7 k9 C" ?0 d8 L. }, T2 _. ufor another 30 mins to come to the security man, he! h* a* A/ [0 X- h  V
point to my pant said they have the dress code which
% A0 \4 M' M  z' z9 Z' L. s- G% g# Znot permit dress running shoes and trainning9 i5 Y7 ~0 b9 x6 S- |% i
pant(acturlly i just changed my sport shoes before we+ q# D' m" u: q$ z: Q/ L( w
left home,because of the code) I told the big fat" K" _  B, l' ?/ G
security man the si club didn't tell us there is dress
" k, w/ [9 ^. h; Q* X8 H; d" j' icode.but the man insist that i have to change my pants/ n$ O$ j  O! G+ k8 M3 I9 J
otherwise he won't let in.6 |( W$ T1 F& t( O4 L9 y  S

/ L3 F1 c+ g' v+ S& ?so i have no choice,we drive back to my house and
( e1 s* r3 [& n% }2 G8 ?3 x; b6 p5 Dchange my pant,then come back to the ARMOURY BAR
( ^  Q9 h8 C. Q& T2 c0 I  M* i% c85-10310STREET)THE THIRD TIME .0 Y4 F  C2 R0 H& P5 a/ [

5 X* s# V% _4 H1 h9 p- rThis time we all bring our picture id,good for
4 F2 N( k1 l) e9 Ydressing code,but can you imagine what going to happen2 \1 b6 A0 ?' \0 }3 C- }
to us,still that fat white ass,told to me,no way for
" i% |/ t7 J; ]7 [me to enter to the bar tonight,then I got confused and. G8 j  F. X8 P
asked him why?I need a reason for droven 3 times to7 n& G0 A+ E6 ?: K  y
the gate of the bar ,get the id and chang my pants,and/ x3 Q% m: U" b. \  b1 r/ u
finally he just give a word"no" then I saw he(the same9 R3 R& a. S9 A& {' E: B. R
man) many people dress running shoes and trainning! ]" d. Z0 K, G+ n+ ^/ f" o, b. `: B: ~' F
pant t     o enter the gate of this bar.there is
3 L' `1 r! e0 \8 Z- Z# ^another gate man(his name is lee" told me that fat man
* U7 X) l/ E0 `) {" n! N1 a8 h' w5 Uis the manager of this bar, and this "manager" just& @7 q: f" `6 `  k+ M. F* g
told me "good night,go home,there is no way for me to# X% q6 ^. H; @: f; _/ A
go inside tonight".then i got more confused,i didn't
# g, W6 V$ X7 b! bbreak any law or dressing code,what is the reason for
, V, ], l5 G* A* Ehim to say no to me?% p$ e; K8 @, [+ A1 l% V3 a
" ]- v8 U4 i  l* T$ ~) u  ]+ p
then i ask him to give me a reason, you guess what did
# Y- I$ S( [7 {6 d4 Zhe said to me,"I don't like the atitude of you!" I
& F5 c2 c5 `1 k( I, ?$ E; fdon't know if there any country or city in the world
* W/ Q7 V. w! Qthat the gateman or manager can refuse customer to
- _# s3 X4 \( I* c& M# i: z& Z, z) tenter the gate of a bar only because he doesn't like) w5 [  V; j6 P: C3 h5 K
the atitude of the customer.also he said my voice is7 R( |7 O! G9 P0 m8 Y* H, y
to load,the situation is that the gate of that bar is) p& U9 [: d- k1 }9 T0 l
very anoising because of the loud music inside.I don't2 m5 N2 R' v# A6 J/ T$ b# Y) |# g  J! d
think the loud voice is the reason for him to refuse
, S/ {2 j" I; _7 Z+ z" qme to enter.
, Q" w5 R/ _3 `! Y9 J( P2 f  B' R: h& x( w
I was totally upset because of what that fat man treat0 _" K' }- l3 J$ J! l* X
me and my friends.I began to wondering if Canada treat2 g3 |( p$ Y* y& C
the people from asian or other country all like) m' @+ @& h+ p  `, C' c) A
that,at first it is a wonderful night but made me very
/ D2 D5 s2 h+ q7 \+ pupset about this BAR,this city and this country!!!Does
# |+ f. b- ?# |7 L5 ^that man have the right to do that to me and my( m- L* x0 k! V  f; Q
friends?& ~, d& {- u+ v# u1 {. v7 g- y

3 j5 u# B2 s! L- _; p; WI will foward this letter to the student union in U of
' E) H! |: O5 F; LA,edmonton jounal,CITY OF EDMONTON,ALL MY* [' K  P; E& x6 G7 Y7 w& U$ W; f# |
. w, V, C; V' Y/ qA,CSSA,......  a" n8 l' f/ E2 x1 J* A* a

8 Z, R# N; ]1 {- OTie Li% _5 ]9 E  _2 j2 O" d9 I3 V5 i
Master of Engineering
0 ?* b% W0 I1 k7 u& F' G2 J0 wConstruction Engineering and Management3 r- g1 v8 q* x0 V# j
Civil &Environmental Engineering Department* w8 p1 [$ ?1 y8 q* Q/ K
8 M+ |" e# }6 _% Y* T$ R4 q; {
student id :1111242' K5 h& |* r; a
email:tie@ualberta.ca  B0 x# P/ G: {# j

% v* k* H+ Y. |2 a) }. t0 m2 z
* x( i" \: G, V" \, i8 g, e  O0 R2 C:kao:
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-9-10 06:53 | 显示全部楼层
call 911 when you were there and tell the police he violate the race discriminations.  could be very serious
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-10 10:45 | 显示全部楼层

good idea!

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-10 10:46 | 显示全部楼层

in another words

老杨团队 追求完美
if this happen in china,
# {- H: _$ P1 c9 Z9 XI will call my friends,no matter police or gang man,* p: @" b1 e5 `& K5 T
to destruction this bar!!!
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-9-10 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-9-10 22:27 | 显示全部楼层
"this happen in china, I will call my friends,no matter police or gang man,
) ^: |' x( c2 A+ T/ x" ]( |& Yto destruction this bar!!"+ M# w# W3 e# u2 {- f, g
4 _" ?& M: e) Y( u4 q9 [4 N, X
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-11 09:54 | 显示全部楼层


looks you know me well,upstairs% M$ _) ?- b6 T0 e2 L8 W/ u3 U- c
I am inside a gang man,
+ I. S9 Z$ f8 Q6 k5 p# ^% kbut from outside you can not say me is a terrorist1 c% a/ ]% ?: Y3 m; n: L2 E
ask lao yang,he know me well
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