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鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-17 13:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
下面是九月八号Conference call 对市场评论的总结,贴出来,希望对大家有帮助。) A: a5 C8 B4 f" z$ {% u8 Z* Z' f

9 ~+ O4 B0 j& p! [Market Commentary! b7 |) K: ^2 N5 f2 J
Eric Bushell, Chief Investment Officer
! s! N" k/ A% x7 D+ j& h: {5 L; cJames Dutkiewicz, Portfolio Manager& K+ m: {. Y$ t$ K0 C& u
Signature Global Advisors
) u& b: I* g& S$ v+ x( ~1 y. w: l9 `) i$ T+ H
4 o: t7 p; ^3 b* y' ^
Background remarks+ v& I( [* ]5 m
 Governments’ costs associated with stabilizing the crisis, including recent government stimulus programs, are
/ m5 b/ Z( V9 I# n& o$ {7 @; t5 `as much as 20% or even 60% of GDP.$ Q& q5 G4 I. Y. z3 [$ s$ q
 Some governments have reached limits of sustainable debt loads and markets are beginning to insist on fiscal2 ]4 n: T  v5 V2 }) B
7 P6 ~5 v* B8 x, V$ N) ]2 S This marks the beginning of what will be a turbulent social and political period, where elements of the social
) s3 I) }$ T- _: H9 K- R9 esafety nets in Western economies are no longer affordable and must be defunded.
* w* z/ d, Y  ~* _: `& h' Z Templates for fiscal adjustment are appearing in peripheral and core Europe, the U.S. and elsewhere. There are" Q/ c/ Q, N8 D) `
lessons to be learned from the frontrunners.
5 r* b+ @" T( A7 S0 f0 I We see policy interventions playing a bigger role in financial markets. Policymakers are trying to ease these" W3 z7 s4 R# b2 H8 Q
adjustments for governments and consumers as they deleverage.0 A+ K( c5 F: D  D" n! w: B& O! ^
 Policy interventions are shaping markets more than fundamentals. Examples include the U.S. Federal Reserve’s
1 ^6 O( }2 r; vquantitative easing (QE2) program and the ECB intervention in the European sovereign bond market.. D5 e# V9 Z( Y$ }* t' G& I  b
 Developed financial markets have now priced in lower levels of economic growth.
  K+ R5 S: g" r' I9 s% h Credit markets are now less resilient to shocks because of Basel III and the Dodd-Frank bill. Brokers have) X: r- C  R! _' b
reduced capacity to hold risk. Therefore, risk shedding by others is going to have a greater impact.
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-17 13:16 | 显示全部楼层
Current situation0 j  n/ s0 ~- y% @/ [8 K
 The lesson we learned from the 2008-2009 credit crunch is how credit markets affect stock valuations. As long
( ]; G# p* t5 t& S: h! Aas funding markets stay open, equities are valued as going concerns. But if credit markets close, markets may4 @  c* [1 j, ~( X- v* d; \8 W
impose liquidation values.
+ c* Q/ K8 i' P6 {( B In the summer, the European credit crisis caused another round of market worries about a credit shutdown. In
5 U3 I- u3 }& tAugust, we said a credit shutdown was unlikely – we continue to hold that view." B4 T2 N$ ]+ O  ~
 The collapse of interest rates on 10-year Treasuries to 2% leaves banks, insurance companies and pension: v, Q+ a2 Y% r6 {1 @- \6 v9 o
scrambling for higher yields to satisfy their obligations – this is supportive of corporate bond markets.9 t+ |, z' u# J+ i" f1 b; S$ O

# B8 m* C+ W1 `# k2 HA look at credit markets
3 b$ z+ l2 O1 {  e Investment grade – $17 billion in new issues were placed last Wednesday. We’re expecting $80-$100 billion in- M1 h; O4 ?5 g1 U% N
September. Non-financial investment grade is the new safe haven.& o8 K$ o2 j/ n# `2 q
 High yield – In March, the spread above governments was 450 basis points, today it’s 740 bps. Yields were 7%3 F9 D( ~& `7 ^3 R' Q3 X. O/ L
then, now they are 8.5%. New issuance has been about $30 billion a month, although August saw only $1
" U( R% i* n& v$ {billion. That said, the market is still open. Risk has been repriced – but appropriately priced issues still have6 [. h3 T: u: ]
access to the market. There are only two parts of the global bond market having difficulty – ultra-low-grade: l2 x  O$ J* J% a5 O& V  d8 q2 |
CCC issues and European high yield, which are both down about 2.5% year-to-date. All other bond markets are- L7 d9 _) o( a) r; m" _" F
positive for the year-do-date, including high yield.- T) S! A  h- O! g' }+ L
 Mortgages – There is no funding for new construction, but existing quality properties are having no trouble
" u" S  p2 U, F; l7 afinding financing." o7 W; r. ~& T8 m( o
 Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) – In the summer, there were two failed transactions, but they4 A1 V: ?0 g& v. r
were subsequently repriced and placed. In the fall, there will be more deals.2 n. {: c" e) P$ B7 P1 x# r
 Leveraged floating rate collateralized loans – The index was trading at $90 last September, $96 in March and2 w- E5 f" H$ h! o3 E& Y* f/ a6 ~
is now back to $90. Changes were a result of interest rate expectations (people thought that interest rates were
8 }- T, r; n" J& f0 Lgoing up) rather than liquidity. Chapter 11 companies have no problem getting secured and when they file for- e$ I# M2 h- ~- B2 L
bankruptcy, they already have debt financing in place.
+ W% [' Y+ E$ T+ U European banks – European bank lending conditions are tighter. This is the weakest link in the financial chain
1 Q- o; w! x2 J- ktoday.
( C. E+ C0 ?  d$ w; V Emerging markets – Sovereign rates have rallied along with U.S. Treasuries. High-grade corporates in$ O9 m- {, P* l2 ^; T# }- h
emerging markets have no problem with funding.
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-17 13:18 | 显示全部楼层
European Union agenda
/ e+ O9 G" \( [7 ^  X$ w! O) W Europe is frantic and will remain so for at least another four months – which is what we see as the timeline for
5 J. ]2 `8 k5 b5 Z1 S6 Y5 lthe Greek default.
8 Z$ T! e/ L1 D( G$ S As we see it, the following firewalls need to be put in place:
" l/ W& {- |  m9 i6 Y" H0 N$ _4 i1. Making sure that banks have enough capital and deposit insurance to survive a Greek default
2 q' V! W1 E8 a/ m: \6 C$ b. ^. U2. The European Financial Stability Facility, which is to be used for the bank capital injection and sovereign
8 w: _& j' m+ s# x1 L/ {; |, k8 b1 Vdebt stabilization, needs government approvals.
# U3 A: v* H/ ?; S8 D3. Measures of assistance to help European banks to make $1.7 trillion in refinancing easier and allowing, z0 M" p& L: K8 G$ g# j
banks to shrink their balance sheets over three years
# C* j( `- ^6 Z. O4. More fiscal reform for Spain, Italy and France is a precondition for stable sovereign debt markets.: G( r4 B  \# x4 V
: ^' b. w! N) L8 t2 r4 Q8 O
Beyond Greece
8 \/ @% c- N" Z/ z  A: q% Q# \ The EFSF #2 plan announced in July was a toolkit to deal with the PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain),$ J) f8 ^; S6 D8 }8 Q9 v. }' z8 M
but that was before Italy.
  ?) F( @" n9 C It provided a $500-billion loan program, but $250 billion was already spoken for by the PIGS.
. V6 l5 n$ A6 P1 I4 m# [8 @  K It’s an undersized framework and if negative growth/interest rate dynamics keep investors from sponsoring the" }+ ~! ]0 e- U/ t
Italian bond market, the EU crisis will escalate further.+ g, I( B7 B6 ?( ?4 q' s' K
0 `) G; m  f6 a2 F: H, U2 j
Conclusion6 o/ v$ Q8 |3 F, U
 We want to have safeguards in place and continue to be liquid, so that we can capitalize on future turbulence.
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-19 15:03 | 显示全部楼层
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