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Ways to show appreciation

鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-7-31 19:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
One of the key ways to improve client and workplace relationships is by showing appreciation.
* {! j+ {: m5 S3 c4 m" p* e* H
- |; w& o1 K0 B! u9 T“Too often” Leo Buscaglia, the author, once said, “we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”) R0 M) S' e& {( ^

2 C8 W4 N- {6 fWe can extend appreciation anywhere and everywhere — at home, at work, at school, and wherever you want to acknowledge those who make your life brighter.
4 T- a) m" ]% B9 G% ~9 m8 z0 Z+ ^) k0 j/ [& _$ B
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-31 19:59 | 显示全部楼层
Are you feeling under appreciated? A little taken for granted?
9 u# o  n% f4 x/ o5 f, `! o  a2 r* I: z8 N, l& C
If you answered yes, rest assured you are not alone.9 I9 k6 V0 v6 |5 S0 M
. s4 }! Y! G% r) c, X
There are plenty of people that go above and beyond the call of duty on a regular basis and get nothing in return. There are others who do simple little actions that make the lives of others easier or more enjoyable. You may be one of them.$ J+ O* @: ~* J6 H; x

* J7 j' C% m: `  t& P7 L2 [/ bIf you’re never told that what you do makes a difference you may think, from time to time,  … well why bother?' A! ?% `/ n7 ?; ]
3 C; F- n3 A& i* n/ e% W% W& a; x
Other people are no different. You may not expect anything in return but it’s still nice to know what you do is appreciated.2 u- E$ A. P9 \8 p4 L
, ^' N! u7 \8 y& k* z
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-31 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
Think about what kind gestures your friend has done for you. What has a co-worker done to make your job even a little more enjoyable? What little things do your family members do for you that you really appreciate?- U( e* n/ u7 \- C
* C0 j: X. p6 T; @
A lot of time we know we appreciate these people and the reasons for it but unless we show them they won’t know. People are not mind readers.: t8 o* j# l/ U0 L3 X

/ I' L/ n1 V* t8 l5 G
  p+ X1 I# ^0 D2 Q/ F3 Y
5 q7 `) r0 n( v1 s$ Y5 _
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-31 20:03 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Here are some really simple ways to show your appreciation for those who impact your life in a positive way.9 E, d# k0 K9 L- @6 K: K2 d
1.A heart felt thank-you note/card." H, ?6 v& e3 F, P7 z3 a* |
2.Gift certificate to their favorite coffee shop.6 P% u; d1 ?. T8 M7 J4 F9 }$ `' D
3.Fresh baking for their early morning meeting.7 h4 B& [" K, G, N1 p8 m' c+ ~% |7 H
4.Fresh cut flowers to be passed around the office. Include a card that says: A little something to brighten your day. I’m yours for two hours then give me away.! i5 C& |& [! D- _4 _. y4 T8 d5 v# O
5.Invite your friend or co-worker out for a cup of coffee or a drink after work.
+ [0 g  `% h& ~: ^6.Lend a hand when a friend or family member is painting or remodeling their home.
! o8 M$ V6 O4 z# p2 A' [/ p% s7.If you know your friend wants to get organized but is having a tough time starting, buy them a book on organizing, some containers and nice notebook.6 D2 F3 w- o; r3 v
8.Cook a meal so they don’t have to after a long day at work.# ?' C( y# n" M) h. o6 e0 }; a
9.Frame one of their favorite pictures.
" S; R) Q2 d" S0 ~7 u% c$ f. R; n10.Share a plant or a plant clipping.
: n% W8 q/ P+ L4 T. r! v11.Pick up some groceries and drop them off on your way home.
4 r; G# P+ k! c0 ]! x12.Return a favor. If your neighbor always shovels your walk way or mows your grass get out there before him or her and do theirs for a change.5 a3 U+ |6 l4 Z. N- K: V/ l% O
13.Watch your niece or nephew for an afternoon to give their parents some time off.
" G3 x: k9 Q0 \) U7 b14.Make reservations at their favorite restaurant.
+ a: K5 `$ T' a$ E5 k$ f15.Make a candle light dinner at home for your spouse.  W+ O& F, \3 [5 v6 o$ a
16.Give a hug. Yes it can be that simple.
  q! |) `5 D2 ?& J4 g6 T! Z17.Tell them what you think they are particularly great at.
- {. g5 \! f: Y5 u( O  b18.Write notes to leave on a pillow, a computer keyboard, or in a lunch box.
9 i1 ~& @. U$ l- U8 K# R4 K& C19.Give a hand made gift. Winter is in full swing here, so how about a knitted scarf or mitts? Or a center piece for their table.
. m9 X2 h. ^( n- T; i20.Make a special day just for them. Plan a day for them around what they enjoy. Go with them if it’s appropriate.
. D& f& w4 E. T6 \' u* oOur relationships with others are what enrich our lives. Take time to show the people who make your life better how much you appreciate them and how much they matter.
7 z, ~% i% @+ y7 \. l7 k. T: f  ?; J* w5 d
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-31 20:07 | 显示全部楼层
If you do only 1, I would recommend number one-the thank you card. I stole this idea from chicken soup for the soul,but in my teaching days, instead of giving Christmas cards to my students (they were grade 8), I gave them thank you cards instead. It was a lot of work (there were 35 of those hormone enraged teenagers) but it was a huge success. Some students actually cried. Some have told me they still have them. And me. Well, it took my relationship with my class to a whole new level. Moral: I guess it pays to steal great ideas and put them to work for the greater good.6 t5 M6 a+ O, v3 s9 x- ?

# {7 J8 c9 ]0 Y
鲜花(993) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-7-31 21:17 | 显示全部楼层
worth reading
鲜花(647) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2012-8-1 19:48 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 summer_tina 于 2012-8-1 20:50 编辑 ' A4 }6 j- R9 k, I; a2 R
" q. J! z# L5 n6 S+ Z- N
感觉俺的有些同事,他们无心听你的赞美。工作就是工作。赞美是私人感情。感觉他们把工作跟私人感情分的特别的清。这样也好,我也轻松。没啥办公室政治。: _" j" C2 w' W- m& q; D5 c7 ~4 p
* G& |- J* j. t/ W所以呢,有时候同事忙,顾不上回复我的邮件,我也理解。公事公办,很好。不掺杂人情。
鲜花(20) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2012-8-3 11:53 | 显示全部楼层
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